Chapter Eight: The Escape

It seemed like so long since Kira had last spoken to Sokka about their plan to escape. Kira had managed to keep herself busy by running small errands around the castle, gathering her things, and perfecting the escape plan in her head, but all of this did nothing to cease the worried thoughts that entered her head. What if Sokka had been caught? She quickly shook her head and sighed softly. Worrying would help nothing at this point. And Sokka was strong and careful. He would be alright until he returned to her room. She glanced at the clock once again and smiled to herself a little. Only five more minutes until Sokka was supposed to meet her. And all too suddenly, her heart began to race. This was really going to be happening.

Her thoughts were interrupted by an almost unnoticeable knocking. Sokka. She walked over the door and opened it cautiously, smiling wider when her gold eyes were met by the familiar ocean blue ones. She opened the door wide enough so that he could step inside, and then closed it carefully when he was in.

"I was worried." The words left her mouth before she could stop herself. Sokka's reaction, however, was all the reassurance she need. He reached over and pulled her gently by the waste into a warm embrace. She smiled and responded to the embrace by putting her head on his chest and closing her eyes.

"I was worried too." He pulled away slowly and glanced around her room. On her bed, there was a bag laying next to a Fire Nation army uniform. He looked at her and raised an eyebrow. When she looked confused, he inclined his head towards her bed.

"Oh. Right, well, while you were finishing your work, I was doing my own work as well. I managed to steal this from the wash room." Kira walked over to her bed and absently ran her fingers over the helmet that was sitting neatly next to the uniform. "It will ensure that we get out of the palace without any trouble."

"Okay, so I'm basically going to put this on and act like I'm escorting you somewhere?" Sokka furrowed his eyebrows in thought and walked over to Kira, gesturing for the helmet. She picked it up and handed it to him, then sat on the edge of her bed, still looking up at him.

"Exactly. There's a small chance that anyone will be up at this hour, but just in case we run into a guard, it will be easier to explain why a fellow guard is escorting me, rather than a servant."

"That makes sense. Do we have a way to get to Ba Sing Sei?" Sokka asked as he examined the helmet. Kira stood up and a hint of a smirk came to her lips.

"How do you feel about flying?" She asked, taking the helmet from him. Sokka raised an eyebrow.

"Aang, Katara, and I travel on Appa. Why?"

"Because we're going to steal an war balloon. By the time they even notice we're gone, it'll be too late to track the balloon. And I've packed us seven days worth of food and water." Kira set the helmet down on her bed and walked away from him. "Now, put on the uniform. I only have a few more things to pack."

"Yes, Your Highness." Sokka smirked and rolled his eyes, but did as she said and began to put on the uniform while she put a few scattered items into the bag she had picked up. It was fairly simple to put on, he found. And it hit him pretty well. When he was all dressed, he walked over to the full length mirror next to Kira's vanity table and examined himself. He smiled when he felt a hand on his shoulder and he turned to see Kira's familiar smirk.

"Not too bad. You could almost pass as royalty." She challenged, crossing her arms over her chest. Kira had changed as well. Once a simple tank top and shorts was now an simple, but classy black dress that fit tightly around the torso and then flowed loosely around her waist and legs. Sokka smiled, almost cheekily and looked her up and down.

"I could say the same for you." His smile turned into a smirk as she glared at him and pulled her cape around her shoulders. At her reaction, he only smirked more. "What? Did I offend your delicate ego?"

"Do you always have to try and out-do me?" Despite her serious look, her voice held a tone of amusement. His face turned serious and he lowered his head in a respectful bow.

"Of course not, Your Grace. I live to serve you." They looked at each other for a moment, then started laughing at their act. Sokka stopped laughing and looked at the clock. "We should probably get going. Do you have everything?"

"Yes. Everything's ready." Kira gathered the bag she had put her things in and held it under her cape. She nodded to Sokka and followed him as he walked into the hallway. He put the helmet over his head and held out his arm for Kira. She took it and smiled as she leaned against him. They walked down the hallway and Kira felt uneasy. Sokka sensed this and squeezed her arm comfortingly. "Relax. We'll be fine. I'll keep you safe."

"I trust you." Kira whispered, more to herself. But Sokka heard the small comment and couldn't help but smile to himself. He didn't know why that made him feel so good, but it did. He cleaned his throat and looked ahead, but still held onto her arm tightly. They turned the corner and Kira gasped softly when she saw Yen walking with another guard. Sokka growled when he saw them, but otherwise stayed calm. Yen looked away from the guard he was with and smiled when he saw Kira. He said what Kira thought to be a dismissal to the guard, who bowed and turned in the other direction.

"Hello, darling." Yen said after he came to a stop in front of Kira. He turned to Sokka and bowed slightly in acknowledgement. Sokka returned a respectful bow, as much as he hated it. Yen turned back to Kira and took her hand, holding it to his lips for a moment, then lowering her hand. "What are you doing out of bed at this time?"

