I think I was getting tired. It was nearly nine thirty and Arden wasn't budging. My eyelids began to feel heavy and I had to restrain yawns. I had called Charlie and asked to sleepover at Alice's. He had agreed, so I was stuck here for the night. And in the morning we had school. I seriously wanted to skip. Bella on the other hand, was insistent. I was very aware of the fact that I was a temptation to her, and I had always tried to stay as far away as possible. This was much worse for her than it was for me. Not only did she have the typical bloodlust, the hard-to-control strength, (I'd already heard she broke my car), and the impossible swarm of voices that was my gift, she had to try and resist me. I could see in her eyes whenever I was near her that she could hear the blood running through this body, singing to her, calling to her, beckoning her to strike. It scared me frequently.

"Edward." I turned towards my own voice to see me smiling at me. Or her smiling at me.

"You are tired." She seemed elated at the fact.


"So, I'm not going to school tomorrow looking like a zombie. You'd better call it a night soon."

"It's only nine thirty." I protested.

"You still need to shower." She said. I could tell that if she could blush she would be. Unfortunately I was blushing far too much already, enough for the both of us. Bella hid her face in her hands.

"Please Arden! There are some things I really don't want to explain to Edward that will be happening soon." This made everyone except Esme and Alice look at me with confusion. Arden just laughed. I was blushing again and was slightly scared.


I was in Emmett's body. He and I were thinking along the same lines. I could tell, since Edward, or rather Bella-in-Edward's body kept flinching and pleading for both of us to stop. We disappeared at nine forty five. We both bolted upstairs and locked the bedroom door. We started playing around, elated that we could finally share some experiences, and understand each other's position. Plus, I loved looking at myself, and I felt quite sensational staring into my own eyes as I slipped off Emmet's baggy clothing. We weren't even bothering to be quiet and I heard Edward's strangled voice downstairs.

"Eww! How do I block that?"


Despite how hard I tried the images wouldn't go away. Neither would the sounds, and I could hear the werewolves outside complaining too. Alice and Jasper looked apologetic.

So irresponsible. What if Arden refuses to reverse the process? Will they really enjoy being stuck in each other's bodies for that long? Esme.

I had to distract myself. I saw Edward fighting off another yawn.

"Okay Edward. Bedtime." I smiled at my own words. I, carefully – and with Alice right beside me – because I was super strong, pulled him up and began pushing him upstairs.

"I can walk you know." My voice mumbled.

"Not as well as me." I replied proudly, receiving a smirk from myself. Edward began heading towards his room when I pushed him towards the bathroom instead.

"Shower." I reminded him. He blushed, looking down at his newfound features, through his clothing.

"Bella, probably not the best idea." I heard my own voice say.

"Edward. I will not go to school tomorrow smelling vile, simply because my boyfriend is too gentlemanly to look at what I've been vehemently offering him for months." This made Alice laugh.

"She has a point Edward." I looked flustered, blushing again.

"But I feel like it's so lopsided and unfair, like I'm..."

"If you say 'taking advantage of me' I'll slap you. If it makes you feel better, I'll shower after you." I lied, but my poker face was much better, now that I couldn't blush. Edward blushed for me. "Edward, I don't feel any way violated... by you, anyway." I said, hearing Arden laugh again.

If perhaps we threaten him... no, I'd rather not have to... Carlisle was still debating with himself about the correct course of action. Alice and Jasper were calm, but also afraid it might happen to them. The werewolves were all itching to kill, especially the newcomer. Rosalie and Emmett, were, well, still busy. Arden was trying desperately not to think any solutions, because he knew I could hear them.

"Edward, I would come in with you, but that much exposed skin..." I shuddered at the possibilities. Edward grabbed my hand, kissing it like a gentleman and walked into the bathroom. Alice looked at me.

You aren't going to take a shower after are you?

"Probably not."

He'll be pissed.

"Not much he can do about it right now." I pointed out, going into Edward's closet to find the stash of my clothing he always had in his drawers. I left them right outside the door and then went back downstairs to make Carlisle's decision for him.


My hand was shaking as I began to slip off her clothes. I shouldn't be nervous; she was my soul mate, after all, but I was. I felt like I was violating her, despite her assurances. It was odd when she talked with me outside the bathroom. My heart was racing and my body automatically wanted to agree, to anything she suggested. Was that really the influence my vampire body had over her?

