Bella Got Sick!

Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight, or the marvelous Edward Cullen. cries

Summary: Bella gets sick! One – shot. Rated K. FIRST FANFIC! Review please!


"Ugh!" I had just woken up from my bed, but I guess I had sat up a little too fast. Now my head was throbbing.

"Bella? Are you alright? Can you see how many fingers I am holding up?" Edward started throwing all these random questions at me. I didn't know what to say. He took that as a bad thing. "Oh my goodness, I better call Carlisle." Next thing I knew Edward was talking rapidly on his cell phone.

In the mean time, all of the commotion made my stomach hurt. I ran to the bathroom and emptied my contents into the porcelain bowl. Oh no. I think I had the flu.

Edward came running into the bathroom. "Bella? Are you alright? You must be very sick!" concern coloring his voice.

"No Edward! I just have the flu. I get it all the time", I saw a look of pain fly across his face, and I remembered how he had experienced the 'flu', "and no Edward. It is not the Spanish Influenza.

"Bella. I love you, beyond belief. I will be right by your side until you are better. So, now I am going to take your temperature." Somehow he had managed to find the thermometer. I didn't even know where it was! I heard the beeping and looked at the panel. It read 102. "Bella, take these." (Tylenol) I ran the water from the faucet to get a cup of water, but Edward already had one in his hands. I popped the pills in my mouth and forced the pills down. Then, I collapsed. "Bella, we are going to the hospital right now." He started dragging me away.

As soon as I heard hospital, I tensed and grabbed the toilet. "No, Edward. I'm just tired and sore. Let me sleep, if my fever isn't gone by tomorrow afternoon, then we can go… to Carlisle." I had to push the words out of my mouth. I was so sleepy. He pursued his lips.

"Alright Bella. But, I cannot agree with the Carlisle part of the deal. Carlisle is coming over today and if you are not better by tomorrow we are going to the hospital!"

Fine. I started trudging towards my room. Bad idea. As soon as my feet hit the carpet, I fell. Apparently I wanted to make-out with the floor. But, two cold, strong hands grabbed me before impact. He swooped me up and walked into my room. Next thing I knew, I was already in my bed. "Goodnight Edward." And I was gone.

EPOV (picking up after Bella fell asleep)

I watched my love sleep. She looked so peaceful, even though she had this horrid disease. I had just become acquainted to the silence, that it surprised me when she started talking.

"Edward, the monkeys stole it. I promise." A few tosses and turns. The fever must be doing this to her. "WAIT!" She cried out. I was becoming anxious, I hoped she wasn't having a bad dream, but then she started giggling like someone was tickling her. "Dumbledorf, STOP!" She became serious. "I do not have your fish, now, give me my slipper, and I'll be on my way."

Oh how much I love her.