Okay, so hi. This is one of my first stories on here. I've had some before, but I deleted them and made a new name. Soooo... This is a Sokka/OC story. It doesn't particularly follow any of the books. It's just set in random time, when Sokka is abour 17. Don't like it, then don't read. But I think everyone will enjoy it. Please comment, if you have any ideas for following chapters, or just say what you think of it.

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters, except Kira, since she's my OC.


Chapter One: Prisoner and New Arrangements

Kira sighed softly and shifted lazily in the large throne where she sat at the right hand of her father. To her, sitting there for hours became boring, but her father had requested that she stay close to him while the Fire Nation soldiers yet again attempted to capture the Avatar. The soldiers were, at this very moment, probably battling with the Avatar and his friends in order to capture him. Kira found this to be a fairly pointless battle, but she dared not express her feelings to anyone. A princess was to be seen, not heard, her father had constantly reminded her.

A loud knock on the door pulled Kira out of her thoughts and forced her to return to reality. She brushed the strands of her waist length auburn hair out of her face and behind her ears, having nothing else to do. "Enter!" Ozai called harshly, hoping that it was one of his soldiers coming to give him good news. The door opened and a man dressed in the traditional uniforms worn only by the most highly ranked Fire Nation soldiers quickly walked in, dragging a boy that looked to be around the same age as Kira in his wake.

The boy, Kira recognized as one of the Avatar's close friends, winced uncomfortably as the soldier pulled roughly on the tight rope binding his hands together in order to make him move faster. Kira let her golden eyes examine the boy more closely. He was well built, the large rip in the front of his white tunic making that apparent. His hair was cut in a way a warrior would wear it, and fell loosely over his ocean blue eyes. There was a long horizontal scratch on one of his cheeks that Kira guessed he earned during the struggle. Along the boy's bare arms were small scratches and bruises, but they didn't look painful.

"What is this? I gave you orders to bring me the Avatar, not some Water Tribe peasant." Ozai spat irritably at the soldier as he forced the boy onto his knees in front of Ozai's throne. The soldier bowed respectfully and removed his helmet. Kira cringed slightly when she saw that the soldier was Admiral Zhao of her father's army. Zhao had tried many times to obtain Kira's hand in marriage, but Ozai wouldn't allow it.

"I apologize, My Lord. We tried, but the Avatar escaped. We did, however, manage to capture the peasant. He may be able to provide information about where the Avatar is headed." Zhao offered, seeing the furious look oh his lord's face. Ozai considered this for a moment, then nodded reluctantly. Zhao was correct. Perhaps the peasant would tell him where the Avatar was, or if not, perhaps the Avatar would come to the boy's rescue.

"I won't tell you anything!" The boy shouted, bringing Ozai out of his thoughts. He frowned slightly, looking down at the boy. This could prove to be harder than he thought. "I don't care what you do to me! I refuse to give you any information that will lead you to Aang and my sister!"

"Search him." Ozai commanded to Zhao, who still held tightly onto the boy's shoulder. Zhao nodded and roughly grabbed onto the boy's neck, harshly pulling him to his feet. He quickly, but thoroughly searched the boy, finding only a steel boomerang in one of his pockets. Azula rolled her eyes at the, in her opinion, pathetically useless weapon and snorted. When Zhao found nothing else to be considered a weapon, he pushed the boy down onto his knees again, throwing the boomerang carelessly off to the side.

"What's your name, boy?" Ozai asked, sneering down at the boy in front of him. The boy thought about the question for a moment, trying to decide if he should answer or not. Perhaps it would be better if they didn't know his name, but if he refused, they would probably beat him for his disobedience.

"Sokka.." He said slowly after a minute. At this point, Sokka noticed Kira sitting at Lord Ozai's right. She didn't seem to be there willingly, Sokka noted. He also noted that she seemed different from when he was normally battling her alongside Katara or Aang. She almost seemed a bit sad to be there. Sokka watched her move her long silky hair out of her face as it fell over her eyes.

