Authors Note: If I get reviews, I'll post more. Please check out my other fanfic: Living in the Land of the Heartless (A KH fanfic).
Disclaimer: Max, Fang, Iggy, Nudge, Gasman, and Angel; Belong to James Patterson, so does the idea of the Maximum Ride series. However the following story is most definitely mine, although if James Patterson ever comes across this story and wishes to use the ideas I have created HE is welcome to them AND ONLY HIM and ONLY IF HE DEDICATES THE BOOK TO ME because I love those books with all my heart. However if he is finished with them, I would like to steal Max away, Fang can come too.
Back note: This story starts where MAXIMUM RIDE: The Final Warning ends. Max's voice had returned just as life was looking up. She had her mum and Jeb and the flock, and the government was even opening a special school for them. The voice reminds her, that she isn't finished saving the world. She and the flock set off for toward some unknown danger and adventure. This is where we meet our Heroes.
WARNING: THIS STORY CONTAINS FAX CONTENT! It is rated M for a reason. If you are offended by graphic content, violence or coarse language; please do not read on. This first chapter has barely anything graphic in it, just some heavy petting.
Dedication: This story is for Hexxy, my best friend, and the one who introduced me to ffnet. Thanks girly.

Max's POV

Only moments ago we'd been at the School For Mutants and Other Freaks in Virginia. Like making us have an education was a good idea. We had all the education we needed, we could fight, we could read directions and most importantly we could fly anywhere we wanted. Why on earth did we need a special school, I here you ask. Because the government is filled with meatheads, that's why.

I pushed down my strong thirteen-foot wings and surged higher. I will never grow tired of the feeling of the light air ruffling my wings. I looked behind me, Fang's dark figure was barely visible far behind the other flock members. I had to have a big think about him, but that could wait.

Angel and Nudge were playing a newly invented game, of wing-tag. In wing-tag the objective is to tag your opponent and make them "it" you can only tag them with the tip of your wings or you are disqualified. I smiled watching them flying fast, to get away from each other, squealing with giggles and happiness.

Gasman and Iggy were arguing about something, properly explosives or bikini clad tarts. I just hoped they didn't drop Total and Akila.

This was my family. My flock. They were mine, MINE! Although I loved mom, my half sister Ella, and was starting to warm up to Jeb again, they didn't even compare to my flock.

Where were we going? Heck, how the hell did I know.

Voice? Voice are you there? Direct me ole' amazing giver of directions. I said inwardly.

Follow your heart Max. Was all the Voice would give me.

My head was beginning to hurt. "Gosh, not another headache! I thought I was past all that stuff." I thought just as a pang hit me. I recovered, just. At least I hadn't fallen out of the sky.

I held my head in my hands and then motioned for the flock to gather. I did this by sending Angel a message about the headache. I pointed to the forest below, and without a word being spoken we all dropped to see if we could find somewhere to sleep the night.

We found a cabin, abandoned for the summer. The cabin was located on a lake, a beautiful setting to spend a few days.

After Fang had given us the thumbs up we all climbed in. Fang pulled me aside, and asked me to come for a walk with him, clear my head. Argh I couldn't deal with him right now. I pushed him away and he took my hand, lifted me up, spread his wings and jumped off of the balcony into the early evening sky.

'Jeez Max you want to lay off of the hamburgers.' Fang said as we set down on the other side of the lake. He gave me a rare smile, which squeezed my heart. A feeling I was getting used to with him.

I kicked him in the shin and sat down where he put me, under a cool tree. I let my still warm wings stretch out, feeling exposed in front of my best friend.

Fang sat next to me, letting his hot wings rub against mine, making me whimper. What was this feeling in my chest around Fang? It was a hot feeling and it extended into parts that had never felt that way before.

Fang came closer, moving in front of me staring into my eyes with his big round onyx coloured eyes. He crept forward, sliding over me, pushing me onto my back.

'Max,' he breathed as his face leant into my neck. His breath sent shivers down my spine.

He lifted his face to mine, our lips just connecting.

'Max,' he whispered, into my lips as he pressed his onto mine in a kiss.

One kiss turned into another, our mouths opening and our tongues sparring against one another. It was passionate, and hot. The feeling of his stiff body pressing against mine, his hands roaming down my sensitive sides sent electric pulses down my spine. My mind was clouded, none of this made sense. I could feel myself pressing back against him, my own hands finding their way into his dark shirt and skimming across his skin.

He had the hem of my shift in his hand and was pulling upwards, over my bra and higher. 'This,' he breathed out heavily as we paused our kiss. I nuzzled his neck, nipping his skin passionately drawing a groan from his lips. 'Off,' he groaned as I bit into his neck more passionately, 'Now.'

I sat up and he pulled my shirt over my head, exposing my bare stomach and plain brown bra. I blushed; I had never been exposed in such an intimate setting before. He took off his own shirt and we began kissing again. He pushed me back down, wrapping his arms around me and pressing his body into mine. For the first time I realised I felt something odd, and hard against my crotch, grinding into me. It more than anything sent sensations through my body that sent me over the edge.

Suddenly, almost as suddenly as this had all begun I realised where it was heading, what it was we were doing, what he was grinding against me. This was wrong. Oh, so wrong. We were 15!

I pushed Fang off. 'Fang!' I said as he pressed back against me, groaning.

'Fang! We can't do this now, right here! It's wrong.' I said pushing him off again. He sat in front of me, looking at me, piercing my skin with those eyes. He looked hurt.

'Why can't we? We both want to! Max, I uh...' He trailed off, blushing with embarrassment and looking off into the distance.

'You uh, what?' I probed, letting my inquisitive nature take hold.

'I love you.' He said so softly a normal human being wouldn't have heard it. I only just heard it myself, and I'm a mutant bird kid who has raptor like hearing.

'You what?' I choked. I had not just heard that come from Fangs mouth, maybe I should get mom to check on that raptor hearing of mine.

'I know you heard me,' He said sounding irritated. So he bloody well should. How dare he spring this on me, right now, in the woods, while I have a headache, and am topless.

I was topless, I blushed again, and grabbed my shirt trying to cover my surprisingly long torso for a 15 year old. What on earth was I thinking when I took this off?

Fang got up, put his shirt on, leaving it undone, and took off. His dark figure disappearing among the clouds. Heh, that should teach him. Clouds, if you didn't know, are not soft cushiony things in the sky, they are freezing cold, and wet, and not very nice to fly in.

I got up and put on my shirt. I decided I'd walk back to the cabin, it would give me time to think... Plus with the onset of this current headache, I must admit I was a little scared to get into the sky, should I fall out of it.

Argh, Fang how dare you do this to me.