Here it is. The final chapter of this story. How will this problem be solved? Read and find out.

Chapter Five- The Solution

Demon Inuyasha growled from his tree perch. He was fuming over his inability to wield Tetsusaiga. It was his sword and he alone should use it. But, how could he get it if touching it alone burned his hand?

He looked at his dominant hand and flexed his fingers. The burn had faded some time ago, but the memory was still fresh. It infuriated him that he wouldn't hold the sword while his weaker half could.

'Hmm. If I kill my human half, perhaps the sword will obey me,' he mused. He chuckled softly as he drifted off to sleep.


Kagome became aware of someone snuggled up against her when she awoke the next morning. She surmised that it must be Shippo. The little fox demon adored her and saw her as a kind of mother figure. Thus, he occasionally slept beside her.

Slowly, she opened her eyes and focused on Shippo and Kirara curled up against each other. They were in front of her and the weight was behind her. Fury and humiliation washed over her. If Miroku was behind her, she was going to let him have it. As she made to look over her shoulder, she saw a lock of black hair that she knew wasn't hers. It certainly wasn't Miroku's. That meant… She fully looked over and saw Inuyasha fast asleep beside her.

Kagome felt her heart beat faster. He was so cute when he's asleep. Moments like this didn't happen, so she should savor the moment. She heard someone stir and looked over to see Sango sitting up. She caught Kagome's eye and smiled softly at her. Kagome knew Sango wouldn't tell what she saw. It would be a secret.

The demon slayer went to the campfire and coaxed the dying embers back to life before scouting for something to eat.


Gradually everyone woke up (but not before Inuyasha did) and sat around eating breakfast. While they ate, they thought about how to break the curse. Kagome couldn't come up with a solution and was resigned to accepting two Inuyashas when Miroku spoke up.

"You know, we could go to a powerful priest or priestess to undo the spell."

"Of course!" Kagome exclaimed. "The answer was so obvious!"

"But I don't want to be a half-demon," Inuyasha protested. "Don't anyone care what I think?"

Silence descended on the campsite as the others stared at the ground. Kagome knew that Inuyasha was right. He should have a say in this. It was pretty clear that he would prefer to be human and they should respect that.

"You're right, Inuyasha. If you want to stay human, then we should accept that," Kagome answered.

"Good," a voice growled. "because it'll be easy to kill you, then."

Human Inuyasha and Kagome whirled around to face the demon half of Inuyasha. He stood in a position to attack and there was an intent to murder in his eyes.

Kagome interposed herself between murderer and victim. "You can't kill him. He's your other half."

"Wrong. I'm complete without him. Now, stand aside human."

"No! I won't let you kill him."

"Kagome," Human Inuyasha said firmly. "Do what he says. I don't want you getting hurt because of me."


"No. I love you Kagome. Please move."

Sighing, she did so and the human boy stepped forward so that she was behind him. She bit her lip. Two halves of one person fighting each other. One was intent on killing while the other one cared only for her safety. She didn't want them to fight yet she felt powerless to stop them.

Human Inuyasha gazed coolly at his demon self. "Why do you want to kill me?"

"I want my sword. My guess is that if I kill you, then the sword will obey me." Flexing his claws, the demon lunged, hand outstretched.

Kagome watched in horror. The moment seemed to go in slow-motion for her. The demon was inching closer and closer to his human counterpart, the claws moving toward the throat. The human was standing there, his feet posed to make a last second dodge. The prayer beads around his neck swayed slightly…

Her eyes widened and she gasped. 'Wait. That's it!' Out loud she cried with all her heart and soul, "SIT!!!"

The force of her command hit the demon first and he started to fall forward. The human also reacted and fell too. The two halves' heads connected and there was a flash of light. The light was so bright that everyone had to look away.

When the flash subsided, Kagome was the first to look. She saw one individual face-down on the ground. The silver hair caught her eye. 'There's the demon,' she thought. 'but where's the human?' Her eyes scanned the area frantically until twitching from the demon prompted her to look at him.

Poking out of the hair was a pair of dog ears! They were the most beautiful dog ears Kagome had ever seen because they meant that Inuyasha was a half-demon again! She rushed over to him just as he was sitting up. He gave her his patent glare.

"What was that for?" he demanded.

She didn't answer as she fell on her knees. She gazed at him as tears welled up in her eyes. "You're back," she said softly. She then flung her arms around his neck and cried.

Inuyasha sat there, stiff and frozen. He never knew what to do whenever Kagome cried or hugged him. Cautiously, he put his arms around her waist and said, "Don't cry. I'm fine."

"Are you?" she asked, her voice slightly muffled by his hair.

"Yeah. Why?"

Kagome pulled back and looked at him quizzically. "Don't you remember?"

Inuyasha's face scrunched up in concentration. Slowly, his thoughtful look was replaced with a face pale with horror. "Oh, man. I do remember," he said faintly. He recalled holding the shard (which Kagome now had), the pain of the curse, and the memories of two people.

The two of them stood up as the others came up to them and welcome their half-demon friend back. He received a pat on the back from Miroku, a shoulder squeeze from Sango, and another hug from Kagome.

"Inuyasha, I'm glad you're back," Shippo said.


"Yeah. Your human half was a wuss."

Thump. A clenched fist connected with the kitsune's head.

"Waah! Kagome!"

"Inuyasha!" Kagome reproached, getting a cringe from the silver-haired boy.


The End

I know, I know. Lousy solution and a little rushed, but I'm afraid it was the best thing I could think of and I wanted to end it. Plus, I wanted to do an unusual solution. I have two more Inuyasha ideas in mind and so far they seem a lot better than this one. The next Inuyasha I plan to post is one where Sesshomaru is cursed to be a half-demon. So, be on the look for A Hanyou Experience.