Stuck in your room all by ourselves

YAY MY THIRD YAOI! Though this is my first try on a Naruto fanfic… of course…. This story was going to be a one-shot but I cut it to three to four chapters… so yeah… it's not going to have a lot of info till I get to the lemon part!



Play Station 3

How could this happen to me!?

I totally can't believe I'm stuck with someone annoying like him. He's the last person on the universe I will totally like to get stuck in with…

Yet… why do I feel so happy!?


Sasuke was really mad right now but just didn't want to show it. He was staring straight forward; he was lost in his thoughts and regretting ever coming here in the first place.

Naruto sigh as he looked at Sasuke. Sasuke was really mad at him for calling him over. Naruto wanted to talk to Sasuke and he called him over to his house. Now they were stuck in his room with the lock on the other side of the door with the keys. Even worst, the room doesn't have any windows.

Naruto did really feel bad. He didn't want Sasuke to be mad at him. He just wanted to make friends with him and all but because of a little mistake, now they are stuck here and waiting for someone to at least come and open the door for them.

Naruto still stared at Sasuke and Sasuke turn his eyes to look at him.

"What do you want dobe!?" Sasuke asked Naruto with that same annoyed voice he always does.

"Nothing is just that well…" Naruto stopped and scratched his back a little, "Wanna play 'Play Station' with me?" Naruto asked him with the big smile he always gives.

Sasuke just stared at him. He really did want to play 'Play Station' but he didn't want to give in that easy. Sasuke used to play 'Play Station' with his older brother but since he disappeared when he killed the whole clan, Sasuke never played again.

"Hn…" was all Sasuke answered and turn to the other side. Naruto's smiled turned to a frown.

"Whatever teme!" Naruto told Sasuke mad and went straight to his closet.

Naruto got out his 'Play Station' which was actually the number 3 and that caught Sasuke's eyes. Naruto got some games out and two controls. He started setting his 'Play Station 3' in his TV and placed the game 'Super Mario'. That caught Sasuke's eyes more since that game was his all time favorite; it was even the one he used to play with his big brother.

Naruto noticed that Sasuke was staring at him and he turn to look at him, "If you want to play, grab this control but you will be Luigi!" as Naruto turned to watch the TV to set the setting, Sasuke's frown turn to a slight smile -that still looked like a frown- since he was always Luigi when he used to play with his big brother.

Sasuke stood there looking at Naruto confuse about the game's setting so then Sasuke went up to him and took Naruto's control, "It's really easy you dobe!" Sasuke told him with his wanna be smile and Naruto got mad.

"Hey! Give it back!" Naruto said as he tried to grab his control back.

Sasuke lift up his arm with the control and tried to set up the game while Naruto tried his best to get his control back but as Naruto jumped get it, he tripped and fell on Sasuke.

Sasuke's eyes turned big in shocked as he noticed that Naruto was on top of him. Sasuke's legs were spread apart and Naruto was between them, but Sasuke didn't know what he was feeling…. Why did all of a sudden there air turned hot?

As Sasuke tried his best to get Naruto off of him Naruto faced him and they stared at each other for a moment and before they knew it…. Their lips met in a kiss.

Author's Note

About the video game… I didn't know what other old game to think about… I was going to put pacman but pacman is too boring! Hope you did like it though!

If it seems rushed… I'm so sorry… but this story was going to be a one-shot so that is why it sounds rushed.