Hermione groaned as she attempted to move her legs from their position curled awkwardly beneath her. They hurt, badly, and sent a shooting pain up her spine that quickly halted her movements. She squinted her eyes shut in frustration, they weren't working right either. All she could see was a large blur of white. There were sounds about her. The calls of birds in the background, a shouting of human voices she couldn't understand and the crash of waves quite nearby. The only thing she could be sure of was that it wasn't Hogwarts.
The last thing she could coherently remember Hermione had been seated in Advanced 6th year Potions with eleven other students and Professor Slughorn. Pansy Parkinson and Padma Patil were working together at the front of the room and then there was a low rumbling sound. Slughorn had yelled at everyone to get down and….well, then she had no idea. She was blind, hurt and sprawled across what felt like sand. Her body was so very tired. She just needed a bit more rest. She closed her eyes and let sleep overtake her.
Hermione was woken abruptly when she was shoved in the ribs by what felt like a boot. She groaned and tried to inch back from the figure obscuring the white haze of light. "Granger, you alive?", the figure barked at her. She would know that voice anywhere, "I can't see Malfoy." She yelped in pain as he tugged violently on her arms, "It will pass, you need to get into the shade."
Malfoy groaned as he picked her up from the ground and carried her across the sand before dropping her roughly in a dark shaded area. She heard Malfoy move and speak to someone in the shadows, "I got Granger, I think she is the last one."
A male voice responded, "And she is alive?"
"Has a bit of sunstroke and the same blindness as the others, her legs look pretty beat up but she should be fine. What of the others?"
"Parkinson and Turpin are in rough shape Malfoy, I just don't know what we can possibly do. Macmillian and Boot are watching over them and tending to Potter and Weasley in the meantime. I sent Theo off with Corner to hunt for something for us to eat and fresh water…and then Patil…well you know…"
Hermione attempted to sit up and groaned at the exertion on her body, "What about Padma? What happened to her? Where are we and what is going on?" she felt herself growing a bit hysterical. Every word that they spoke was so very ominous. Someone sat down next to her throwing a bit of sand into the air about her face.
"Granger you need to relax or you will hurt yourself further."
She couldn't place the voice. It was low and even, almost soothing, and familiar in its own odd way. "Who are you?"
He chuckled, resounding deep in his throat, "Blaise, Granger."
A hand gently smoothed back her hair, pulling it from her eyes. She startled at the touch.
"Can you see anything yet?"
She shook her head no, "Some blurry sorts of shapes, you are a darker blob against the horizon."
"That is a good sign, it means your sight will return, just give it some time."
Hermione wasn't sure that even with restored sight she could understand what was going on or be sure of her surroundings. "Zabini where are we?"
Blaise chuckled again, a sardonic sound, "An island of some sort, those dumb birds really fucked up that potion. There is no other land we can see from the beach, no other life on the island. We can't apparate off of here, Nott tried. And, Granger, Patil arrived dead." Hermione choked back a wail of shock as he continued, "The remainder of the class is here, they are in pretty rough shape as it is. I think the boys will make it; Parkinson and Turpin are looking bad. Nott had the same problem as you when we arrived; he has almost full sight back now."
Hermione tried to look about to discern a shape but failed, "Malfoy?"
She heard movement on her left, "Yes, Granger?"
"Why did you come move me?"
"You would have died if I left you out in the sun."
He said it simply, as though it was the most natural thing in the world, like he would have saved her life under any other circumstances, which she knew he wouldn't.
"Given, but why not just let me die?"
Malfoy made a snorting sound, "Sorry Granger, but I don't just go about letting women die in front of me regardless of blood. Unless, of course, I have caused it."
Hermione stilled at the comment, wishing fervently that her vision was better, "So what do we do?" A plan, they needed a plan to get away from here. They couldn't just sit and do nothing. They had to do something, anything, to get back to Hogwarts.
