Hello faithful reader, Sorry I haven't updated in awhile. I was waiting to get fifteen reviews.

And I realized something, last chapter I spelt Snape as Snap, that was stupid.

Well here's the story, finally.

PS. I'm having the most evil writers block. If you have any ideas for the story, or something you would just like to see happen, that would be a great help.

One more thing I need to know what you want to do for the Tri-wizard tournament. Before the next chapter. Witch three swords-men do you want to enter. (There entering as one person and doing each challenge with a different swords-men)



Laurel Thatcher Ulrich:

Well behaved women rarely make history.


Tai's Pov

I awoke to a loud, unbarring, screeching noise torturing my ears. My eyes snapped open and I jumped out of the bed to cover my ears. I took the time to look around the room in hopes to find the noise that would dare cause my ears such pain.

I was successful, one of my roommates was at the top of her bed glaring at a cockroach, she screamed every time it moved its antenna. Why the hell was she making such a commotion about a little bug.

After about five seconds of covering my ears trying to block out the sound of girls screaming I lost my patience. I stomped over to the cockroach and stomped on it. I could feel its body crush under my foot, its blood felt warm against my feet. I reminded me of when people would be stupid enough to try and break into our, the seven-swords men's, house and try to assassinate us. I would crush there heads with my foot after Zabuza sliced there heads off.

It was a relief that the screaming stopped. I looked up to see every girl in the room staring at me, most had a look a look of discus.

"Eww, why would you do that?" One girl asked me.

"Because I wanted the screaming to stop." I replied coldly.

"B-b-but, you have the blood and guts all over your foot." Roommate 1 said shakily.

A cold cruel smile found its way to my lips. "That's the best part." I said before leaving the room.


I exit the common room for Slytherin and made my way to the great hall. Today we had no classes, that was sad for me because I loved to take potions. But its no use to complain, complaining is for the weak. That's what the said in Kairi anyway.

I finally made it to the great hall and entered, I walked over to the table I liked to call, 'table of fan girls and really annoying black headed girls.'

I sat down in t my usual spot, beside the black haired girl, Momo, and Fleur.

Momo, whom had named herself as my best friend, smiled at me. I hated her. I hated that smile, I hated that hair, I hated those blue eyes, I hated her for having a crush on Haru. Yep I hated her for that. Honestly I don't even know why. Probably because he's my teammate. After all we cant leave him here. What if we find a way home and he's so head over heels for this girl he wants to stay. Zabuza would make girly-girl Haku come over here and live. Raiga would stay, Kisame would stay, and if Kisame stayed the twins would stay. And then they wouldn't let me go home. That's why I think I hate her anyway, but I'm still not to sure.

I looked at her and put on a fake smile, "Hi Momo." I replied to her greeting smile. I wanted to kill her really bad.

"So Tai I wanted to ask you something." Momo said looking at me.

Here it comes the words I never wanted to hear from this girls mouth.

"You see….I…kinda'….like this boy…..he's a friend of yours….his name is Haru." She started.

Oh how I wanted to punch her.


After the worst breakfast I ever had in my life it was time to leave the great hall. I got up and started to the door when Flitwick and Poppy came running to me.

"Miss Tai we need to speak to you."


Kisame's Pov

I had just entered the great hall and sat down at the teachers table. I looked around before I started eating because I felt a blast of killer intent.

My eyes stopped on none other then Tai, I should have guest.

I went back to my food. Fish, chicken, pork, cow, turkey, and some meats that I even didn't know what they were.

I love meat but they added to much fat and unhealthy stuff to there food here. I really starting to miss dango, ramen, bean past, teriyaki, even sushi. (sob)

I decided I wasn't hungry. Who the hell eats meat this early anyway.

I start to walk out of the great hall, but Mc-what's-her-face stopped me.

"Kisame, we need to talk." she said to me.

"About what?" I asked looking her straight in the eye. There was a twinkle in her eyes that said I was going to suffer and she was going to enjoy every minute of it.

30 minutes later

"SOMEBODY SAVE ME!!" Kisame screamed running across the top of the lake on the Hogwarts grounds. Behind him were hundreds of mermaids with heart filled eyes chasing after him.

"IT'S THE FISHY-FAN-GIRLS!!" Kisame cried running across the lake as fast as he could. But even with all those years of training to become a shinobi he could not escape the fan-fish.


Haru's Pov

This was a strange day. I could tell as soon as breakfast was over. Why and how could I tell? Because as soon as I was done eating Moody walked up to be grabbed me by the back of the shirt and dragged me out of the great hall, with Hagrid following slowly behind us. Now I'm not one to complain, but this was a little uncalled for.

