AN: So, I have been pretty quiet lately. Sorry to everyone who is waiting for chapter 2 of My Letters. For some reason, I have completely lost all inspiration for that story since I've been home for the summer. Hopefully though, I will be back in an angsty-writing mood soon! lol
Anyway, here's a cute little double drabble for you all. My first drabble of any type ever, actually. I'm quite proud of it.
Disclaimer: I own nothing. I wish I did, but I don't.
"For the last time, Newbie, I will not give you a ride home. If you don't want to get soaked in the rain, then maybe you shouldn't have bought a scooter," Dr. Cox scoffed. JD pouted.
"But, Dr. Cox, I—" he began, to be cut off by the older doctor's index finger pressed against his lips. Shocked, JD quieted.
"Bup bup bup! I don't want to hear about it, Linda. Now hop on your baby blue moped Sarah, or whatever the hell you named that god-awful monstrosity, and get out of here," Cox reprimanded, letting his hand drop. The sudden action startled JD, and the younger man licked his lips nervously. Why did it feel like there were butterflies in his stomach when Cox had touched his lips?
He glanced up. Cox was staring at him, a curious look in his eyes. Then he growled and stalked to his Porsche, holding his jacket above his head in an attempt to stay dry in the torrential downpour.
"Her name is SASHA!" JD yelled in vain at the older man's back, then ran to his scooter, hopped on, and rode home in the deluge, all with a smile on his face.
Please review!