001. Beginnings

Why the beach?

Everyone knew that Mugendramon despised the beach. Mostly it was because of his metal and electrical make up, which made him skittish around water. So, of course, Piemon would choose him to patrol the nearby beach.

We need a water-bound Dark Master... Mugendramon thought, cursing silently as he strolled leisurely at the far end of the sand, wary to stay as far away from the water as possible. A water-bound Dark Master actually didn't seem like such a bad idea, in Mugendramon's opinion. After all, it was difficult for the three of them to keep control of the Digital World alone, especially when they were always in danger of an uprising from the water digimon, as they didn't have any sort of informant. And it would certainly stop Piemon from assigning him beach duty.

"Why does he even worry about this area? There's not a single Digimon within miles of this place." Mugendramon thought aloud. And it was true; his heat detectors couldn't locate a single Digimon within 5 miles of the beach.

At least, not any Digimon on land.

What's the point of doing this? He thought. There wasn't one, he decided. He sat down on the sand, preparing to take a long nap for the duration of his patrol, hoping that Piemon would be preoccupied with things other than watching his progress. It didn't take him long to fall asleep, seeing as Piemon had been giving him a lot of extra work.

He didn't notice the shadow quickly approaching the beach.

Mugendramon woke up with a feeling of impending danger. He lashed out blindly in the direction he felt a presence, and tried to fall into a fighting position, which didn't work out too well considering he was lying down. He ended up in an awkward lying position.

Meanwhile, the Digimon who had triggered his sensor had clearly avoided his attack, although Mugendramon could tell by his location in relation to his own that he had nearly clawed his eyes out.

"Who are you?" he demanded, standing up as to look more imposing. It didn't work as well as he hoped it would, seeing as he and the other Digimon, which he recognized as a rare Mega Digimon called MetalSeadramon, were about the same height. He found himself directly face to face with the other.

"I was just about to ask you that." the MetalSeadramon replied. "And why you were sleeping on my beach."

"I'm one of the Dark Masters. I'm free to sleep wherever I please." Mugendramon said with a snarl. Who does this Digimon think he is? He asked himself.

"Your that Mugendramon guy, aren't you?" he asked, pulling himself further onto the beach. Mugendramon raised his claws, making it very clear that he didn't want the Digimon to come any further.

"So what if I am?" he asked, with pure malice coating his words. The MetalSeadramon seemed unaffected.

"Well, whoever you are, you should stay off of my beach." he said. "If you know what's good for you." Mugendramon could have sworn he saw the MetalSeadramon wink in his direction before he slipped back into the water.

"Why, you—come back here!" he called out to the ocean, but received no reply. He turned to head back to Spiral Mountain, regardless of whether or not his patrol was officially over. He had had enough of this place, especially its inhabitants.

He also had to discuss the matter of a water-bound Dark Master with Piemon.

He never wanted to return to this beach again, or to see that irritating MetalSeadramon.

Little did he know.