He dragged me around for a few moments before I heard a door open. The next thing I now I'm flying threw the air with the sound of the door closing.

Looking up I saw something I never wanted to see. At least ten girls were staring back at me. This was not good.

"So your Haru?" One of the girls said seductively. This really wasn't good.

"Moody asked us to help you with your fear of women." Another girl giggled. So this planed. And the enemy knows my weakness.

"But with that Tai girl I'm not surprised." Another girl snarled. I frowned at her, Tai's mean and all but she's not the reason I fear girls. To tell the truth there are times when I'm glad Tai is around. She's always saving our backs.

"She's not that bad." I said trying to defend Tai the best I could.

The girl looked shocked to hear that. "Not that bad. This morning she crushed a cockroach with her bare feet."

Well that's not surprising at all. In fact that's normal for Tai. She has a bad temper and tends to crush things when angered, but she has a good heart.

"That's what makes Tai…..Tai." I defended timidly.

"Riiiiiiiight." The girl said rolling her eyes. Well that's rude.

"Well lets have some fun." Another girl cut in before I could try to defend Tai more.

"Your right." The other girls said with evil smiles.

Yep, this isn't good at all.



Zabuza's Pov

It had been a strange day indeed. I was patrolling the castle, in high hopes that I could forget about Haku for a day.

But that was before I saw Kisame running away from fish-people. The I saw Moody dragging Haru to somewhere. Then I saw Tai running from Flitwick and Poppy. THEN I saw Snape and Sprout running about with the twins. Yes it had been a strange day.


Harry's Pov

I just took a seat at the Gryffindor table with Ron and Hermione. I started eating my food quietly. I listened to Ron talk about the goblet for awhile, but he stopped and gasped. I turned to see what he was gasping about and nearly gasped myself.

Haru had just walked into the great hall, but he wasn't normal looking. His hair was everywhere, it was messy, his robes where ripped at places and out of place, but worst of all, there where lip-stick marks all over his face and neck. The poor guy looked like he was about to kill himself.

He walked straight to the Gryffindor table and sat down next to Fred and Gorge.

"What happened to you mate?" Fred asked.

"Yea, you look horrible." Gorge finished.

"Moody….room…girls….truth of dare…spin the bottle…make over….horror….no." Haru replied not making a bit of since.

Tai walked in the hall next.

She looked pissed. I didn't want to bother her at the moment. And it didn't help that she came right over and sat next to Haru.

"What happened to you?" She demanded when she saw Haru.

"Moody….room…girls….truth of dare…spin the bottle…make over….horror….no."

"What ever." Tai replied.

When Kisame and Raiga walked in with Ranmaru. Kisame look like he was so tiered he was about to fall over and die.

"Come on Kisame." Raiga demeaned the poor blue man.

"Shut (Huff) up (huff) you bustard." Kisame replied practically crawling to the teachers table.

"I'm going to die here." Kisame cried out. "Tell my wife and kids I love them."

Kisame has kids? Now there's something to think about.

"Shut up, you don't have a wife or kids!" Tai shouted.

"That's not the point." Kisame yelled back.

"Yes it is!" Raiga yelled back.

The twins entered with pleased looks on there faces till they looked at Kisame.

"What happened to you?"

Kisame looked up. "The fishy-fan-girls."


Zabuza's Pov

What the hell? Fishy-Fan-Girls? How did that happen.

Kisame and Raiga finally reached the table and Raiga immediately started collecting food for Ranmaru. Kisame just let his head fall on the table.

I turned to Mc-what's-her-face. "What did you do to him?"

She turned and smiled at me. "Took him to meat the fishy-fan-girls."

Ok. That's not weird at all.

"Where's Dumbledore?" I asked, noticing the older-man wasn't there.

As it God what'd to answer my question the doors to the great hall burst open and in walked Dumbledore smiling as if he had done the greatest task ever.

"Zabuza, I have a surprise for you." He stated in a sing song voice. That announcement got everyone's attention.

Dumbledore stepped out of the way and reveled a girl about Haru and Tai's age. She had long black hair and soft brown eyes, and wore the ninja gear she always wore on missions.

"Zabuza-sama." The girl said.

"Haku?" I asked almost not believing my eyes. All the seven-swords men's heads snapped in the girls direction.

I jumped up. I couldn't help myself. And I ran over to her.

I pulled down my bandages and kissed her.