There was a heavy, short silence


Sasuke didn't move. He was sleeping like a log, and Naruto almost wanted to kick him. He'd been going around the house being loud, and he had expected this to wake him. But apparently the poor thing was still exhausted from their previous day (sparring and what it led to often did that to him), and had therefore not even heard the loud noise that their big frying pan had produced when it fell to the ground.

Naruto shook him, and Sasuke grunted something he didn't catch. He leaned in further to make it out, only to feel arms wrap around him and grasp him tightly. He yelped and could almost hear the smirk in Sasuke's voice.

"Moron. You're too loud."

Naruto would've protested with something, but Sasuke was soft and warm so he just snuggled against him. "When did you wake up," he asked as Sasuke relaxed his grip a little once he'd figured Naruto wouldn't try to wrestle his way away.

"When you tripped in the covers and fell on your face on your way out of bed."

Naruto grinned sheepishly and chuckled. "Oh. You heard that." He tugged on Sasuke's bangs before speaking again. "I think three of the pancakes I made aren't completely charred. Want 'em?"