OKAY, just to let all of you know, I am bisexual, so I need at least a BIT of lesbian-ness in my story, but I promise that it won't be often, cuz I know you come to this story cuz you want yaoi, lol….unless you want it often, if you do just tell me! X3

And for Angelic Fatility, who asked if Haru and Kyoko are gonna be an actual couple….I was thinking about it, I mean...I have this thing that I want everyone in my stories to end up with someone, even if the couple is completely messed up….xD

This is gonna be my last update for a while, what with school and all….sorry! D: I love you all


Haru peeked around the corner, her lips puckered with determination.

"Haru-chan, should we really do this now?" Kyoko was blushing; knowing that once they found Tsuna, there 'acting' would begin.

"Of course! There's no better time than any time!" Haru exclaimed.

"Ah…y-yeah!" she said sweating.

"Kyoko-chan, there they are! Let's go!" Haru said grabbing her hand and lacing there fingers; and walking in Hibari's and Tsuna's direction side by side. Kyoko was blushing furiously, out of embarrassment (come on people)

Tsuna noticed them walking toward them, hands connected.

"H-Haru, Kyoko-chan, hey there!" He seemed confused.

Haru looked over, fake surprisement written all over her face. Kyoko half smiled, her eye twitching.

"Oh! Tsuna-san! We absolutely did NOT see you! We were just too lost in each others passionate love!" Oh my god, Kyoko could have died right then.

"Wh-what are you talking about? Love?" Tsuna was really confused now. Love? Passion? And those words were in the same sentence as Haru and Kyoko.

"You haven't heard Tsuna? Me and Kyoko…

Here comes the punch.

are lovers" As Haru said this, she put her hand on Kyoko's waist and the back of her neck, kissing her lips softly and firmly.

Oop, there it goes, Tsuna's brain. Lost for the next ten minutes, eyes rolled in the back of his head, and mouth gaping like a hole.

Hibari got annoyed, "If you plan on rotting his brain any longer with your hentai, I'll bite you to death."

Haru smiled, "Of course not! Let's go Kyoko-chan!"

And so they hopped off.

"That went great! Did you see his face!? He's sure to be ours within the next few days!...Kyoko-chan?"

Poor little Kyoko was in worse condition then Tsuna, face bright red, and twitching.

"It wasn't that bad…was it?"

"Haru-chan! We can't do this! I knew we would be acting… but the kissing is too much! And…and...it was my first kiss! And…" Kyoko started crying.

Haru's eyes welled up. She crouched down and hugged Kyoko to her chest.

"I'm sorry Kyoko-chan, but…think of it this way, were doing this for the one we love, were doing this to save Tsuna-san from that man. And besides…that was my first kiss too." She blushed.

She looked up into Haru's twinkling eyes.

"But if you really don't want to do this anymore, then we won't."

She never noticed before, but Haru had extremely gorgeous eyes. She leaned up without thinking, and pressed her lips into the others perfect pink ones.

"Haru-chan, I'm ok, really. I want to do this…for Tsuna." It seemed that the last part was needed, even thought she didn't want to add it on.

"Were going to need lots of practice then!" The purple-ish haired girl jumped up, running both of them to a near by closet.

Yes…practice. That's all it is.

Somewhere else, Tsuna was having a brain fart, Hibari frustrated with not being able to have their daily 'session'.

--Oh em GEE--

Yes, practice. For now. TEEHEE, I'm so excited. Lesbian-ness make me all fuzzy inside. Now, once again, it's gonna be rare for me to write any smex scenes for these two, unless I get lots of people who want more than I give (greedy people ;D)