A/N: This was a request from Eleen, and thus dedicated to her. She wanted me to explain the Breaking Dawn quote of the day "Why am I covered in feathers?", as said by Bella. This was my interpretation. Read and review? Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight or any of the characters.

Feather Fiasco

"You look great!" Alice gushed.

"Absolutely fabulous!" Rosalie squealed.


"So couture."



Bella just stared at them before asking "Why am I covered in feathers?"

"Because they're you're Halloween costume, silly." Alice replied.

"Am I a duck?" Bella questioned.

"No." Rosalie ground out.

"A swan?" She tried again.

"Nuh-uh." Rosalie snapped.

"Some other type of bird with white feathers?"

"Bella! You're not a bid," Alice scolded, "You're a Valentino boa!"

"Oh. Right." Bella said, trying to tone down her sarcasm. "Because all of those people buying vampire and witch costumes are so old school. You're not in the twenty first century unless you're going out on All Hallows Eve dressed as an article from the new fall/winter fashion line."

Rosalie glanced at Alice before they chorused "Finally you're catching on!"

Bella just pouted.