Author: Gilove2dance
Title: Vast

Prompt #40-Universe of rayneshippers' mini challenge table created by bugchicklv
Rating: G
Pairings: Rayne in all its godliness
Disclaimer: Joss is boss, I'm just a lowly minion.

Word count: 100 exactly
Author's notes: Man it's hard to do 100 words…I had to keep shortening it until it was 101…finding one word to delete was so hard…I loved them all! But I managed it by deleting three and adding two adjectives…haha.

The bridge was empty except for a man and a young woman sitting in the copilot's chair. They were simply staring out the windows. The man's arms wrapped around the woman's waist, hands resting contentedly on her stomach. She, leaning back against his strong body, her head resting on his shoulder.

"I always wanted to go into the black. Billions of stars and galaxies. So vast. Have you ever imagined seeing the universe in its entirety?"

"Nah. But I'm lookin' at my 'verse righ' now."

River looked back at him and was caught in the vortex of Jayne's blue eyes.