Zabini nudged her roughly, "What do we do? We have been here for over six hours, our wands work but we can't just up and apparate out of here. We're on an island in the middle of nowhere. Really our only hope is that Slughorn figures this out and finds a way to get us back home."
"And if he can't?
She felt his figure grow rigid, "We aren't there yet Granger, give it time."
Hermione sighed in frustration and tried to move again, "Malfoy?"
He growled at her, "What Granger?"
"Will you take me to Harry and Ron?" She heard his movement and felt another body move into her close proximity.
"Must see your golden boys, eh?"
Hermione did her best not to cry, everything hurt so much and she was stuck with only Malfoy to care for her. She had never even so as much as spoken to Zabini prior to this. "Malfoy please! I am blind, hurt and terrified, please help me." A pair of steady hands gripped her shoulders firmly and helped her stand. Her knees immediately buckled under the strain and strong arms righted her then swept her up into waiting arms. She yelped in surprise.
Malfoy spoke close to her ear. "You are surprisingly light Granger." Hermione felt her tension ease as he carried her carefully through what felt like trees and vines. She wondered why she felt safe in Malfoy's arms, perhaps it was just knowing him that brought the comfort, loathed enemy, or not. "Hey Malfoy?
He grunted back at her, "What?"
"Thank you, really."
"Don't pretend you wouldn't have done the same."
Well of course she would have done the same! But he wasn't a hero, he was a Malfoy, and Malfoy's simply didn't go around saving mudbloods.
Draco slowed and lowered her to ground, depositing her in the sand. He moved off a bit to speak to someone else. "Macmillian, I found Granger on the beach finally, she wants to see Potter and Weasley, well I suppose not actually see." He chuckled a bit at the comment.
She heard Ernie's nervous voice respond, "She's blind?"
"Only temporarily, like the others. It should pass in a bit. How is everyone?"
Hermione was growing desperate, "Malfoy? "
"Yes Granger?"
"Are Harry and Ron here?" She felt his arm grip her firmly, "Take my hand, they are just over here." She crawled a few meters before she could see the outline of bodies in the sand. "Harry? Ron?"
"Mione?" Ron called out weakly. Hermione groped about in the sand searching for their bodies. Harry grabbed her hand with a fragile squeeze, "Shit Mione, we thought you were dead…they found everyone else right away, even Padma…but then…"
Ron interrupted, "Wait, how did you get here?" Hermione looked about but couldn't see anyone about them before continuing, "Malfoy."
Harry tightened his grip on her hand, "Did he hurt you?"
"No Harry, don't be a fool. If he had hurt me I wouldn't be here right now, would I? He found me on the beach and brought me in out of the sun and put me in the shade with Zabini. They spoke for a bit, then I begged to see you and…and he carried me here."
"He carried you here?"
"Would you prefer I let her crawl Potter?" Malfoy's deep voice drawled out of the shadows, "She is partially blinded and her legs are injured, she wasn't going to make it here on her own."
Hermione was only just starting to see defined shapes but she was pretty certain Harry had just scowled at Malfoy. "Why the fuck would you do that Malfoy?"
Malfoy chuckled, "Not even a thank you Malfoy? Manners, gentleman, manners. Let us just think about this, shall we? First, as it stands we have eight men and three women, I wasn't about to decrease those odds. Second, Granger is clearly the brightest of all of us. We are bound to need her brains to get out of here, let alone survive here if it comes to that. Thirdly, I believe she is the only one who knows any mediwitchery."
Hermione crumpled her brow in confusion, "Wait, how do you know that Malfoy?"
"I know a good many things Granger. It isn't of your concern how I come about them."
There was a rustle of bushes and Terry Boot began to speak from beside her, "Malfoy we are going to need to form a plan for the night, the girls aren't getting better and the sun is starting to go down. Any word yet from Nott or Corner?"
"Not yet, but we need water. If they don't come back soon Zabini and I are going to go out looking. And, for fuck's sake Granger, stop that!"
