Chapter 6: The end of one adventure, the beginning of another

Eight months later...

Shadow stood on a hill, frowning and looking down at the gently swaying treetops, since the others had gathered the chaos emeralds for him, Shadow once again had his inhibitor rings to prevent him falling into a coma if he used as much chaos energy as he had against Perfect Chaos, but now, Shadow had no idea what to do with himself.

When Sally and Darren had sent him here, he had a mission, something to work towards, but now, he didn't. But that couldn't be right, hadn't Sally asked him to stop evil? And if you actually payed attention to the history books, evil would always rear it's ugly head when you least expect it. A portal suddenly opened in front of him, "What the...?" Suddenly a metallic form flew out and crash landed into the ground. Shadow looked closely, it had a Robotnik symbol on one of it's wings...

The End, for now.

The ending of Chapter six is to be the start of my friend RikThePrikc's story: Dimensionl Heroes. I sincerely hope you enjoyed this story, may you enjoy my other ones as well. CrazyNutSquirrel. P.S. Thank you to all who reviewed!