
konichiwa minna-sama ...

this is my first fanfic so im kinda nervous

"sumimasen, oji-san which way is Seishun Gakuen?"

"just take two lefts and then a right turn and your there"


"do itashimashite"


In Seigaku's Tennis Court

Momo was playing a one set match with our little tennis rookie prodigy

As much as everyone expects it to be... a one sided match

victory was in Ryoma's side 5-3, Ryoma's match point


In Seigaku Grounds

"this it eh?! Seigaku!"

"this is where he studies and plays tennis"

"demo... which way is the tennis court?"

The ichinen trio was passing by carrying tennis equipments

"ya! Are you all from the tennis club?"

"ah, hai" answered Katchiro

"can you take me there?"

"hai, over here, we're also headed there". Said katsuo pointing the way



In the tennis court

"oi, echizen! You have no mercy, no mercy at all" wined momo

"Fshuuuu... arent you just weak!" hissed Kaido

"nandato mamushi?" answered momo

"wanna fight baka peach?"

"mada mada dane" said ryoma referring to his sempais

Oishi as the mother hen of seigaku was breaking off the fight.


"unyaahh! Minna look there, there's an older version of Ochibi" announced Eiji

"ehe.. Eiji are you.. who's that?" said taka-san

"There's a 98 that he and echizen are blood related" calculated Inui

"unya! Inui don't scares us off like that.." complained eiji

Oishi who heared the commotion approached them leaving kaido and momo allowing them to to continue their fight.

"eto.. ano... sumimasen but who are you? And by any chance are you related to echizen?" interviewed Oishi.

"aa! Orewa Echizen Ryoga" answered Ryoga. "aniki of Echizen Ryoma"

"naruhoto ne.. so youre probably here for echizen right?" contiuned oishi

"aa, where's chibisuke?" asked ryoga

"ehh?! Ochibi-chan's aniki nya?" shouted Eiji

"Inui, did you know that echizen has a brother?' questioned fuji to seigaku's brain.

"a sweat drop iye..This is illogical" said inui

"ohh! Inui's fading away" said Eiji fascinated by the scene

"a, anon... Chibisuke?" destructed Ryoga

"ahh! I almost forgot! Said oishi

"ochibi there's someone here who wants to see you" called Eiji in a singing voice

"huh? Naska eiji-sempai?"questioned ryoma

"your aniki is here to see you" answered eiji

"ANIKI?!" shouted momo and kaido in unison

"huh? Eiji-sempai maybe you got the wrong per...son" said ryoma

"ya! Chibisuke oishashiburi"greeted ryoga

"huh? Daredatte?" asked ryoma

"oi, oi dont tell me you dont remember?" said ryoga




"ehem!.. you said youre name was echizen ryoga? Since your here why not sample my super hyper remix version 0.4 inui juice" said inui holding a pitcher of a rainbow colered liquid.

"gulp! Is it edible?" asked ryoga looking at the weird thing.

"why dont you try and drink it, ne fuji – sempai" said ryoma without looking at the pitcher of inui juice..


uhmm how was it?

Can you please review?

What do you think is better:

a) ryoga is immune to inui jiuce just like fuji?

b) or he's just like the others who easily faints?