Sort-Of Simple Morning

I wasn't mute. I wish I could have screamed it out so they all could hear me, but I couldn't break that vow I had promised to myself. My voice was to remain silent, always, from now on.

See, I had parents. Like any other person, I did.

But there was an accident. I wish I could tell you that I remembered what happened, but the accident gave me amnesia for a few days. And even after, I did not regain any part of my memory of what happened, nor did anyone tell me.

I was angry, but nobody knew. And because of how I acted naturally, nobody could see it either.

So I am still left in the dark.

No matter what anyone has tried, no matter what any person has told me, I refuse to speak. When I thought about it, I had nothing to say.

Well, I guess you could imagine where I live. Some old orphanage, crawling with children and babies, filled with screams and cries.

No. To be perfectly honest, I was happy with that. I live with my best friend Sango. I believe that she somehow knows what happened, but just like everybody else, she's never mentioned a word of it. How I wish that she would. But she knows me better than anybody. Since I don't speak, she reads the looks that I place on my face. I never have to explain. And I'm so happy she knows me so well!

Well, maybe I should just stop talking about myself.

I felt somebody pushing me. Who, I could not imagine, for I was too far gone into sleep, but just conscious enough to realize that something was going on. Somebody was calling my name, I think nearly yelling it, begging for me to wake up. My mind could not comprehend that Sango was doing her usual wake-up call.

Eventually, she just jumped on me. I woke with a start and I heard her laughing away. She looked at me, and my glare said everything she needed to know. But I knew that she knew that my glare was simply half-hearted, considering it was the one I gave her everyday of my life.

Sango latched onto my arm and dragged me upwards. She forced me into a sitting position, and I rubbed my eyes. A small yawn escaped me. I glanced at Sango and saw that she had gotten off my bed and was dressing for school. I believe that she was adorning herself in a reddish-pink top, one that hugged her curves immensely. A baggy pair of beige jeans covered her legs, and then she just pulled on some black boots. Sango was not one who wore makeup or bore any jewelry. She was simply herself, and I know that I once stated (or merely wrote to her) that that was one of the things that I liked about her, being my best friend and all. She smiled and hugged me, and simply said, "You too."

So I got out of bed. I did the same as Sango. Went to my wardrobe, picked out an outfit, and began getting ready. I had decided to wear a pair of skinny jeans, with a green and black striped top. My shoes? Well, they were the simple converse I always wore.

My hair was something short of a mess. I simply brushed it out, but I did so thoroughly, and added a light spray of my anti-frizz stuff. Satisfied, I walked to the corner of my bedpost and hoisted my backpack onto my shoulders. Sango looked at me and asked me if I was ready. I nodded and smiled.

So we went downstairs, out the front door, and into Sango's car. You'll think it's one of those huge fancy ones, but it's not. Sango believed that you are who you are and not by what your car looks like. I agreed. And now that I think about it, we shared similar thoughts on practically everything.

Her car was a small red Honda Civic. I loved how it was so simple. Her finger jabbed down on the unlock button, and I let myself into the car. She always drove because I was kinda afraid to do so.

And we drove to school, the ride only half quiet.

When we arrived at the school, I was only greeted by someone who hated me so much. I didn't really understand why, I never said anything to her ever. I never even glanced toward her and given her any looks either.

Sango saw that she was there too, so her arm linked into mine and we proudly walked past.

I heard a faint, "Bitch." I continued walking. However, Sango turned back and yelled, "KIKYOU'S A WHORE!" I snickered and Sango patted me on the head.

I mean, don't take it personally. Kikyou really was a whore. She has had sex with almost every guy in the school, and her boyfriends seem to change every week. I tried, really, I did, but I could never feel sorry for someone who wore hot pink miniskirts that just went past her underwear, a halter top that always showed cleavage, then thigh-hi boots. Her face was never without makeup, and her hair was black, and always done in some manner that exposed at least a little bit of her neck.

I guess she was pretty, but she never put her beauty to any better use.

After that encounter, Sango and I continued on to our lockers. Convenient, they were right by each other. I think that Sango requested that, but I never actually asked. I twisted my lock and it popped open. A yellow daisy fell to the ground, a small note attached. I bent over and picked it up, twirling the stem between my thumb and index finger. My other hand reached in the middle and tugged the note off. I opened it and saw the writing a bit scribbled, but still legible.

'Go out with me. Tonight, 6:00. -Kouga.'

I laughed a little, just enough for Sango to hear. She turned to me and snatched the note from my hands. Naturally, I let her have it. I didn't hide things from her.

