Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto.

Pairings: SasoSasu

Warnings: yaoi, possible rape in later chapters

Rated: M

Author's Note: This is the second chapter for Obscure Life, Love and Pain. Sorry it took so long to update. I was busy with other stories, not to mention thinking about what to write next. Anyways thank you for those who reviewed. Its too bad SasoSasu is an unknown couple. Hmph..

Obscure Life, Love and Pain- Chapter 2

Sasori kicked open the black wooden door that led to his room, only loud enough not to frighten the defenseless kid in his arms. Well, he did refer to Sasuke as a kid, knowing full well there was a five year difference between them. The red head made sure to lock the door, before he made his way to the soft mattress he rarely used and laid the raven head down. He noticed Sasuke immediately scrambled towards the farther end of the bed. Sasori sighed.

"Stay here, Sasuke alright? I need to get some medical ointments and bandages to tend your wounds," with that Sasori disappeared into his bathroom.

When Sasori had returned he found Sasuke sitting there quietly, legs drawn up to his chest and head resting on his knees. Te puppet master also noticed his figure was trembling slightly as also need to confirm what Deidara did to him Sasori reached out a hand to caress Sasuke spikes so he could make sure the kid knew he was there. As expected, Sasuke raised his head and stared at the red-head Akatsuki with glazed eyes.

"Sasuke come here," Sasori said, removing his hand and making a small waving sign.

The raven head sat there frozen.

Sasori sighed inadvisably. He didn't like going around expressing emotions, especially affection of any sorts, but he had to in this situation. "Sasuke, I'm not going to hurt you like Deidara did." Both noticed the younger shinobi flinched to the mention of the name, but Sasori continued. "You need to calm down. I'm just going to warp your wounds, understand?"

He watched the boy as he hesitantly crawled over to him on the bed. Sasori was glad the younger shinobi obliged. The red head couldn't possibly imagine himself being nicer than his current stage.

"Give me the sheets," the Akatsuki member instructed. They had been caked with blood.

The young Uchiha was hesitant once again before he removed the sheets form his form and gave it to his 'savior.' They were abandoned on the floor as Sasori examined Sasuke's body. It was covered in bruises, cuts, blood, and god damn hickies. He could've guessed what happened. Akasuna no Sasori was not dumb at all, he in fact was one of the most clever members out of the organization. A hnt of red tinted the younger's cheek as he was being observed.

"It would be better if you took a bath first. It'll help you relax and wash away those substances," Sasori said, as he turned around and headed toward the bathroom, filling the tube with lukewarm water.

The red head then reappeared in front of Sasuke, swiftly lifting him in his arms and walked into the bathroom. He carefully studied the other's face as the raven head let out a soft moan when he was fully dipped into the water.

"Wash yourself. I need to take care of some things. I'll be back in a while," the Akatsuki said as he left the young Uchiha alone.

Sasori's POV

"Come in," the red head entered the dimly lit room, automatically pinpointing the Akatsuki Leader. As the leader turned around, he merely rose an eyebrow at the sudden visit from Sasori.

"Pein-sama, I would like to take Sasuke under my wing of care," Sasori went straight to the point.

Pein's emotionless features showed somewhat of an amused smile. "And why is that Sasori?" he questioned, rather curious to have Sasori out of all people.

"I'd prefer watching over him as one being captured, rather than a victim of rape," Sasori stated blandly.

The leader seemed to think for a moment before he nodded. Sasori bowed just before he exited the room and headed to the kitchen to get the kid something to eat.

Normal POV

Sasori entered his room carrying a plate that held a bowl of miso soup and a glass of water. He placed it on the desk, just as he grabbed a towel, a loose black T shirt, and sweats from his closet and walked into the bathroom.

"Sasuke," the sound of the younger teen's name startled Sasuke as he slowly turned around to see the red-head. His body seemed to tense as bit before he relaxed and let out a sigh. "Get out before you catch a cold." The young Uchiha nodded as he struggled to stand and depart from the tub. When he was in arms reach, Sasori wrapped the kid in a towel and laid the clothes he'd got on the toilet cap.

"You can change into those clothes. They might be a bit loose, but its better than nothing," the Akatsuki member said offering Sasuke a small smile. The kid, once again, gave a nod while focusing his gaze anywhere but the red head's stare. Sasuke felt embarrassed through the series of events. He was only glad to have someone care for him right now. Someone who cared for him after five years of complete loneliness. A soft smile graced his lips as Sasori left and Sasuke began drying himself and jumped into the loose, but comfortable clothing.

When Sasuke exited the bathroom, he noticed Sasori was already waiting for him by the bed.

"Your wounds," Sasori explained as Sasuke laid down and allowed his pants to be tugged down. The red head inspected the would on the younger teen's thigh before he picked up a tube of cream next to him and applied a reasonable amount on the deep, pink gash, and proceeded to bandage it.

