Disclaimer: All characters belong to the ever amazing CLAMP.


Kunogi's Perceptions

Himawari Kunogi believed herself to be a very outgoing person. She loved interacting with people, and watching how everyone acted in their own unique way. Because of this fondness for her fellow man, she was more than a little disappointed by the effect she occasionally had on people. Being a bad luck charm had many disadvantages when it came to creating lasting relationships.

Despite this knowledge, however, she still tried her best. So when she first met Watanuki Kimihiro, she was a little afraid to get too close. She knew it would only end in disaster. She would talk to him, of course, because he was so interesting and sweet. She knew by the way he acted around her alone that he had feelings for her; feelings that she would never be able to return, even if she had wanted. But she decided that until something drastic happened, there was no point in crushing his hopes so readily. Besides, until then she could have at least one close friend.

When Doumeki Shizuka befriended her, she knew her life was turning around. Now she had two great friends, friends she could maybe become close to. She was even happier when she noticed the way they would act around each other, mainly the way Doumeki looked at Watanuki. She perceived there to be something more than what he showed on the surface, and was delighted to see this. Maybe this boy would be able to give Watanuki what she could not.

As reluctant as Watanuki looked around Doumeki, Kunogi knew he was starting to warm to him. This was great news to the girl, as her effect on Watanuki was starting to strengthen. Where she was giving her friend a potentially harmful fate, she could tell that Doumeki was having a reverse effect on the blue-eyed boy. This was what he needed.

This was what Kunogi knew she would never be able to give another person, no matter how deeply she wanted to.