Finally updating this, sorry it took so long. As a person who has spent a LOT of time in hospitals, I think I'll share some of the horrors.

ABC's of Edward Elric

"H" is for "Hospitals"

"Gah, I hate this stuff!"

I looked up from my book at Brother, who had his flesh fingers pinching his nose shut as he spooned up another bite of 'dinner.' The small sheet of paper that marked the meal to ensure the patient was getting the right diet had said that it was chicken penne marinara, orange juice, tea and a chocolate chip cookie. It looked like macaroni with ketchup and canned chicken flakes, they forgot the juice, the tea had milk in it and the cookie made a sickening thud when Brother had accidentally dropped it against the tray. There were times I was glad that I couldn't taste a thing.

"I'm sure it's not that bad, Brother."

"I'd rather have another run in with Nurse Feely!"

Of course Brother would bring that up again. The poor man had only been doing his job, trying to help give Brother a sponge bath to keep the burns from getting infected. Brother hadn't wanted a male nurse in the first place (Though I think that has something to do with the pretty redheaded nurse he'd spotted when he'd been admitted) and had complained since day one that the man was "creepy." Nurse Rich was a nice enough man, but that didn't Brother from transmuting his scrubs into a sort of itchy wool that would surely give him a rash.

I shake my head as I watch him chew on a noodle, his lip curled up in the corner and he was eyeing the milky tea with distaste. I saw his flesh hand snake down and pull at the tape covering the burn on his right shin.

"Stop that."

"But they're itchy! I hate this! I hate hospitals!"

"Next time, don't put Jell-O in Mustang's gloves and you won't end up in one."

Brother's face split into a mischievous grin that said all too well 'it was worth it.'

I knew I wanted this to be about hospitals, but I didn't know how Ed got hurt. It came to me while standing in Safeway looking at Jell-O. My mind works in the weirdest ways. The stockboy thought I was nuts when I burst out laughing.

No matter how good the meals sound, make friends with the guy at Tim Hortons.

Be kind to nurses. As far as things go in hospitals, they are God.