This story is called Forever.
Chapter 1 Prologue- the return of the Prince.
Hi everyone this is my first dragon ball Z flick.
And this is a Vegeta and Frieza this is a nicer story, about them.
Oh and in my story Frieza's son Kuriza does not exist.
And remember to read and review.
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Chapter 1 Prologue- The return of the Prince.
No ones POV
Everyone in the universe fears lord Frieza, his henchmen some of his family and even his really really short-term girlfriend.
It was a funny match up really everyone who heard of it eyebrows went straight up. No one honestly thought it could be possible.
The girl in question was scared of him, like everyone else in the universe but she stayed with him, mainly because she feared he would kill her if she left him. But she would like to stab his ice cold heart if she got the chance.
Actually truth be told they both hated each other more than anyone throught humanly possible, but she was more scared than anything and she had every reason to be scared being a Saiyan and all.
But she died as everyone knew she would, but noone ever knew who exeactly killed her, (but most people agree it was proably Frieza,) but before she died she gave birth a baby, a son.
She named him Vegeta, before Frieza called call him Chill.
No it is not the Vegeta you are all thinking of, it is not the Vegeta that once hated Goku and lost a very fierce battle to him.
No, this Vegeta was not around very long, he was only around for 5 years. He only had 5 birthdays until he died, no Frieza did not kill him, and actually no one killed this boy. No this boy died from a deadly disease, and this was no ones fault. Not even Frieza's.
If truth must be told, Frieza was quite good to the boy, especially while he laid in his death bed, Frieza sat next to him, refusing to cry as his son could not breath, Frieza even got the best doctors to try to find a cure, but nothing worked.
And the boy died.
The boy's looks in truth he did not look like a thing like Frieza; he was a Saiyan, even if he was only half Saiyan he could pass as a full one. he was well toned with big musels and dark raven hair that stuck up without gel and of course a little monkey tail.
Frieza was actually very upset when the child died and he was actually quite troubled, something his henchman knew nothing about, they just assumed that the little monkeys death went down fine with there ruler.
But they were dead wrong. In truth Frieza kept Vegeta's room exactly the way he left it, but he never entered it him self-preferring to let his minions do his dirty work.
Years pasted and if Frieza's son lived he would of turned 10 years old if he lived, and Frieza's son became a memory, to most of his minions I mean they all knew there WAS a son, but only the few that have survived over 5 years in Frieza's service, (in English not very many.) Did remember the son, the beautiful young boy. With no resemblance to Frieza what so ever.
Than one day because of a coincidence Frieza went to planet Vegeta, with the intention too kill them all. Frieza really hated Saiyan's he throught they were smeely and just plain dumb.
He throught the king, King Vegeta was pretty dumb too.
And he thought his views on Saiyan would never change, until a certain little boy ran into King Vegeta's thrown room, to show his father that he learnt too fly.
His son Prince Vegeta, than something in Frieza snapped, just snapped Frieza stared at the young prince, and he had every reason to snap, this Prince was the spitting image of his prince.
And Frieza knew one thing.
He had to have him.
He needs him.
He would have him.
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Ok chapter 1 down.
Remember to review,