New story!! Blood and chocolate Inuyasha style!! Hope you like the story!! enjoy!!


For centuries he tired of these traditions but as being prince of the werewolves he had no choice but to be present to them. Tonight was the night of the full moon when the pack would come together as one then hunt together. Sesshomaru sighed as he watched his mother Sakura give a speech on ruling the humans and that 'we are the superior beings'. He could agree with her on that, humans were below their species and therefore were termed as nothing but food.

However he was superior to them as well. He was the purest of the rare silver haired wolves. His father Inunotaishio was a great leader and also a rare one and by slim luck met his mother who was the same as well. My father. He thought. His father worked so hard to do what was right by the pack that he never thought once about himself. A century ago he died in the heat of battle protecting him and his mother from hunters who had found their location.

Afterwards they relocated to Romania; their lineage remained here deep in the legends of history and the people. Here humans knew where they belonged and when they all walked the streets whether alone or together, the streets were cleared of their path. This is the way it should be all around the world.

As tradition the next alpha takes the throne but not entirely. Sakura was termed queen until it came time for Sesshomaru to step up but he would have to take a mate by his side. That way he could have an heir to the throne in case something unfortunate happened…again. But Sesshomaru didn't want a mate and he didn't want the throne. He was power within himself and over the past century since his father's death, the pack had turned unto ruthless creatures torturing their victims before killing them. They had turned into monsters and he would not lead a pack of savage beings.

"Son" his mother's cold voice called out to him.

Sesshomaru walked beside his mother and let his aura sprang out over the crowd. They bowed to his power and waited for his permission. Sesshomaru stripped his clothes not wanting to rip his expensive suit. The other pack members stripped as well and the males howled to the moon as the females stared lustfully at the alpha male upon the rock. Sesshomaru inwardly cringed in disgust and he transformed. The cracking of bone and tearing of skin came natural to him and he bared no pain. Although he remembered the time he first transformed as a child it was the most painful thing he felt in his life.

Sakura stood upon the large rock beside her son as he transformed. Silver hair shined under the moon's gaze and his golden eyes were bright and clear. She smiled at how beautiful her son had grown and the cold demeanor he held about himself. He was the complete opposite of her former mate and for that she was glad. She knew her son knew nothing about Inunotaisho's affair with that wretched woman hunter and she would keep it that way until the day she died. She would not have her son turn into a human lover and ruin her reputation again; no she would not allow that to happen.

Sakura shed her clothes and transformed, her hair shined beautifully in the moon but her son was much larger than her and she gave him a lick on the head. The other pack members watched in awe as they stared at their leaders upon the rock and they all transformed. All 100 wolves roared to the moon. Mostly all had the mixture of brown and grey fur, or brown fur but none in the crowd had completely black covered fur. A black haired wolf was rarer than anything on the planet.

Sesshomaru howled a devastating roar throughout the woods, birds flew from their trees and taking to the sky finding shelter elsewhere then the pack were off. Twigs snapping and leaves rustling under padded feet broke into the silent air. Not far off there were a group of tourists camping out at least about 15 humans were sitting around a fire talking and drinking.

One elderly man had a gun in his hands warily looking around. He heard about the tales of creatures running the night in Romania. Although he didn't believe in such things he had came prepared in case they were attacked by something normal like a bear.

Sesshomaru crouched low keeping his eyes on the one he would feast on. Snarls sounded from the back of him and someone crept up beside him. He snarled warningly at the wolf who back downed immediately. It was not their place to hunt beside him or before him. They are getting out of control he said telekinetically to his mother.

They are acting as they should…as you should she said in a snarl. With a growl Sesshomaru rushed forward in a blur and captured his prey by the neck. The humans jumped up and screamed scattering about in the clearing. From the corner of his eye Sakura jumped on a defenseless man and began to tear his throat apart. The others caught the humans by either jumping on them or chewed at their legs. Soon enough the screaming ceased and the gushing of blood and meat tearing filled his ears.

Sesshomaru had had his fill and looked at the woman he had killed. Her blonde hair was stained with blood and her eyes closed. The wide gaping hole on her throat ceased bleeding and her skin was still warm. Sesshomaru licked his lips and walked away. Two other wolves ran headlong for the carcass and began to savagely feed into the woman. Sesshomaru glanced in disgust and headed for the outskirts of the forest, now the only thing he wanted to do was go home and sleep.

Sesshomaru looked for his mother and saw her feeding on the human she caught along with her lover Naraku. Oh how Sesshomaru hated him. He was not of the silver breed but half of black breed of wolves. Naraku was an alpha only because of that and he held that over his head. Being only half royalty he was a lesser alpha so Sesshomaru still had control over him but Sakura rightfully gave him some rights as a full headed alpha. It angered Sesshomaru that Sakura had rutted with someone who was as crazy as her and that would only bring problems in the near future.

He had walked to a nearby stream and wiped his face clean of any blood. He checked his long silver hair for any imperfections, finding none he headed back to his clothes and put them on. When he buttoned up his shirt there was a slight rustling behind him he didn't need to turn around because he knew who it was. She came up to him every full moon hoping that he would change his mind about mating her. He wouldn't.

