I have been amazed by the wonderful writers that post their fan fics here

I have been amazed by the wonderful writers that post their fan fics here!! Thank you to everyone who takes their time and energy to write stories, and post them here for us all to enjoy!! I've always enjoyed writing, but do not pretend to group myself with having the gift of prose that others have here.

So, with that I submit a Clark/Chloe story that I've had in my head for a while. I've finally gotten a chance to use my vacation time from work, and I am getting this story put down to paper.

I welcome any and all comments/suggestions/critiques. As Ben Franklin said, "Our critics are our friends - they show us our faults." So, depending on what you all think (that is if the story merits being continued), I will post more.

Well it is late and I am ready to turn in, so enjoy the first part of Look To Your Heart, and again I look forward to everyone's feedback!!

Look To Your Heart

Pairings: Clark and Chloe (who else? ) though, it will
take just a little bit, so bear with me! Of course there will be
interactions with other characters, but the romantic build will be
between Clark and Chloe.

Rating: (K+) No higher than PG-13 (basically nothing more than what's appeared on Smallville will be depicted here). Moderators, please let me know if there is anything here than merits this story being moved, and feel free to make any changes you deem necessary.

Beta Reader: 13ReporterGirl13 (/u/1504857/) – Thanks a million!!

Summary: Events take place at the beginning of the sixth season. Changes have been made so as to have events unfold as I wanted them to. I do not own, nor do I claim to own, any of the characters described here.