Chapter 2: Captain Jack Sparrow

A/N: I forgot to put in a disclaimer at the start of this story! I'm a idiot!

Disclaimer: I do not own any recognisable people, they and the whole Pirates of the Caribbean plot belong to Disney! But someday I may own Captain Jack Sparrow...but until then, he belongs to Disney as well. I only own Judith, I don't own Nissa as you'll find out in a minute. I'm not making any money on this; it's just for fun and to occupy my otherwise empty head.

Thank you to the real Nissa Burke for letting me use her in my story. That's why I don't own Nissa, because she's a real person...except her real name isn't Nissa Burke. And don't ask me what her real name is, because I ain't saying!

Chapter 2: Captain Jack Sparrow

We follow Jack all the way to the other docks where he momentarily disappears. As soon as we've caught up with him, he has his back to us and has been stopped by two Navy officers: Murtogg, and Mullroy.

"This dock is off-limits to civilians." Both men move to block Jack from going near the Interceptor. Both of them look over Jack's shoulder and spots both Nissa and I. Jack follows their gaze, looks at the both of us, and gives a small smile before turning back to answer the two airheads. I start to fan my face with my hand. Jack smiled at me! Nissa rolls her eyes.

"Seriously Judith! What do you see in him?" She whispers, looking at said Pirate captain, and wrinkles her nose in disgust.

"Everything!" I reply. "Now shush! We're gonna miss all the fun!" We go back to watching Jack and the peanut gallery.

"I'm terribly sorry, I didn't know," Jack says to the guards, smiling slightly. "If I see one, I shall inform you immediately." He makes to move past them, but they move in between him and the dock yet again.

I continue to look at Jack's back...well actually his backside. Nissa snaps her fingers in front of me pulling me back out of thoughts of grabbing said ass.

"Stop looking at Jack's ass." She hisses.

"It's not my fault the man has" I smile. Upon hearing this, Jack looks around, and gives a cheeky smirk before talking to the guards again.

"Apparently there's some sort of high-strung and fancy to-do up at the fort, eh? How could it be that two upstanding gentlemen such as yourselves did not merit an invitation?" Humana, humana, humana.

"I'm sorry love, but what does 'Humana' mean?" Jack asks, turning back around and facing me.

"Oops! Did I say that out loud?" I turn to Nissa for confirmation; she nods and tries not to laugh. Jack on the other hand is still looking at me questionably.

"Nothing. It doesn't mean anything." I reply, going slightly red in the face. Jack gives a knowing smirk, but Murtogg brings Jack's attention back.

"Someone has to make sure this dock stays off-limits to civilians," Murtogg answers nervously, his face turning a bit red. Someone must be a bit freaked by a certain pirate...not that they know of course.

"A fine goal to be sure," Jack agrees, "But it seems to me," Jack continues, "that a ship like that -" Jack walks away from the guards, who shuffle to block his path again, and points at the Dauntless. "- Makes this one here seem a bit superfluous, really."

"Oh, the Dauntless is the power in these waters, true enough," Murtogg replies, "but there's no ship that can match the Interceptor for speed."

I give an un-lady-like snort, and the three men look at me. I decide to steal Jack's line.

"I've heard of one. It's supposed to be very fast, nigh uncatchable…the Black Pearl." I wait for the effects of this. Jack looks at me with his eyebrows almost in his bandana, and the Navy Officers look at me bewildered.

"There's no real ship that can match the Interceptor!" Mullroy sniggers. Murtogg waits a few minutes, before starting the argument over whether the Black Pearl is real or not.

"Black Pearl is a real ship," Murtogg argues.

"No. No it's not," Mullroy says firmly, rolling his eyes.

"Yes, it is. I've seen it."

"You've seen it?"


"You haven't seen it!"

"Yes, I have!"

It's like watching a Tennis match, looking from one guard to the next. I let out an audible yawn, but neither of them notices. Jack tries not to laugh, and I give him a huge grin. The airheads are still continuing with their argument that they didn't see or hear me being so un-lady like.

"You've seen a ship with black sails, that's crewed by the damned and captained by a man so evil, that hell itself spat him back out?" I pretend to spit something out, making the same noise Davy Jones does in Dead Man's Chest, and Jack has to hold his mouth to stop the laughter from escaping. Nissa just rolls her eyes, shakes her head, but is doubled over in silent laughter.

