(Soo sorry it took forever I was just really busy)
(By the way - I know Torchwood aren't teenagers and Rose, Martha and Donna are defiantly not bimbo's but it's my story)

Note from the beta, sazza-da-vampire: all errors in spelling are to produce the effect of a strong accent. I only fixed punctuation so you, the reader, can read it. Enjoy.

"It's nothing, Daf, he's just tryin' to wind you up's all," Gwen said with a fake smile on her lips.

"I ain't stupid Gwen, what did he mean by 'e still cares?" Daf said arms folded with Rhodri next to him.

Gwen's smile faded, "It's nothing, I mean it was a long time ago and it doesn't matter," Gwen said, trying to steer them off the subject.

"Nothin' 'ey? I wouldn't call the whole three weeks of your cheerleading championship nothin'," Jack commented standing up to the right of Gwen. Dafydd
darted forward and almost punched Jack in the face, but Rhodri stopped him.

"He ain't worth the fuss Daf come on, coach'll go nuts if we're late," Rhodri said practically dragging Dafydd away.

"You couldn't just keep your big gob shut, could you?" Gwen yelled, trying her very best not to punch Jack.

"Oh, my bad, I forgot that Gwen had feelings," Jack sneered.

At this Gwen pouted and slapped Jack across the face, "Now ya see you've just placed yourself dangerously near on Daf and Rhod's list, one word from me and your mincemeat, clear?" Gwen warned, as Owen, Tosh and Ianto came out.

"Oh yeah? Well he'll have to get through us first," Owen said standing next to Jack.

"Well then that'll just make it even more fun, won't it?" Gwen said before turning and walking off into the hall, closely followed by Martha and Rose.


The rest of the day actually went past pretty quickly. Gwen and her girls ignored Jack, Owen and Toshiko as much as they could. Gwen was paired up with Ianto in biology, but that was alright as the two got along pretty well.

Gwen walked onto the bus and dropped into her chair between Martha and Rose, she had never wished that she wasn't sitting there more.

"So Gwen care to tell us about you and Jack Harkness," Dafydd practically spat out Jack's name, it was more of an order than a question.

"Listen Daf it was nothin we just hooked up once or twice at last year, Cheerleading Championship, it was no biggy," Gwen said trying to sound like she
didn't give a damn. It wasn't working.

"You hooked up with Jack!?" Donna said practically feinting. "Thanks for telling everyone on the Bus, Don," Gwen said sarcastically, the
rest of the bus ride home just included them all basically fighting, most of the girls (and boys) because they were jealous.

"You do know that if I tell Dad about you and Jack you are dead meat, right?" Dafydd said on the walk home.

"You do know that if I tell Dad where you went last night when you crept out of the window your dead, right?" Gwen said mockingly.

Daf sighed, "I hate you when you're right."