There she slept. There she slept on his bed. There she slept on his bed with him. There, Lenalee and Allen slept side by side without a care in the world, not one. Daylight broke, as the gleaming sunshine struck through the window and hit Allen's eyes, waking him from his slumber. He stared up at the clock, 5:30. Another day in the Order, he thought, another mission to go on. A sudden breath hit his neck, a warm breath, her warm breath. He smiled at the sleeping form beside him, hugging onto his arm.

The Order had roared in Festivities yesterday night as the safe coming of the generals to the Order finally came. All four of them had been there, and all of them didn't take much to the party at all. Instead, they drifted off somewhere else but the other member's had not noticed their disappearance. Instead, they had drank, they danced, they ate, they did anything and everything that had kept the night lively. Lavi had been randomly flirting with girls, saying that they were his type. Kanda, well, Kanda never seemed to like crowds or people so he had been in his room, meditating his troubles away. Komui had been running from Rever, who had hounded him to sign papers. It was truly a lively night in the Order, forgetting all troubles of Akuma and the Millennium Earl.

Her sleeping form was pure, elegant, and beautiful, Allen Walker thought. In his mind, she was the closest thing to a angel he had seen. They had said he was loved by God and at the moment, he felt as if he was blessed. The wheels of fate had played in his favor as he laid in bed with his beloved.

And what of Allen Walker? It was a shock to the Order as Lenalee had asked Allen for a dance. As Komui was trying to object to this, Rever had continued to chase him across the room, trying to get him to sign paperwork. The two danced the night away as if it were only the two of them in the room with no one else. It was as they wished, in each others arms without the threat of the evils of the world. She had fallen asleep on his chest, as they were slowly waltzing.

It was not too soon after he brushed her cheek that she had woke up. It was just as she imagined, waking up to see the face of her beloved. She smiled and hugged his arm even tighter.

"Good morning Allen-kun."

The ring of her voice made him blush. Her voice, ever so soft. Her tone, ever so elegant.

"Good morning Lenalee."

He carried her to his room, wary of Komui, who could be around any corner. Allen knew if he carried Lenalee to her room, there would be no key for him to open it with. He slipped her onto his bed, covering her in his sheets and climbed into the bed as well. There, he fell asleep right next to his beloved to wake up to her the next morning.

"I should be going now. Oni-chan gets worried if I leave his sight for even a minute. Thank you for last night." She said, getting up as did Allen, both heading towards the door. "I'm looking forward to the next time we'll be able to dance."

She kissed his cheek, leaving a red faced Allen that was dumbfounded. Happy, but dumbfounded.

"I'm looking forward to it as well Lenalee."

:] Okay, two stories in two days. Creativity works when you take a break from tennis due to injury. I had spent awhile back thinking of how to approach this and I guess writer's block isn't stopping me right now. Maybe it's not like Allen to bring her to his room but I guess give it some imagination. R&R and I'm hoping I can update next week.