NFL Reunion

By: speed and write

Disclaimer: I do not own Eyeshield 21

Summary: Before the new school year starts, something will shock the Devil Bats especially Hiruma. What is it? What could it be? Is it really worth something for him? Or is it something to regret? Meanwhile Mamori realizes her feelings for him.

Author's note: Okay! It's my second fic! This shocked me because I never thought I could write this.

Chapter 1: Flyer

It was spring break. The Deimon Devil Bats had their usual training everyday. Ever since the victory in the Christmas Bowl they were frequently visited by lots of fans.

Then it started to change.

One day Mamori was going to the clubhouse. On the way she was thinking about Hiruma. She couldn't stop thinking about him

She sighed as she holds the doorknob of the clubhouse.

She looked down and saw something.

She picked it up and opened the door.

The thing she picked up was a flyer.

She read the flyer, "Special NFL game tomorrow 2-5pm at Tokyo Stadium. Special Guests are the Deimon Devil Bats!"

She shocked by this.

As she was about to read the rest of the flyer,

Hiruma burnt it.

With a flamethrower

"Hiruma-kun!" Mamori said, "Why did you do that?"

Hiruma didn't answer, and he went into the locker room.

Mamori was wondering why he would do that.

After morning practice, the players were packing up their things. They left the clubhouse and straight to their homes.

When Mamori was about to leave, she realized Hiruma was still there.

She peeped inside the locker room and she saw him.

The devil sat on the bench looking down and angry, he was clenching his fists and he stood up and kicked the bench.

The bench flew and broke into two.

He turned his head and saw Mamori.

Mamori closed the door and laid her back at the wall.

She was really shocked than ever.

She never saw Hiruma like this.

And it's all because of the flyer.

She quickly grabbed her bag and left the clubhouse.

Hiruma left the locker room and looked at the table.

He was in fury.

Authors note:

"Sometimes anger can scare your friends, everybody, and even yourself and it could hurt you in the process."

Can I ask you all a question?

What could be good name for an NFL team? It can be anything.

Give me a suggestion pls.

Please read and review