A/N: Ok, this is going to be kind of a series of oneshots, each the perspective of one of four characters, who are all connected to eacother in some way or another throughout the story...I hope it works! Oh, and I made up an officer, so there's no confusion. lol I don't expect it to be too long, but if you insist, I might just have to make it a full blown novel! ;) Hope you do!!

"…Titanic will founder."

Those words pierce into me like so many knives. The Titanic, the ship of dreams, the unsinkable ship, is sinking. Sinking. And we're going down with her.

I look to the Captain, searching for an answer in his face. I find nothing. Then, slowly, he turns and walks out of his quarters, only a few men following behind. The rest of us are motionless. Shock seems to grip us all by the necks and our bodies seem useless to control the building reality.

"Well, then, let's get a move on! Ready the lifeboats!" Officer Murdoch shouts to us firmly, yet he looks as if he might wretch.

Officers dash around me, their eyes locked on their route, their minds planning their next attempt to save a life, their legs taking them where they need to be.

But my feet won't move, and my heart is plummeting into my stomach. You're trained for this, Robert, I fumble inside of my head. Just do your job, and it'll be alright. We'll be alright.

"Officer Carrell, what are you doing?" Mr. Thomas Andrews is staring at me hard, his eyes adamant. "Get to your post, man, we haven't much time!"

And so I go. But I nearly trip on my shoe and ram myself up against the doorframe. I kick the wall and head out into the crowded corridor.

Men are whizzing past me, their footsteps hard, their faces solemn. Behind those faces do they feel the fear that's strangling my insides? Fool. Get yourself together!

I reach my post outside on the frigid deck next to an empty, covered, lifeboat, tied down to the floor. Swarms of men in navy blue suits and caps jump in to start untying the boats lined up along the side. Metal levers are cranking and ropes are slipping and men are pumping and shouting and my head is spinning. Officer Lowe steps up beside me and puts a hand on my shoulder.

"Don't worry there lad, you know what you're doing. You'll get it done." His smile is weak, and I think I feel his hand shaking - or is that the ship? He's been a good friend to have on this floating dream, with about as much experience as me, if not more, in sailing. And he never lies.

I stand up straight, my shoulders back, and as he walks away, I begin my job.

"Undo those lines to the right, men!" I bellow with a voice I didn't know I had. "Keep tight there, now! Steady does it, steady now." I'm waving my arms this way and that, the sleeves on my heavy jacket crumpling in my ears. A man slips on a piece of ice to my left and a grab hold of his shirt. He grunts a thank you and quickly continues his business. I feel the command of an officer replace my timid, panicked, self. I know what I'm doing, and I'll sure as anything get it done.

But suddenly, an overpowering darkness clouds my mind as I see two people inside my head. A woman, not much older than me, her hair in a tight, chestnut bun, her eyes screaming out to me. And next to her, a girl, not yet nine, with the same brown hair intertwined on both sides of her in braids, her hand grasping for her mother and her face searching mine.

How could I have forgotten?! With a jolt I abandon my post and dart down the deck.

"Robert, where are you going?!" Lowe shouts after me.

"I'll be back! Cover for me!"

A/N: Ok, this chappie was short, but I'm just gettin' started. Bear with me if I don't update right away, I'm crazy busy!Leave a little comment for me plz!! XD