
Warning for Finale Spoilers.

This isn't the worst moment of Sokka's life. True, they're on a mission to save the Earth Kingdom from total destruction, which doesn't always make for the best of times. But even though debris is crashing around them and Sokka knows—can feel—Toph's fear, and maybe somewhere her gratitude, it's not so bad.

As Sokka's eyes squeeze shut, the chaotic world around him disappears and Toph is all that's left.

His body is wrapped around hers and Toph's curves and all are pressing into every line of his torso, and Sokka wonders without flushing

when did she get those, what did I miss

but really, even if they weren't in this situation, he couldn't bring himself to ask. How fair would that be, to Toph? Ever since Zuko took him to that prison a month ago, it's been Suki this and Suki that, with hardly any time for the greatest earthbender he's ever known.

It's not until right now, holding her in his arms, that Sokka realizes that he's missed her. And Toph must have missed him a bit, too, for all of her tough talk.

It's not like latching on Katara will do her any good—his sister has her own relationship problems—and Aang's not her type. Zuko: well, maybe, but it seems that he, too, has bigger issues to deal with than twelve year old girls.

For some reason, Sokka doesn't even consider the thought of his best friend and his girlfriend becoming close.

But he hasn't been much of a best friend to Toph, tossing her away like she was only a Suki stand-in. He's protecting her now, true, but sometimes wounds like this hurt worse. Though in his own defense, can Sokka help it if he hasn't seen Suki in months, and wants to catch up with her?

It's more than that, though. Sokka knows what it's like to be left behind, forgotten, and it's only now he realizes that he was the one to abandon Toph. It may not be something that's always so obvious, but Sokka knows that even if it doesn't show, he's hurt her.

Hurting her seems to hurt Sokka, too, like a knife to the gut. Sheltering Toph is something Sokka has done, but somehow failed to do. I will stop this, Sokka tells himself. He'll balance it all out, Toph and Suki alike; he really will.

After all, he can't explain why, but even though the thought of losing Suki hurts that much, the thought of losing Toph hurts even more.

But then the moment, so short and yet so long, is over, and they're pulling each other along, inch by inch, step by step.

Thud, thud, thud, their feet go on the airship, like the beat of Toph's heart cradled against his.

And as they run, Sokka promises himself that next time he'll do a better job of protecting her.

A/N: Inspired by Moonsheen's The Sun, which was in turn written for the 'this isn't the worst moment of my life' challenged on lj. I built this off of the fact that, yes; Sokka has been neglecting Toph a bit since he found Suki--or it least, it could have happened. Hopefully she'll win his attention back soon enough.

If it seems like there's too much for a few seconds, remember how much can pass through a person's head in so little time. If it still seems like too much...well, then, I'm always open to contstructive critiscm :) Hope you liked it!