~The Story of the original Five~

"Hey all you wild cats and dogs out there in Anime Land, I'm the Grand Kai but you can just call me …The Grand Kai!" Plays his guitar and does a bunch of insane movements. "I'm the narrator of this here story!" People run and scream from every direction after hearing this news one of the many people shout `AHHHH IT'S A TWISTER IT'S A TWISTER' they continued to run. The Grand Kai ignores all this as if it wasn't happening. He starts playing guitar and even ads a little singing in. All the people collapse in horror twitching at the sound of his out of tune voice one of the many people fall to their knees clutching their heart `KAMI HELP US ALL' he too falls and starts twitching like the rest. "Alright all you dudes and dudetts," Grand Kai said smiling, (we can't get our computer to show us the dude form for a girl) "I'm here to tell you what really happen to Bibadi when our very own you know him as the Supreme Kai (or Shin) defeated him over 3000 years ago." Everyone gets up and holds hands as they starts singing the Cinderella Song `Bippity Boppity Boo' while swaying back and forth.

"But before I tell you about that side of the story," The Grand Kai said strumming another song on his guitar, "I have to tell you about the origin of the five young Kai's. Known as the Unlimited Kai's! YEAH BABY!" People scream `NOT THE YEAH BABY COMMENT' the poor people run for there life's trying to find an exit but realizing they are trapped within the circular dome…with the Grand Kai. `AHHHHHHHHHHHHH WERE STUCK HERE WITH THAT MANIAC' people give off ear piercing screams one puts his hand to his head and shouts `NOOOOOOOO TORTURE GOKU INSTEAD' The Grand Kai surrounded by his own music doesn't hear there cries and continues to play his guitar.

"All right all you groovy guys and gals now let me start this radical story," Grand Kai says doing a little dance. People stare at him as if he's mad no etch that he is mad. `WERE STUCK WITH A MAD MAN' People scream with horror then drop dead and start rolling on the floor. They have all been driven to insanity.

"All righty then to begin over 5000 years ago five new addition to the Kai family were born," The Grand Kai says jumping around. "One of the five was our one and only Supreme Kai Shin. YEAH YEAH BABY YEAH! TA TA TA TA-does a little dance in the air- YEAH! OK well back then he wasn't known as the Supreme Kai in fact he wasn't the Supreme Kai! He was just a regular bum like the rest of the five! These five Kai's controlled the elements, which include Earth, Fire, Wind, Water, and Heart! Guess which he was? YOU GUESSED IT! He was HEART! Lucky Fool! Now that you got the basic info you can move on to the more difficult part of this story! WHO WERE THE OTHER FOUR OR THE FIVE YOU ASK?! Well tough luck I'm not telling you now you'll have to wait!"

"Our story begins on the Planet Vegeta…NOT!" the Grand Kai says grinning, "Actually it all begins on the small planet similar to the four Kai's North, South, East, and West. This is right here the home for Shin and Kibito. Now at the time Shin was not the grown powerful serious guy we know to day in fact he was only five back then. Believe or not I'm just as stumped as you. Oh yeah and at this time Kibito was not his assistant in fact he was assigned to be Shin guardian. Or how I say babysitter. The poor sap. This planet was designed to be Shin's training grounds but from the looks of things back then he wasn't really training, and so our story begins…"

"WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE THIS IS FUN…CATCH ME IF YOU CAN SLOW POKE," Shin said racing around the fields of the small planet as Kibito tried his hardest to catch the little monster as he put it.

"SHIN YOUR SUPPOSE TO BE TRAINING NOT GOOFING AROUND," Kibito said attempting to make a swipe at him but failing falling face forward into the ground, "owwww…"

" I AM TRAINING," Shin said smiling, "I'M PRACTICING A-JILL-LADY."

"It's agility Shin," Kibito corrected finally catching him.

"Yes Yes I know what you're thinking," Grand Kai cuts in, "And yes that purple kid with the Mohawk and weird outfit is indeed the Supreme Kai amazingly, wonder who did his hair shies. It's as bad as those Sayians. Oh yeah the story ahem…"

When Kibito had finally caught the tiny monster he found that the boy was kicking and screaming to be put down even biting him. `This is suppose to be one of the Unlimited Kai's?' Kibito thought sighing, `Expect me to be stuck with the dieses one.'

"All right Shin that's enough training," Kibito said while rubbing his back, "oh my back -he muttered- come on Shin it's time for your studies."

"NOOOOO NOT THE STUDIES," Shin cried kicking and squalling harder, "HAVE MERCY! NOT GEROGE-ALL-LOW-GI!"

"It's Geology Shin," Kibito corrected once more dragging Shin in by his neck collar.

"YOU CAN'T MAKE ME," Shin yelled, "I WON'T STUDY!"

Inside the small house we find Kibito taping Shin to a chair and forcing him to learn Language Arts. "You need this badly," Kibito said turning on the overhead lights showing a paper with pronunciations of words.

"This word is pronounced Astronomical," Kibito said, "Now you try."

"Ass-stroll-large-comic-hall," Shin said smiling. Kibito knew he had purposely mispronounced that word just to anger him.

"NEXT WORD!" Kibito said moving on. As he was talking Shin made shadow puppets on the overhead. Kibito turned his gaze to the wall only to see a shadow dog frankly chewing on the A in Animosity.

"Fred the dog loves letter," Shin said continually making his shadow puppet eat them, "Bark bark the dog says as he eats the big words off the screen and saving me from work." He started imitating the dog he so forsakenly created.

"SHIN!" Kibito yells causing the boy to jump, "Are you taking any interest in what I'm teaching you?"

"Uh…no," Shin said plainly giving off his large grin.

"How are you to learn anything if you do not at least listen to me," Kibito said sighing.

"Why would I wanna listen to you preach the good letters," Shin said, "I might die of boredom. I'm already super smart."

"No," Kibito said, "The only thing your smart at is being a smart-aleck."

"I'm flattered," Shin said smiling.

"THAT'S IT!" Kibito said snapping the ruler he was holding, "I'VE HAD IT WITH YOUR SASSY MOUTH! OFF TO BED AND NO SUPPER!"

"But it's still light outside and I'm hungry," Shin complained.

"GO!" Kibito said, "NOW!"

"NO!" Shin said folding his arms.

"THEN I'LL MAKE YOU!" Kibito said, as he was about to grab Shin someone interrupts. The East Kai enters the room.

"What's going on in here," She said putting her hands to her hips, "I can here you all the way from the other side of the cosmos."

"I was just sending Shin off to bed," Kibito said calmly.

"Why are you doing that?" East Kai asked puzzled, "Aren't you suppose to send him to the convention?"

"AH!" Kibito said wide-eyed, "I TOTALLY FORGOT ABOUT THAT!"

"I'll take him to the convention," East Kai said, "Come along now Shin." She and Shin left the small house.

`Saved by the hag.' Shin thought happily as he trailed behind the East Kai. As they left Kibito rejoiced.

"I'M RID OF THE BRAT!" Kibito yelled jumping up and down with joy, "THANK THE STARS!"