"Sesshomaru you're not going to celebrate with the rest of us tonight." Kagura said behind him.

After hunting they went to an exclusive club. Humans resided there and most deemed it fun to play with them before they fed again. "I have better things to do"

"Oh putting yourself above the pack I see" At his snarl she said. "It will be fun maybe tonight is the night"

Sesshomaru sighed before facing her. "Kagura I will not say this again. You will not be my mate. If I mate someone she will be my equal and not one of you savages"

Kagura red eyes sparked. "savages? You are one of us yet you call us savages hmm maybe it is not a good idea for someone such as you to be our leader"

Within a second Kagura was on the ground holding her throbbing cheek. Sesshomaru stood over her in a dominating manner, his eyes red and flowing. Kagura lowered her head knowing that it was disrespectful to look him in the eye. After what she just said she just ruined her chance with the most powerful werewolf in Romania.

"When I come to rule this pack you will obey me and respect my presence, if you ever speak out of term again I will not hesitate to rip your head from your body." He said in a snarl.

Kagura showed her neck in an act of submission and whimpered. Sesshomaru turned around and disappeared. Kagura got up and dust herself off. She would show him that she could be his equal. As she pulled on her clothes the others came back clean of blood but she could sense that they were out for more meat. When Sakura and Naraku came to her she bowed slightly.

"So how did it go this time?" She said with a knowing smirk.

Kagura stood. "He still refuses me Sakura; he said he would only mate someone that would be his equal"

Sakura smiled. So her son wanted someone as strong and intelligent as him. Sure Kagura was a beauty within herself but in strength and smarts she compared none to Sesshomaru. Finding a woman such as this would be a hard one for Sesshomaru, so she had to look a bit harder for his tastes.

Naraku stood beside his lover and heard what Kagura said. That wasn't entirely the reason Sesshomaru denied her. Kagura was his sister and she did have only half of the blood of the royal family and Sesshomaru did not accept half breeds. But Kagura was the second alpha female of the pack and if he kept refusing Sakura would force him to mate with her. Oh he couldn't wait to see the look on his face. But first she would need a little push.

"Maybe your son does not want the throne, Sakura" He said hoping she would catch the bait. "He does not spend time much with the pack members"

Sakura glared at Naraku. "How dare you make such an accusation? In time my son will take the throne and he will rule with his mate"

"Time is running out, Sakura" Naraku was not at all fazed by her anger. "He will need to mate before he comes into heat; you do not want him to mate a human by mistake would you?"

Sakura stiffened. He wouldn't do that to his pack or to his reputation. But from experience she knew that when the heat takes over there was nothing you could do. She would need to take action and now.

"I will talk to my son Kagura, and as for you Naraku I will deal with you later."

Sakura turned to the rest of the pack, their clothes were n and they were ready for a night on the town. Sakura raised her hands and a devious smile played on her lips.

"Have fun, my children"


Sesshomaru walked the late streets of the alleyways. He did a lot more walking than taking his car for a drive. The few people on the street steered clear of him staring at his broad back as he turned the corner onto the street where he lived. Mostly all the houses in Romania were infested or broken down but still fashioned in beauty. There was one house that appealed to Sesshomaru and he had bought it 5 years ago. It needed a bit of a fixing but he had enough money in his pocket to change whatever he needed.

Sesshomaru opened the door to his home and slipped his jacket on a leather chair. Turning on the lights to his large kitchen Sesshomaru took out a wine and glass before heading up to his bedroom. The house was a two story building with five rooms and a larger room which he made his. When he rebuilt the house he still kept the original structure of the house arranged it more of a Grecian style since he liked the history of the Greeks.

Striping his shirt off and sitting on his king size bed Sesshomaru sipped his wine and let the thought he forced in the back of his head come to light. Dealing with Kagura was one of them. He was getting annoyed by the simpleton when she would bother him to no end trying desperately to crawl into his pants. Just like the rest of the women in Romania. He sighed. More and more everyday the feeling to search for a mate was urging within him. He could just feel the heat creeping on his skin.

Putting a hand behind his head Sesshomaru wondered just how his mate would look. He thought about this every night and a smile would pull on his lips. Would she have blonde hair and eyes of autumn leaves or would her hair be the color of blazing fire and eyes of an oncoming storm of grey. Would she smell like peaches or honey, be tall or short. With a groan Sesshomaru shoved hi thoughts away; he would not spend his nights fantasizing about such things.

When the time comes fate would tell him of his mate and he silently prayed that she wasn't anything like his pack.

Okay first off. Their are two royal family of the werewolves. The silver and black. Sesshomaru and his mother are the last full blooded silver and Naraku and Kagura are only half of the black. So these four are the alpha male and female. Sesshomaru does not want to rule this pack of werewolves because they are out of control and have disgraced what his father died protecting. Sakura is just as montrous as them and Naraku is no better so he pretty much stays to himself.

So tell me what you think and i'll dish out the next chapter probably today so stay tuned for the next chapter.

Sesshomaru's Miko

P.S i think i do pretty well for a werewolf fic!! CIAO!!