Part One
Disclaimer: Veronica is mine. That is all.
Authors note: Please R&R! :)
My first five years of Hogwarts, I was practically invisible. I had a total of one friend- and she wasn't even in Slytherin. She was in Ravenclaw. I met her on the train the first day of first year, and we've been inseparable ever since. She didn't even care that I was in Slytherin- well, she didn't care much.
I walked to the Slytherin table that first night and instantly felt eyes on me. I looked up and saw a pair of dark brown eyes fixed on me, a slight smirk on the handsome young face. I looked behind me quickly, thinking that maybe the boy was looking at someone else. There wasn't anyone behind me. I frowned, and then looked forward once again. Now the boy was full out smirking as he eyed me, then he turned to the boy on his right.
I sank down at the table, carefully not looking at the boy. Who was he? And why was he looking at me? I stared at the table in front of me. It was wood. Hmm…interesting…
"That's Tom Riddle." A voice said right next to my ear. I jumped and looked up at a pretty girl with black curly hair and dark eyes. "He's a second year. Very smart." She looked down at me and raised her eyebrows. "He's also very…dangerous when he wants to be." Her eyes flickered over to Tom once again, then back to me. "I'm Carra Black."
I swallowed hard. The Blacks were well known, a full out pure blood family. One of the oldest and most powerful families, actually. "Veronica Warner."
Carra smiled down at me, but something about that smile didn't reach her eyes. It just…died. "Well, just to let you know, Veronica, Tom isn't available. And he would never be with anyone…below him." She looked at me from head to toe, like I was something she had found on the bottom of her shoe.
I stared at her, wide eyed, as she smirked down at me and stood. She walked down the length of the table and slid into a seat to the left of Tom. He barely glanced at her and went back to the kid on his right.
But beside me, everyone had seen and heard the exchange between me and Carra. And none of them talked to me. Nobody wanted to be on the bad side of Carra Black.
And it stayed that way. The people in the Slytherin house acted like I didn't exist. And now, it was officially my sixth year at Hogwarts. Yay. I just had to get through this year and one more and I was out of this hell hole forever.
I sighed as I stepped onto the train and made my way down the hall to find an open compartment, or at least find Amy. Finally, I found an empty compartment at the back of the train. I put my trunk at the top, then pulled out the book I was reading. It was a book about Salazar Slytherins life. It was actually pretty interesting; despite the fact he was completely insane.
I was only a couple of paragraphs into my reading when the door slid open. I glanced up sharply and saw the beautiful face of Carra Black staring back at me. "Warner." She scowled, glaring down at me. "We need a compartment. Get out."
I opened my mouth, furious, but never got a chance to say anything. "Get out now." Carra commanded. "Go sit with that Blood Traitor you always talk to. Just get out."
I glared up at her, not moving, when I suddenly found myself flying out of the compartment and into the hallway. My trunk landed next to me a moment later. "I think she said to get out." Abrax Malfoy said coldly, his wand still pointed at me. A moment later the door slammed and I heard the laughter from the older Slytherins.
I sighed and grabbed my trunk, then froze when I heard someone behind me. "Why do you let them treat you like that?"
I swallowed hard, recognizing the voice, then stood and turned to face Tom Riddle. He was just as handsome as ever, maybe even more so. His dark brown hair hung down into his dark eyes as he stared at me. I stared back, lost in his eyes for a moment. His eyes were so…closed off. You couldn't see anything of what he was thinking, couldn't even see if you liked you or if he hated you. I saw him raise an eyebrow slightly and I looked away, clearing my throat loudly.
"Sorry." I muttered. Then I frowned, thinking back on his question. "Let them treat me like what?"
Tom scowled at the door. "Like they can order you around. Like they are better than you. You're in Slytherin, Veronica. Act like it for once."
I glared up at him, my green eyes blazing. "I don't want to be the impatient, pure blood fanatic, arrogant, bastard Slytherin everyone else is. I want to be me."
Tom stared at me for a moment, his face completely unreadable. I stared back, defiant. Every Slytherin knew not to cross Tom Riddle. We all knew what he could do. And yet, here I was, glaring up at the King of Slytherin like I could take him down.
Slowly, Tom let one corner of his mouth turn up, then he let out his full smirk we all knew so well. "Trust me, Veronica. You are definitely you." his smirk grew. "Whatever that is."
I laughed slightly, then looked down at the badge pinned on tom's chest. "Headboy? Shouldn't you be at a meeting or something?"
Tom raised his eyebrows at me once again. "Wanting to get rid of me all ready? No, the meeting just finished."
"Oh." We were still standing in the middle of the corridor, both of us slightly uneasy.
After a few more moments of this, Tom sighed and bent down to grab my trunk. "My…friends are in a compartment a few doors down. You can join us."
I stared at him, fully aware my mouth was falling open. Tom never, never, let anyone around him and his- followers. I followed him into the compartment and felt four pairs of eyes fall on me, none of them friendly. Tom sat down and motioned for me to sit beside him, in between him and the window. I sat quickly, still aware of all of the eyes on me.
Tom growled slightly under his breath and all of the eyes instantly went to the floor. I blinked, surprised. I knew that Tom had…power over most of the other students, but it was strange to see it.
"Who are you?" One of the boys questioned rudely.
"Veronica Warner." Tom answered for me, staring at the boy who began to look very uncomfortable and slightly scared under his gaze. "Maybe you should pay attention in your classes a little more, Avery." Tom said, in a voice I almost related to a hiss. "I do believe she's even in your year."
Avery nodded quickly, his face pale. "Right. In my classes. Right."
The boy next to Avery, Nott, was still studying me, his eyes looking up and down, and resting in places I wanted to curse him for. "I know her." He said, his voice slightly lecherous. His eyes were still one me and there was a disgusting look on his face.
Now Tom turned his gaze on Nott, who actually flinched. "I bet you do." Tom said, his voice hard. Then he reached over and put his arm around my shoulders as he kept his eyes on Nott. Nott instantly looked at the ground.
I was grateful for Toms help, but he still hadn't moved his arm from around my shoulders. I was just about to turn to him when the compartment door opened quickly. "Tom! How was your summ-" Carra started. She froze, staring at me.
My eyes widened and I tried to jump to my feet, but Tom held me quick, keeping me in my seat. "Hello, Carra." He said, a slightly cold ring in his voice. "Summer was fine."
Carra didn't even look at him, her eyes were trained on me. She was angry, beyond angry. And I knew it.