Disclaimer: We do not own Squidward, but we claim possession of Mr. Bell.

Squiward Acrostic Poem

Stupid, smelly, and squidlike


Ignorant of his loooove for Spongebob

Dimwitted, but to dimwitted to know he's dimwitted

Wacky like a walrus

Active in the secret clarinet society, that consists of only him and his clarinet, Claire.

Rare species of talking, music playing, annoying octo-squid-thing

Ding-a-ling-a-ling said Mr.Bell

A/N: We read some wonderful poems like these a while back, and decided to do some of our own. Please enjoy this lovely statement of happiness and joy and truth.

-The Authors

We actually did this for pure enjoyment, and think that these poems are lame. We laughed the entire time we wrote this

ha ha