"I couldn't sleep, so I decided to venture around the castle for a walk. During my wandering, I became frightened and this kind guard offered to accompany me." Kira said, inwardly impressed with her story. Yen looked convinced but he pulled her forward, forcing her to release Sokka's arm. He placed an arm around her waist and looked over her shoulder at Sokka.

"I appreciate you looking after her, but I think I can take it from here." Yen said, only glancing at Sokka briefly before leaning in to kiss Kira. She reluctantly kissed back and closed her eyes, quickly thinking of an excuse to get away from her. She pulled away and gently touched his face.

"Sweetheart, I was just heading back to my room, and I think I'll be okay to get there now. You should be getting to bed anyway. Tomorrow is your when Father is taking you to get your marriage robes." Kira leaned forward and kissed him again. She had to make this believable. Yen looked at her cautiously, looking from her to Sokka. For a moment, Sokka thought they were going to be caught, but sighed in relief when Yen nodded.

"You'll take care of her." Yen looked at Sokka as he said this. It was more of a command than a question. Sokka regained his composure and bowed.

"With my life." Sokka said, looking at Kira. She smiled a little, but leaned over and kissed Yen again.

"Until we meet again." She gestured to Sokka to follow her as she walked away before he could answer. Sokka followed silently until Kira stopped when she was sure they were far enough away. She leaned against the wall and wiped her mouth on the back of her hand, closing her eyes. Sokka was silent. She opened her eyes and looked at him. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." Sokka answered shortly, shaking her head and looking away. Kira frowned and stepped in front of him. He looked away from her again.

"Hey, look at me." Kira's voice was soft, almost asking him to look at her. He slowly looked at her and his face almost emotionless. At this, she repeated her first question. "What's wrong?"

"I…" Sokka paused with a sigh and his face softened a little. "I didn't like seeing him kiss you. He hurt you. He shouldn't be allowed to kiss you like that."

"That will be the last time, I can promise you that." Kira smiled and leaned into his chest a little. He smiled as well and placed his hand on the small of her back. After a moment, Kira pulled away and straightened her hood. "But there is one last thing that I need to do."

"What is it?" Sokka said as he began to walk again. Kira followed and kept her eyes on the floor.

"I need to give something back." Kira reached up and gently touched her engagement necklace. Sokka smiled sadly and touched her shoulder.

"Do you want me to wait outside for you?" He asked softly. He knew this would be hard for her. As much as he didn't like it, this was her home, and this was her family. He understood it couldn't have been easy for her. Kira nodded and came to the door of the throne room. She looked at Sokka, silently telling him to stay there, and walked in slowly. She walked over to her throne and sat down slowly, thinking for a few moments. She really would miss this place. So many memories. Some good, some bad. Some even in between. A sad smile came to Kira's lips as she reached into her bag, taking out a letter that she had already written to her father.

"I can't stay." She whispered to no one in particular, almost trying to convince herself. She briefly glanced over the letter, reading it slowly. "Father, part of me will always love you, but I can no longer ignore the feeling that you no longer love me in the way I need to be loved. Please don't look for me. My mind is made up. I regret that things had to happen like this, but I do not regret my choice in leaving. I love you, and I hope that we can some day be reunited. Your daughter, Kira."

She placed the letter down on his thrown and smiled a little. She reached up and carefully untied the necklace, setting it down next to the note. She reached up again, into her hood, and removed the gold ringlet from her head. She placed it on top of the note and closed her eyes for a moment. Once she opened them again, she picked up her bag and walked out of the room for the last time. Sokka was leaned against the wall. When she came out, he didn't say anything as he pulled her into a hug. She willingly leaned into the hug and closed her eyes tightly. She couldn't seem to get herself to cry. As much as she felt she needed to, the tears wouldn't come.

"Come on, Kira." Sokka said after a minute. He didn't want to rush her, but they needed to give themselves enough time to make it out of the Fire Nation. Kira nodded silently and allowed Sokka to lead her out of the palace for the last time. She looked over her shoulder as they made it to where the war balloons were kept and smiled at Sokka.

"I hope you know how to fly one of these." She offered as he helped her climb into the basket. She set down her bag and helped him climb in. Sokka smirked and started the balloon with ease. "I may have underestimated you, Sokka."

"You usually do." Sokka said as the balloon rose into the air. He navigated it over the city as Kira watched over the edge, a hint of a smile on her face. Sokka saw this and grinned. "You have a new family now."

"I know. But I have to get this one to like me. I can't imagine they'll welcome the Fire Princess with open arms." Kira laughed and turned towards Sokka. He laughed as well and steered the balloon.

"They'll like you just as much as I do." He leaned over and put an arm around her shoulders while he steered with the other.

"I hope so." Kira muttered as she leaned against Sokka. She closed her eyes and breathed slowly. This wasn't going to be as bad as she thought. All her doubts seemed to disappear and she opened her eyes just in time to see the palace disappear behind the wall that surrounded it. She looked forward over the ocean and smiled. "Now, let's get to Ba Sing Sei."