
Chapter 13

Youko noticed something off with his opponent. His eyes narrowed and he watched as another attack hit but his opponent flickered. He growled, "Kuronue, this isn't him, get Kagome." Kuronue looked up from picking lint off his vest, his expression showing his surprise before he took off back inside.

Kagome growled to herself, she couldn't believe they were able to seduce her like that. She felt stupid and began berating herself. She is not easy and refused to let them have another chance. She straightened her hair and clothes, beginning to leave the room after another look in the mirror and seeing the very Kuronue style look she donned. She reached the doorway and came face to face with another fox… a fox that resembled her bat friend. "Sorry, I didn't mean to bump into you," she apologized and tried to move around him. He kept blocking her path and she realized he is doing it on purpose. Her brows knitted, about to retaliate and ask him to get out of her way, her mouth froze, the predatory look on his face had her rethinking her actions. She took a step back, his clawed hand shot out to grab her and she jumped back, her feet continuing the pace.

The wall, of all things it is always a wall or a tree she would back into. It could never be a door or something useful and less like an obstruction in her path, he moved closer and she bared her teeth at him, hands tense and ready to strike. She focused on him, watching his eyes as he made steady steps towards her. His eyes glowed, the purple hues shining brightly and she tried to rip her gaze away, her instincts telling her not to look there. She screamed in her head at her body but it was too late by then; his eyes had already done the deed. Her tense form slowly relaxed, her hands falling to her side, and her mouth relaxing from its threatening expression. She could watch everything but her body would not obey her, he was already upon her and she couldn't even so much as bat an eye, she always hated how often others did their best to control her and she couldn't fight it off.

"I finally get to meet you my precious vixen," his words coming to her like silk, her eyes moved without her say so, staying focused on his own. "Youko is ignorant if he thought he could keep you from me, hide you away from all of Makai like some sort of treasure. Your breed makes you very valuable in many ways and that will forever keep you being sought out. Due to your origins you most likely don't know how valuable you are but trust me, you are better off with the black furs where you will be protected, not among some renegade silver with his thieves."

His thumb softly rubbed her furry ear; he could feel her stop fighting him as he spoke to her. "If you stay here it is certain that one of them will hold you back from seeing what else is out there. You will be claimed like some prize and never know another life. If you come with me all I ask is that bear my young. You will have my protection and so will our young but I will give you freedom to pursue another should you fancy another. Think about it young vixen, do you want to be kept as practically a prisoner, never knowing if you will ever be given release or would you rather a chance at freedom, a chance to make your own path after we continue our line?"

He didn't give her a chance to respond, wouldn't let her come out of his control, he could feel she is thinking about something. He drew his next power to him to finalize his plan, after this she will be out and he can escape as his doppelganger kept Youko the others busy. He tilted her head up, his lips ready to claim hers as he started the last task. His lips brushed hers and power exploded. His back hit the wall in the hallway, the jewel on her chest levitated off her skin, glowing and forming a barrier before falling back to place. His fur stood on end, his eyes wide with shock not realizing she had another form of defense while under his spell. Slowly getting up he was about to analyze the situation to figure out how to extract her from this place. He didn't have time though as a familiar scythe came at him forcing him to flip away. Purple clashed with indigo, they never did like how similar they look to one another and the distaste for it showed clearly on their features.

"Trying to take something that is unobtainable, Satoru?" He kept his scythe at the ready to take advantage of any opening in his opponent's position. It appeared that he had been nearly purified, judging by Kagome's unresponsive state he could only guess the jewel had done it. The fox across from him knew his chance to take her is over. He threw several balls of fox fire at the bat and while Kuronue defended himself he took his exit and escaped. When the barrage of fox fire was over he scowled, already knowing he had left. "Stupid fox," he grumbled before going into his room and approaching Kagome. Her knees quivered, she appeared to be still fighting off the spell. Pulling her into his embrace he let her fight it off, keeping her supported just in case.

Youko came in just as her body slumped, his control gone. Kuronue pulled her with him to the bed, sitting down holding her on his lap until she gained back the function of her muscles. A few moments more and she felt ready to stand up. She felt awkward but it didn't take long and she wanted to know where Shippo is. Youko had heard everything that went on between her and Satoru, he felt certain Kuronue had too but they didn't know if she will take the bait. Instead she seemed indifferent but her eyes gave away everything she felt and he let her be. This kit will be happy to have his mother figure awake again so he doesn't have to focus on other things so much.

"Shippo," she called, poking her head into his room, finding him looking up from a scattering of drawings, his eyes bright as they landed on her. They watered and he launched himself into her arms, "Kagome!"

"There there, Shippo, what has you so worked up?" Her question bringing his face to look up at her, "You have been asleep for days!" She looked at him in surprise. "I forgot, Kuronue had mentioned something about it."

"Some demon had tricked you and gave you a powder to put you to sleep not to clean you. You fell asleep while taking a bath and then some other women went in there and after trying to wake you up the one fell asleep. She fell in which prompted another to jump in and save her but then she grew sleepy. One of them ran and grabbed the guys, they had to pull all of you out but no one would wake up. Then as you were sleeping this fox demon had put you under a spell, making you walk outside but while that was going on some shadow demons came and kidnapped me, they wanted you. Youko saved the day though. He followed you outside and kept you from the fox, saved me, and destroyed all of those shadow demons. His entire territory came alive!" His little arms shooting up before he opened them all the way up. He gushed on and on about how awesome and strong Youko is, hero worshipping the silver fox.

Meanwhile Kagome felt guilt and worry clawing at her. 'I thought we were safe here but he will be in greater danger if I remain by him. It hurts to think about leaving him yet I feel selfish for wanting to stay,' her torrent of emotions going into a vicious cycle that she had trouble escaping. 'Maybe the attacks will stop; Shippo did say that Youko had done well handling everything. It might be enough to scare off other attempts,' she hoped. Clinging to straws and knowing only time will tell if things will settle down.

That night she sat watching Shippo tell stories of their shared past, she had noticed the different demons that had been injured by that fox earlier and felt bad that they had been hurt just because he wanted her. Shippo continued on, telling the tale of how they met, showing his drawings with pride. She noticed that he had changed her from being the cat in the drawings to being a fox; it amused her and brought out a small smile. He has loved drawing and telling stories ever since he discovered his talent. Some of the first stories had been a bit embarrassing but she put up with it for the sake of his joy, something she could not take away from him. When he was done he received a cheer and applause from the others, she never would have guessed a bunch of thieves would enjoy having a story time.

Shippo quickly made his way to Kagome, snuggling in her arms, "Kagome," she replied back, "yes Shippo?"

"Can I sleep with you tonight, please?"

"Of course you can, wrap things up here and we will head off to bed," she instructed. He grinned ear to ear and collected all of his drawings before turning back to her and heading off to her room. They cuddled up together, snug, and happy to be together. He fell asleep to her soft lullaby before her own eyes began to droop. Slumber reached for her and she embraced it gladly as she held the kit to her chest.

Youko slid her door open so he could look in, watching the two as they slept peacefully. It would seem he has slowly become attached to both of them. He felt unsure as to what the future holds but he will let it come, let it test him, and he will prevail regardless of the outcome, he is too clever for anything less. Slowly he shut the door and turned away, leaving the two to their sleep.