"No," Murtogg says, smiling. God, this man is a complete idiot.

"No." Mullroy looks at us pointedly. Jack gives him a small smile; his expression clearly says that these two are like a married couple.

"But I have seen a ship with black sails," Murtogg argues back. Jack waves his hand and when Nissa and I look up, points to the Interceptor. I grin and nod, and we side step the arguing pair and creep aboard. Jack immediately takes his place at the helm, while I just look at him. Even from here, I can still hear Murtogg and Mullroy's argument.

"Oh," Mullroy says in mock surprise. "And no ship that's crewed by the damned and captained by a man so evil that hell itself spat him back out could possibly have black sails, therefore couldn't possibly be any other ship than the Black Pearl! Is that what you're saying?"

Murtogg smiles. "No."

Mullroy grins smugly at his partner. "Like I said, there's no real ship that can match the Intercep -" I laugh. Man, those guys are Stupid!

"Hey!" Murtogg shouts, jumping aboard the Interceptor. "You! Get away from there!" I sigh and climb up to the helm to stand besides Jack.

"You don't have permission to be aboard there, mates!" Mullroy says us, climbing up after Murtogg. They raise their guns.

"I'm sorry," Jack says to the guards. "It's just…its such a pretty boat. Ship," he corrects himself immediately.

"What's your name?" Murtogg asks Jack suspiciously.

"Smith," Jack answered easily. "Or Smithy if you like."

"What's your purpose in Port Royal, Mr. Smith?" Mullroy asks, looking from Nissa and I to Jack. Both of them take in our current state of dress. I don't think it's such a good idea to have been dressed like a Pirate, but we didn't know this would happen.

"Yeah, and no lies!" Murtogg puts in angrily.

Jack takes his hand off the wheel. "Well, then. I confess." He takes a few steps closer to the guards, who step backwards nervously. "It is my intention to commandeer one of these ships, pick up a crew in Tortuga, raid, pillage, plunder, and otherwise pilfer my weasely black guts out."

I snort, looking at the peanut gallery. Both look like Jack has just slapped them.

Murtogg's jaw drops. "I said no lies!"

"I think he was telling the truth," Mullroy whispers.

"If he was telling the truth he wouldn't have told us," Murtogg says exasperatedly.

"Unless of course you wouldn't believe the truth, even if he told it to you," I point out.

"And what's your name girl?" Murtogg asks, turning to look at me.

"My name's Judith, and I'm not a girl." I reply, giving him a glare. Mullroy looks down at my low cut loose off white shirt.

"You look very feminine to me." I move my glare to him instead, he backs off.

"I meant, I'm a woman!" I growl. Jack puts his hand on my shoulder and stops me from pouncing on Mullroy. I have a habit of growling and snarling when angry. I back off and calm down. I give Jack a smile.

"And you, what's your name?" Murtogg asks, but in a quieter voice, looking at Nissa.

"I'm Nissa." She replies.

Both guards look at me.

"She your servant?" Mullroy asks. My eyebrows shoot up so far, they must be lost somewhere in my hair.

"No!" I snap. "She's my friend! And why would you ask such a stupid question?"

"Well, she's not exactly white, is she?" Murtogg puts in, nodding to Nissa, who has cafe au lait skin.

"Just because I have dark skin, doesn't make me anyone's servant!" Nissa all but screams at the two Navy guards.

"I have dark skin." Jack puts in. Both guards are taken aback; they obviously forgot about him. "And ye don't see me walking behind someone!"

"Of course not sir!" Mullroy says. He looks over at Nissa. "I'm sorry Miss, I didn't think-"

"That,"I say, "is obvious! And besides, her skin isn't that dark, just like a darkish tan!"

Nissa doesn't say anything, but sits down on the quarterdeck, arms and legs crossed. I forgot how racist people back in the 1700s were. I sit down beside her, and put my arm around her shoulder.

I sigh and think to myself for Elizabeth to hurry up and fall to create a distraction. I sit by the wheel and listen to Jack telling Dumb and Dumber one of his stories.

A/N: Haven't really changed much of my original POTC fic, just a few things. See that little lavender coloured button on the bottom left side of the screen? Press it and leave me a nice review. Reviewers get a cookie of their choice. And a kiss from whichever character is their favourite from POTC.