"Well, Sokka, my soldiers and I have been chasing you for a while now and my patience is already growing quite thin since all my soldiers were able to capture is a pathetic water peasant. I suggest that you tell me where the Avatar is heading, or there will be Hell to pay." Ozai said impatiently. Sokka stared at Ozai with a blank, emotionless expression plastered on his face. That had been the first time Kira had ever seen someone openly refuse her father. She actually had to give Sokka credit. It wasn't an easy thing to do, but he did with the utmost defiance. However, Ozai didn't find this little act of rebellion to be quite as amusing as Kira. He sneered and stood up, towering over Sokka who still stayed completely still and emotionless.

Kira forced herself to look away as her father harshly kicked Sokka in the stomach. Sokka cried out in pain and clutched his stomach, doubling over. Ozai smirked in satisfaction and returned to his seat. Azula leaned forward, now very fascinated in what was happening. She looked at her younger sister, expecting her to be just as interested in this as she was, but frowned slightly when she saw Kira with her head turned away and her eyes closed. Azula rolled her eyes. Kira had always been weak when it came to punishing someone for disobedience.

"My Lord, perhaps we should let the peasant rest until tomorrow. You know, give him some time to realize that he's going to rot here if he doesn't give us the information we seek." Zhao suggested, stepping forward. Ozai considered this, then nodded.

"I suppose you're right. Anyway, I grow bored. Commander Zhao, see this filth to the dungeons." Ozai instructed, waving his hand to dismiss them. Zhao nodded and pulled Sokka to his feet, while glancing up at Kira and grinning slightly. Kira's first reaction was to throw a fireball at Zhao, but she knew her father wouldn't approve of that, so she simply smiled and bowed her head a little to show honour. Zhao then turned to Sokka and harshly pushed him out of the room. Ozai sighed softly and turned to his oldest daughter. "Azula, sweetheart, why don't you go brief the guards on the situation at hand while I speak to your sister alone?"

Kira's head lifted slightly and her eyebrow raised in curiosity. She watched anxiously as Azula rose from her throne and respectfully bowed to her father, before she slowly retreated, not happy that her father and Lord requested privacy with such a weak warrior. However, Azula didn't dare disobey her father. She would just have to trick Kira into telling her what they talked about later.

"Now, my daughter.." Ozai started officially, turning in his throne slightly and motioning for Kira to do the same. Kira did as requested and remained silent, waiting patiently for her father to continue. After a moment of silence, Ozai reached into the pocket of his blood-red robes and pulled out a black, velvet box with gold designs on the top. Kira looked down at it, interested, but held her tongue against the urge to speak out of turn. "As you may have realized, upon your next birthday, you will become of marrying age. I have put it upon myself to find you a suitor, and I recently made my decision. Which is why I must ask you to wear this when I revea him to you next week."

"Father, this is.." Kira tried desperately, but couldn't seem to find the words to express her feelings. She was honored to be the first of her siblings to be given such a responsibility, but the thought of an arranged marriage scared her. Although, she couldn't very well refuse to her father's wishes. A smile spread across Kira's lips and she took the box from her father's hand, opening it slowly. Her breath was caught in her throat for a moment as she looked upon a silky black ribbon choker with a round, silver medallion hanging from the middle. On the medallion was the Fire Nation symbol carved on the front and a heart carved on the back. Kira picked it up carefully and held it in the palm of her hand. She had never seen something so beautiful.

"He sent it over yesterday. Requested me to present it to you when I told you." Ozai said as he took the necklace from Kira's hand and stood up, walking behind her throne. He held it in front of her neck and Kira hesitantly gathered her hair into her hands while her father tied the necklace at the back of her neck. She let her hair fall freely when she felt her father's hands release the necklace and gently touched the front of her neck. It felt strange. Not the necklace, per say, but what the necklace represented. "There is to a ball on Saturday next, where all the Fire Nation is to attend, and we will present this to your kingdom. Now, you may go. I have a lot of planning to do for this ball."

"Yes, Father." Kira said, still slightly distracted about what was going on. She stood, adjusting the gold ringlet that rested on the top of her head. Kira bowed in respects to her father and slowly walked out of the room, her head held high.


Right. So tell me what you thought, and if you think I should do anything different in my next chapters.