The boys turned to look at Hermione who was attempting to stand. Ron raised a tired hand and pulled at her, "Mione just sit will you?"
Hermione turned her unfocused, furious eyes at him, "No I will not sit down Ronald!" She burst into tears, "I hurt, I am tired, blind and filthy. On top of all of that Padma is dead! I just want to make my way to the ocean and get somewhat clean." She attempted to stand again to the chagrin of the others.
Ron and Harry looked helplessly to Ernie, Terry and Malfoy. Draco seemed to be in the best shape of the lot of them, but it really wasn't saying much. Even he looked sore and exhausted, although still arrogant.
Draco scowled at the others before taking Hermione firmly by the shoulders, "Just wait a bit Granger, see if we find any fresh water. I don't have the time to come looking for you if you get lost again."
She scowled and made to retort but a crash from the trees drew all of their attention to Theo Nott and Michael Corner who emerged from the bushes with Blaise Zabini in tow. Their arms were laden with fruit and Blaise was struggling with a dead animal of some sort. Hermione yanked on Malfoy's sleeve, "What's going on, did they find anything?"
He grunted and forced her to sit, "They have food, just stay put alright?" As he moved to meet with the new arrivals Hermione asked softly, "Where are Pansy and Lisa?"
Malfoy froze in mid-step, he had almost forgotten about the other injured girls in the chaos of the last few hours. Their bodies had arrived broken and mangled. Turpin's leg shot out at an odd angle and Pansy was coughing blood with a gurgle from her lungs as she forced shallow breaths. He didn't know how to feel about Pansy, she was one of his oldest friends, and he wasn't sure how he would feel if she were to die.
He shook his head and turned back to Granger, or course she would be the one to survive, the last person he would ever choose to be stuck anywhere with, just his luck. "They are over a bit; Boot has been tending to them."
He could see the wheels turning in her head, "Can I help?"
"Can you mend bones?"
"Can you fix internal bleeding?" The girl paled significantly, "I can try."
"Good enough for me. I'm going to move you again Granger, put your arms about my neck for support." She willingly complied and allowed him to pick her up.
"Oi Malfoy, put her down!" Draco turned and smirked at the redhead, "Make me Weasley. The girls need to be healed and she is our only option." He turned and walked away with the Gryffindor in his arms, not waiting for a response.
After a very short walk Draco sat her down in the sand and turned to Terry, "How are they Boot?"
"Not good…" Hermione could hear the worry seeping out in his tone. There was a low moan from the figures on the ground that Hermione was able to just see the outline of. Malfoy moved closer to one of the figures and knelt down close to it. "Draco I'm going to die!" The anguished voice of Pansy Parkinson choked out with an oozing gurgle.
Malfoy voice softened immediately as he spoke to Pansy, "Not today Pans. I found Granger; we are going to take care of you."
Pansy's attempt at laughter broke into a hacking cough, "Granger? Why don't you just sign the death warrant Draco, the bitch hates me."
Hermione crawled towards the sound of the voice, "I don't hate you Pansy, I really dislike you, but I don't hate you, and if I can help it, you won't die."
Hermione felt Malfoy's arm on her again, "This way Granger, Turpin first." He led her to the prone body of Lisa Turpin. Lisa groaned in pain as she approached. "Listen Malfoy, I can't see anything, if I am going to do this you need to be my eyes. I can cast the diagnostic charms but you have to tell me exactly what you see. Can you do that?" She could almost hear him roll his eyes at her, "Yes Granger, I can manage that."
Hermione knelt next to the girl, "Lisa it is Hermione, tell me where it hurts."
"Everywhere…." The blonde struggled to get out the words as Terry held her hand and smoothed her hair; the sand around her was saturated in blood.
"Be specific Turpin!" Draco barked at her.
"Malfoy shut up!" Terry retorted, and lay a kiss on Lisa's brow, "Hermione it is her left leg and I think her back."
