Skip Beat! is by Yoshiki Nakamura and is licensed in the United States by Viz. I encourage everyone to purchase the manga. I think of fanfiction as free advertisement. There are many things I've bought because I enjoyed fanfiction that crossed into a new fandom.
Takes place in volume 13, could be spoilers through volume 18.
Heart Stamp Prolog
"I was confident I could do this well with you Ms. Momose," Ren said. He'd just passed the president's test for approval to continue as Katsuki in Dark Moon. Kyoko started to phase out as her thoughts turned towards fear, so afraid of falling in love.
"Oh god! Watch out, don't let the ball of light touch you!" screamed the two people who had run onto set. And there it was, a ball of light moving around quickly in an almost random pattern. "It's our science experiment, we're not positive what it'll do and we don't want to recreate it." At this the various people on set began to move away from the light whenever it got near them. With one exception… Kyoko. Who was so focused on her thoughts that she hadn't even noticed the ball of light or the people who were chasing it around with some sort of vacuum looking machine trying to catch it.
"Kyoko! Watch out!" cried Ren in warning. But it was too late, it had hit her.
For a moment Kyoko just glowed. Kyoko began to panic as she noticed what was going on. Then the light kind of split into three balls of light and settled onto the ground and grew into three more Kyoko's. Each looked different from the original Kyoko and from each other too. There was Kyoko in a long flowing dress, with her dyed hair back in place, although it looked like she was growing it out since the roots were very black and growing out. There was Kyoko with a sort of goth motif going on. She had long black hair braided behind her wearing black leather pants that were form fitting. Her shirt was barely there, black too and very revealing of her stomach. She even wore dark makeup that somehow looked good on her. And there was the last Kyoko, she wore jeans and a cute t-shirt, almost looking like normal Kyoko with her brown hair cut short, just a little different.
"OH WOW!" screeched one of the scientists. "It worked! Sort of."
"Great," said the other scientist sarcastically. "Only now we've got to remake it because she didn't get out of the way."
"Still! We know it worked. We can make this our test study case. It's not like we really could influence the results when we don't know her."
"What's going on?" demanded Ren. "Why are there four of her?"
"Well, you see…" began the first scientist, a young woman who, like most women in Japan, had a thing for Ren, who was standing right there in front of her. She couldn't do it. She couldn't talk to him, her idol. Oh God…
"We're trying to experiment in alternate realities," said the other scientist, a young man who wasn't about to waste time he could be working on science with things like TV. "These should be possible future versions of her."
Author's Note:
I'm hoping you all like this. This should end up being 5 chapters in all including this prolog. I will refer to the Kyoko's as Original Kyoko, Hippie Kyoko, Goth Kyoko, and Normalish Kyoko.