She set it in my locker and scoffed. "He's been asking you out forever. Are you going to ever give him a chance?" She asked curiously. I knew that she didn't mean it harshly, as it sounded, but more as in a laughing way.

I shook my head. Kouga merely wanted to bring my voice back, and be the one to say that he did so. I mean, I thought so anyway. He always encouraged me to show off my 'beautiful voice.' But I always refused. I think a part of me was afraid to speak because I didn't want to hear my own voice.

Well, speak of the devil. Kouga arrived swiftly, and he wrapped an arm around my shoulder. I turned and shrugged him off. "So? What do you say?" He asked, with emphasis on the say. I scoffed silently, to myself. As if I was going to speak for him, of all people!

I looked at him with an almost angry look on my face. I shook my head furiously, almost as if I was going to snap off my neck. His smirk was faltered into a frown, and I turned back toward my locker.

I think that Kouga knew not to bother me, or even try to provoke me. Sango would be on him, knocking his lights out. "Fine. I'll try again when you're in a better mood." He stated. He bent over and took me by surprise. He placed a kiss on my cheek and began to sprint away. As soon as he rounded the corner, my hand went to my cheek and I wiped downward, hard.

Sango laughed. "It's okay Kagome. One day, you'll find the perfect guy to sweep you off your feet! And you won't mind his kisses." She added with a smirk. I jabbed her in the arm gently, and she feigned hurt.

"You know it's true." I nodded my head.

When the bell rang, we didn't hesitate to just get to first period. Again, more to be thankful for. Me and Sango's seats were right by each other. To be honest, school was never a problem for me. Sango was in all my classes, and she always sat by be or behind me in every one of them. My teachers knew not to call on me, for I would not answer their question. Apparently everything had been explained to them.

I sat in my seat and giggled about the conversation we were having.

The bell rang again, signaling everybody to be in class. I turned to look in the doorway, seeing if anyone was going to be late. But two boys stepped in, two of which I had never seen or met before. One with silver hair, and the other with blackish brown hair. My head cocked to one way, and I gazed upon the one with silver hair longingly. I think he sensed my gaze, because he turned to me. For a moment, the look in his eyes was a bit annoyed, but then he smirked at me and gave me a wink. I felt the heat rise in my cheeks and knew I was blushing. I slammed my head down on the desk with a thud.

"Are you alright?" Sango whispered to me. I nodded and she patted my back.

Our teacher was speaking quietly to the two, then she yelled out. "Kagome, raise your hand!"

I rose my hand almost dejectedly, but I don't know why. The teacher pointed her finger towards me, and I lifted my head slightly to see the silver haired boy walking down. He smiled at me then took his place right behind me. Butterflies grew in my stomach, and for a moment, I felt nearly faint.

The black-brown haired boy ended up sitting behind Sango. What luck? I don't know. But Sango turned around in her seat, face flushed, and punched the boy. I gasped and Sango turned to me, a smirk on her face.

"He grabbed my ass." She stated simply. I nodded in response, telling her that I understood.

I felt a nudge against my backside, and I turned slightly to see the new boy giving me a note.

'Hey gorgeous, what's your name?'

I blushed a little, but I also flushed in a bit of anger. I didn't want him to be one of those player-type guys.

'Kagome. Yours?'

I dropped my hand and put it behind me, onto his desk, dropping the note on it in the process. I pretended to stretch my arm back.

And that's how the whole period went.

'Inuyasha babe.'

'Don't tell me you are one of those guys.' (Emphasis on those.)

'What guys?'

'The ones who hit on every girl they meet.'


'So you are.'

'I guess.'

'…. ugh.'


'I was hoping you weren't one of them.'


'-Sigh- Don't be …'

'Well, I still think you're gorgeous. :-)'

'Thanks … -blush- (:'


The bell rang, and I stood up immediately, shoving the note in my pocket. I turned to Sango, who nodded at me. I linked my arm with hers and we began to strut out of the classroom. I looked back at Inuyasha, who had been staring at me the whole time. A blush rose to my cheeks once more, and I waved goodbye. He smirked and gave me a nod.

"What was that all about Kagome?" Sango nudged me in the side.

I shook my head, as if to tell her nothing.

"I wouldn't be so sure. You two were flirting major, I could tell."

Red came to my cheeks slowly.

"Don't tell me you like him already!" She nearly yelled. I covered her mouth and I shook my head. 'No, no!'

… but honestly, I didn't know if I did or not.