Disclaimer:i do not own Criminal Minds it's only in my mind.

I'm sorry this chapter took so long I'm not sure i like it but i hope you do.

I hope you all enjoyed this story a special thank you to dayana82 for encouraging me to post this story. Also thank you to all of you who reviewed.

As Derek's lips touched hers, Penelope wondered if this was what they talk about in the movies. She never knew a simple kiss could feel like this. But then, she thought, there's nothing simple about this kiss, before she lost the ability to think at all.

Derek thought he had never felt such a need to kiss someone before. He knew that one kiss would never be enough, that he would never get enough of this woman. She was the other half of his soul. She was his goddess, his baby girl, and if it took him a life time of making sure that she knew how much he loved her, then that's what he would do. He would follow her to the end of the earth if he had too.

As Derek ended the kiss, he leaned his forehead on hers and took her hand in his. He placed a kiss on her palm and then looked into her eyes.

"Baby girl, do you know how long I've wanted to do that?" Derek asked.

"No, how long?" she asked

"For the longest time, i have had these wild uncontrollable thoughts about you. I have had theses fantasy's and i thought i was going crazy, because you thought of me like a brother. Well at least i thought you did and i didn't want to do anything that was going to jeopardize our friendship, but baby girl i love you. I am in love with you. Crazy in love with you. I want to spend the rest of my life in love with you. Please don't take that job, i need you here with me, please don't go.

"Oh Derek i love you, you are the only man i will ever love, are you sure this is what you want?" Penelope asked.

"Oh baby girl, i have never wanted anything as much as i want this. I'll quit the bureau and move to wherever it is you have that job just to be with you, if that's what it takes to show you that i love you" Derek said with a smile.

"Oh Derek, you'd do that for me?"Penelope asked with tears in her eyes.

"My goddess, yes I'd do that for us. I'm not about to let the best thing in my life get away from me."Derek replied.

"But it's to late i have already given my resignation." Penelope said with a frown.

"Don't worry baby girl, if there's one thing i know about Hotch he is not about to let his best computer tech get away without a fight. Also you are not the only one who knows how to make red tape go slowly" Derek said with a laugh.

"I love you Derek Morgan. I don't think i could have survived without you in my life," Penelope said sincerely.

"I love you too Penelope Garcia and you are never going to find out. Now that i have got you, i am never going to let you go." Derek said as he pulled her close for a kiss that held the promise of all their tomorrow's to come.