Hermione felt over the bone, a sickening jut from the leg that made her recoil at the touch. She mustered all her concentration and muttered a bone-mending spell over her leg, "Cruris resarcio." Lisa howled in pain as the bone began to knit together.
Hermione turned to what she thought was Draco, "I am going to cast the diagnostic now, there will be a variety of colors, get ready." Hermione could faintly see the glow envelope Lisa's body, a corona of light in the shadows surrounding her.
"What do you see Malfoy?"
"She is mostly blue, a light pink about the left leg, but she is bright red around the neck."
Hermione frowned, "It is the spinal cord. Listen Terry, you have to hold her very still, don't let her thrash her head when I do this." Terry moved, "Okay, I am ready." Hermione took a deep breath, "Okay Lisa, this is going to hurt but you will be okay, collum resarcio." Lisa screamed as if she was being tortured and struggled to push off Terry and Malfoy.
Hermione smoothed her hands over Lisa, "Lisa, you will be fine, I promise. I am so sorry we don't have a potion for the pain, but you will be healed by tomorrow. I can perform a bit of pain relief if you need it?" Lisa bit out a strangled, "Please!" Hermione inhaled deeply, focusing on drawing the pain away from Lisa and into her own body. She swayed under the additional anguish on her form and gasped sharply.
They had been focusing so intently on Lisa Hermion wasn't even aware she was reeling in pain and moaning until Malfoy grasped her tightly to his chest to steady her, "Always have to play the hero, eh Granger?"
She tried to think of a witty retort but failed miserably, instead gasped for breath loudly and clung to him tightly, much to her own chagrin. She took a few breaths to steady herself before forcing out, "Pansy…" Malfoy held her still, "Not yet Granger, give yourself a minute." She shook her head, "She may need that minute Malfoy, take me to her, please."
Draco looked over at Pansy sadly; the girl was curled into a ball of pain, makeup smeared down her face mixed with dirt and blood. As he approached her Pansy shook violently, "Draco don't let her touch me…" the girl half wailed in terror.
"Pansy you are going to need to trust me, I won't let anyone hurt you, plus Granger can hardly see or walk, she won't get far if she does anything to you."
"Thanks Malfoy." Hermione gritted out through teeth still clenched in pain. Pansy was in much worse shape than Lisa. From the initial diagnostic it appeared she had a severe concussion, a punctured lung, three broken ribs and internal bleeding from her liver. Hermione took a minute to clear her head and formulated a plan for healing. She wasn't a healer by any means; the few things she had bothered to study wouldn't fill a wizard's first aid manual. And yet she was the only one with any clue, but if she were to actually harm Parkinson she could never forgive herself.
Hermione steadied her wand and began, first clearing Parkinson's head from the trauma and reversing some of the cranial damage. She then healed the three ribs and tried to staunch some of the blood flow from her organs. Pansy had screamed so loudly throughout the ordeal that Ernie, Blaise and Theo had joined the small group in the clearing, watching her work.
Hermione turned about in desperation, she was still cripplingly blind and the punctured lung was going to take everything she had left in her. "Someone needs to knock her out before I can finish."
Pansy gasped, "No fucking way, get the mudblood the fuck away from me!"
Hermione paled at the phrase, she was doing the best she could and still Parkinson had the audacity! "Pans, she is helping you, lay off the swears."
Hermione looked quizzically at Malfoy, "Thank you Malfoy…now I need you to put her under…she can't handle this otherwise." Draco raised his wand and quickly knocked her out. Hermione steadied Pansy's body with the last of her strength then used poured all of her power into repairing the torn tissues. Pansy's body jerked up under the strain and convulsed.
Hermione could distantly her someone screaming in anguish, it seemed to surround her body and envelope her as the world turned black about her.
Chapter End Notes:
So there it is, the end of chapter 1. Is this worth continuing? I have about 20 chapters left. Give me a review, let me know. All comment, questions, reviews appreciated.