After the bruises and cuts were covered in a different medical ointment, Sasori carried the tray of food to Sasuke and settled it on the bed. "Eat," was all the Akatsuki member said as he continued working on his puppet and developing gruesome poisons.


In the main room, Deidara sat sprawled lazily on the sofa, flipping through channels bored out of his mind. He had thought through the incident with Sasori and Sasuke several times, and he hasn't found one good reason why his Danna helped him. Maybe it was out of pity. He shrugged as he turned off the TV and threw the channel on the coffee table in front of him.

The blonde sat there for a few minutes before he decided to go visit the kid. Just before Deidara walked pass the doorframe that led to the hallways, he heard the entrance open. Curious to see who it was, he poked his head back and caught a view of Itachi and Kisame.

"Hey Itachi, Kisame, yeah," he greeted as he walked up to them. Itachi nodded and Kisame flashed a grin.

"Hey Deidara, I've heard your last mission was a success," Kisame said. Deidara nodded. "Weren't you suppose to bring Sasuke back to the Akatsuki?"

"Yeah, un. I was suppose to watch over him, but Pein-sama told me a few hours ago that Sasori-danna is going to do it, yeah." the blonde concluded.

The Mist ninja laughed. "Yeah right Deidara! You raped him, didn't you? I wouldn't be surprised if he wasn't the first one. That's probably why Sasori is watching over him."

Deidara grinned. "You've seen him before Kisame un. He's a cut little thing yeah," Deidara didn't notice the death glare Itachi had threatened him with as the elder Uchiha walked pass him towards his own room.


Sasuke was lying on his stomach, on the floor in the middle of the room, busy doodling on a sheet of paper and humming quietly to himself. Sasori, who he learned his name from the blonde, left the room to do something, leaving him alone. Maybe it was because he was too busy to notice or maybe it was an S rank Criminal's ability to keep oneself hidden since someone had slipped into the room unknowingly to Sasuke. That is until a pair of arms wrapped themselves around his waist, hoisting the raven head into a chest.

"AHHH!!" the young Uchiha screamed, immediately on full alert and began thrashing around as his own hands tried to pry off the person invading his possible personal bubble.

"Get your hands off me!! AH! Sasori! Sasori!" Sasuke hollered as the arms tightened as a warning to call him to shut up.

"I've see you've grown fond of Sasori danna, un," came the oh so familiar voice, as if mocking Sasuke. The younger teen's eyes went wide uncontrollably as a pair of lips trailed down his neck making him freeze on the spot. "Now be a good boy and shut up. I wouldn't want to ruin that pretty face of yours, now would I, un?" the blonde said. Sasuke seemed to be trapped in some sort of trance before he quickly snapped out of it and became more violent.

"Ah! Get the fuck away from me, you ASSHOLE! SASORI! HELP!" but he Uchiha was spun around and silenced with a bruising kiss that was forced onto him. Sasuke tried. He really did. He flung his head sideways just to disconnect the unwelcome lips, but the lips only latched onto his throat as they sucked feverishly.


The door was suddenly opened and smashed onto the wall as an impact of the force. There stood none other than Sasori.

"Deidara, stop molesting the kid," the red head commanded, you could hear the slight growl in his voice.

Sasuke was released in less than a second while the Iwa nin crossed his arms in front of his chest pouting.

"You never let me have fun, Sasori Danna un."

The 14- year old just stood there, feeling as vulnerable as ever.

Sasori shrugged. "What are you doing here anyways? His eyes narrowed at the blonde.

"Oh, sorry danna un. I forgot to get my clay that I left form our last mission, yeah," the Akatsuki member replied as he grinned at Sasori. The blonde brushed past Sasuke, who flinched at the physical contact and went to the far corner of the room, picking up an averaged size sack of clay before waving his goodbye and closed the door behind hi s quietly s he entered.

"Sasuke, I'm here. Calm down," Sasori soothed. that's when the boy broke down and glomped Sasori, crying his heart out. Sasori was a bit surprised, but soon wrapped his arms around the raven head's waist as the other clutched his hands tighter around his Akatsuki robe.

"Sasuke, lets go to bed. You need the rest," Sasori spoke calmly, when the crying died down. The younger teen nodded, still not wanting to release his hold. Sasori noticed and sighed as he maneuvered both of them until they laid side by side on the bed and pulled the cotton sheets over their lower half.

Both Sasuke and Sasori fell asleep that night, in the same position as when they had hugged.

A/N: Second chapter done! Finally! Sorry for the late update. Anyways just a note to all readers, Sasori is not a puppet in my story, but he still has his puppets and is a puppet master, that of course I will never change.

Anyways, Deidara seems a bit crueler, eh? Well hope you enjoyed this chapter and please review! Thanks. Appreciate it.