Chapter 0ne: Beginning of Nothing

It was clear to everyone, even to himself, that Hanataro was hopeless. Not only in fighting, but with love too. Out of all the 13 squads in the Seretai, out of who knows how many people in the 13 squads, out of all ways and places to trip and land on his face, he fell in love with someone who it would be impossible to have. One of the Ryoka. The Quincy Archer, Uryuu Ishida.

Deep down, he figured it was bad enough that he was helping Ichigo save Rukia, as much as he wanted her to be safe and alive, but loving one of the group was a lot more than betrayal. It was more like suicide. It twisted his thoughts when he stared out the window, watching him walk the streets and it put bruises on his heart every time he saw him and meet the cold glare from behind the glasses. Why Uryuu didn't like Hana, he would never understand, but it would hurt more to be away from him, since being near him took away most of his thoughts and replaced them with fear.

Hana sighed, turned away from the bright moon outside of his window, and laid on his bed, not even bothering to change out of his clothes.

"Why am I feeling like this? I ve never really spoken more than a few words to him….I don't even know him….This is stupid." He thought. He looked back to the window and yawned softly.

"Will I…be able to forget him….when I go back to the Soul Society?" He wondered, drifting off to sleep, waiting for his dreams to take him into the arms of the Quincy he longed for. Instead, his dreams took his to a field of colorful flowers, blowing in the breeze. He looked around curiously, then looked up to find who he had been waiting for. He smiled, then giggled shyly, a soft blush appearing on his cheeks. He ran to the other boy, catching himself before he could fall. He stopped and laughed as he tried to catch his breath. He looked up, staring into the cold, framed eyes he was used to that glared from the bright sun, taking some of his happiness away.

"U-uryuu!" he chocked, trying to remember how to breathe.

"…Why do you keep following me around?" Uryuu asked, folding his arms across his chest.

"W-w-well, I…" Hana blushed, scratching the back of his neck.

"Hm. Don t talk to me anymore…" He turned and walked away into a never-ending abyss of dark. "Its bad enough that I have to be with Ichigo….but another soul reaper….never."

"N-no! Please, wait!" Hana cried hopelessly, falling to his knees, failing to hold tears back. He hears something shatter, like glass. His heart?

"U-uryuu….don t go…." He sobbed. He was all alone.

Hana turned and trembled in his sleep, griping his pillow tight and holding it close. His dreams were too much like reality, which upset him sometimes. This was not what it was supposed to be like. They are supposed to be a place of peace. Whatever he imagined. Hana was supposed to be in the Quincy s arms. He was supposed to have chills go up and down his spine when he wrapped his arms around him and whispered in his ear. He was supposed to brush his cheek, and to be pulled into a sweet, soft kiss to be informed that he would never leave him. Everything was supposed to be perfect. His dreams should be where he can be truly happy and carefree, unlike in reality.

"I-is that…..w-why you hate me?" Hana cried in his sleep.

Hanataro sat up in his bed and rubbed the sleep from his eyes, releasing that it was morning. It wasn't any other morning though. A few weeks ago, he had decided to join Ichigo s school, and today would be his first day. He looked at the clock. 7:14.

"Awww! O-oh no! I can t be late! Not on the first day!" He jumped out of bed, changed, fixed his hair, brushed his teeth, grabbed some toast, tripped over something, and ran out the door, having to run back in to grab his bag. He checked his watch at the front of the school. 7:33. Perfect. He had exactly 2 minutes to figure out where the hell he was going. And check into the office. Great. So much for coming in early. He was given his schedule, which made him even more confused about where he was.

"Let s see…..Homeroom: room A122.….aw!" Hanataro, not watching where he was going, bumped into a man much taller than he was, surrounded by 3 other men.

"Well, what do we have here?" The first man asked through an evil smirk.

"Uhm, I-I m sorry!" Hana screamed. "I-I m trying to find where I m going….."

"Aw, so you're the new kid?" A different man asked.

"Y-yes I am! Do you know where-" Before he could finish, he was pushed to the ground and surrounded.

"Aww! W-what are you doing? I-I didn't t meant to-"

They only laughed and moved closer. Hana knew what was going to happen. He was beaten up over a million times back in the soul society. The human world was no different. Hana crawled into a corner and covered his head under his arms, attempting to protect himself. Before he could scream for help, someone stepped in front of him.

"You sick bastard. Picking on the weak and defenseless. What the hell did he do to you?" a strangely familiar voice said in an angry tone. "I can t stand people like you."

'W-weak? Defenseless?' Hana thought. He looked up and blushed when he realized that Uryuu was defending him. That, and the serious eye candy in front of him. He could have taken a lot more advantage to that, if he was any other person at any other time. He remembered his dream and comparing it to now, it seemed like this was more like the dream.

" Are you alright?" Hana snapped back into reality and looked up into the framed eyes he had been dreaming about.

"uh….ahuh." Hana stuttered.

"Being new must be rough."

"Y-yea it is. And I-I ve only been here a few minutes!"

"Your Ichigo s friend, right?"

"Y-yes, I am! My name is Hanataro Yamada. Nice to meet you. Well, talk to you. We've probably met before!" Hana replied nervously. This was his first time really talking to uryuu.

"Uryuu Isida."

Hana watched as Uryuu picked up his paper off of the floor.

" A122? So, your in my class……"

"O-oh. C-can you show me where it is then?"

"…..this way." He walked away, with hana close behind. Hana couldn't help but look him up and down. He was flawless. And the light from the sun always shown on him perfectly, making him look even more beautiful.

"Are you….sure your aright? They didn't do anything to you?" Uryuu asked to break the silence. "Your bruised."

"Huh?" Hana looked at his left arm. He was right. "Y-yea I m fine. They didn't t do anything…..I must have just hit something….." Uryuu looked at hana, then back forward. Hana looked back to the floor, a soft blush making its way onto his cheeks.

"H-he s acting like he really cares…..a-and he s in my class. Can I……am I really awake yet?"

Authors comments: Well, this is my first fanfiction! and the first ever ISHIXHANA!! XD I looked on here, deviantart, photobucket, and, yes, google. NOTHING. I know its pure crack but I love them both would be like the relationships Im always in. Unreturned love. lol. Im actually proud of this though its a lot for nothing right? x3