Chapter 10 – His and Her's Secret

Author's Note: Hi there! I finally finished this chapter! Enjoy and please leave a revie behind I would really appreciate that!

Mamori went outside the school building. Sena saw her and said, "Mamori-neechan! Is Hiruma-san okay?" Mamori wiped her eyes saying, "Hey Sena! Well Hiruma-kun is fine, he just needed rest."

Then the Devil Bats kicker, Musashi approached her saying, "Anezaki-san, is there something you need to tell us?" Mamori asked, "What do you mean Musashi-kun?" He continued, "You've been acting strange lately ever since Hiruma's been rough on us in practice and training. What's going on?"

Jumonji agreed, "He's right…"

Togano continued, "Both of you…"

Kuroki finished, "Are acting strange…"

Suzuna said suspiciously, "Hmm… Is there something going on between you too?" Mamori had to lie to them, "N-n-nothing, nothing's going on. It's none of your business." Musashi said as soon as Mamori finished, "What do you mean none of our business? You have never said that to us. Not even to Sena. Tell us what is going on? Does it have anything to do with Hiruma's parents? We're all worried here."

Mamori said softly, "I… can't…" then she raised her voice while she was facing them with tears in her eyes, "I really can't okay!" She returned to the normal volume of her voice, "Just go back to practice, I don't want the rest of the team get involved with Hiruma's past." She opened the door to the clubhouse and closed it behind her, "Neither do I…"

She sat on the ground crying.

Musashi told the Devil Bats, "Hey, back to practice. Let's give Hiruma a time to rest. We still have game to finish. Now… go!" Everyone went back to their practice.

As Sena and Monta were ready for their running practices Monta whispered, "Hey, Sena do you think Mamori –chan has a relationship with Hiruma-sempai? I mean Mamori doesn't tell us what is really going on and she's keeping it a secret to us." Taki raised his leg and said proudly, "Ahaha! It is a secret isn't it and she said to mind our own business." Yukimitsu agreed, "He's actually right…"

As the Hah brothers practice their blocking Jumonji whispered to his friends, "Hey, you guys do know they are acting strange right?" Kuroki agreed, "Yup, Mamori is hiding something from us" Togano quickly followed, "Yeah, I agree".

Kurita whispered to Komusubi, "You know Komusubi I'm worried about Hiruma. He never acted like this before. Even though I don't know about his own past and his parents, he would never act this way at all. I hope he's fine."

Musashi practiced his strong kicks. Each of his kicks was stronger than the previous one, he thought, 'Damn! What is that idiot doing? First he gets brutal at us in training, then he faints, then his parents appear here, and Anezaki-san keeps everything a secret! What's going on! Damn!'

He kicks the ball so hard that it went flying in the air and no one saw it again…

Author's Note:

"Not all secrets are meant to be kept secret"

Hi! Well here it is… Do you guys want me to write what happens in the game?