I was facing away from the mirror when I finished taking off all clothing items. I had had my eyes closed the entire time. There was a burning curiosity in me that desperately wanted me to turn around, look at the prize I had been so insistent on refusing. There was another part, yelling morals into my ears. I halfway turned and decided against it. I walked calmly to the shower and turned it on. I got into the shower and realised that the water was freezing. I turned the hot tap on too, remembering that when I was a vampire, cold felt warm to me. I washed and conditioned my hair, then froze when it came to the body wash.

I took a few deep breaths and decided against it. I could borrow perfume from Alice or something, for tomorrow. I turned the shower off and immediately wrapped her small figure into a towel, so that her decency would be spared. I decided to air dry, to spare myself the sake of having to rub the towel in indecent places and wondered how ridiculous she must think me. So I ran my fingers through her long hair. I loved it on her, but it irritated me now; it was always tickling my neck and getting tangled. A small ache had started in my abdomen, and I wondered if I needed to go to the bathroom. It was something I hadn't done in eighty-odd years, and I certainly never did with the organs I had now.

The ache was really starting to bother me, it was a dull hurt that I loathed almost instantly. However it was nothing compared to the pain next. My head began to pound and the room changed, I was suddenly in the kitchen staring at Arden. I was inches away from his nose. The lights became brighter and my heart stopped, my breathing returned to normal and suddenly everyone's thoughts were back in my mind.

I smiled, for Bella. Whatever she had said worked, until I realised the position I was in. I shot backwards, wincing. Arden doubled over in pain. Esme and Carlisle were laughing, despite their best efforts not to. Jasper was too, as was the lone wolf that sat in the corner of the kitchen. I heard the laughter of the other wolves outside and realised I would not live this down.


I walked into the kitchen and looked at Arden. He smiled confidently back.

"Tell me, do you have a mate?" I asked politely, dangerous. He sat, contemplating why I would possibly ask such a question. I smiled, waiting. I could wait all night if necessary. He shook his head confidently.

"Tell me, do you ever intend to have one? If you ever find the right girl and what not?"

His eyes narrowed. He sat again, trying to decipher my motives.


"Well, because unless you change us back, I swear to you that mate will never be satisfied with you." I walked forward, slowly, not to alarm him, or warn him of my plans. I leaned over, placing my hands on his knees, I was inches away from him now. He leaned back slightly, still trying to figure what I was planning.

"What do you mean?" he asked carefully. I, quick as lightning, grabbed his crotch, squeezing harder and harder until he began to grind his teeth and wince.

No way! Edward will be pissed when he finds out about this! It was Embry, laughing from the corner.

Nice Bella. I'm sure there was another way, but nice. Esme. Carlisle and Jasper were trying not to laugh.

"Alright! I'll do it." He snarled quickly, spitting at me. Suddenly my head began pounding and the lights grew dimmer. My heart started up again and my breathing returned to normal. My head was quiet and the intimate sounds coming from Rosalie and Emmet's room disappeared. For once I was glad my senses weren't heightened. I laughed in delight and then moaned and clutched my stomach. Talk about timing. As I sat on the toilet the first trickles of blood began to pour out of me. Quite frankly, I didn't care anymore. I was back to being myself, with no violent need to kill, no venom in my mouth, and an overpowering urge to sleep.

I dried off, and slid the pyjamas I had left for myself on. I began to run downstairs, first hugging Alice, and Edward flew into me, his arms and legs protecting my body as we rolled down the stairs. At the bottom, I landed on top of him. I began to kiss him.

"I...am...so...sorry...for...smelling..so...good...and...always...trying...to...push...you...too...far." I whispered between kisses. I now knew exactly how hard it was, especially compared to other humans, for him to be around me. He kissed back passionately.

"What a silly thing to apologize for. I love it when you do that." He said after I had finally broke off, for need of air. "By the way, what was that stomach pain? It hurt so much, it was so, uncomfortable."

"Can you not smell the blood?" I asked. He inhaled cautiously then his eyes widened in surprise.

"Oh. I had no idea it hurt that much."

"Yeah, well it gets worse before it gets better. Every...freaking...month!" I enunciated the last words clearly and angrily. He laughed and pulled me to my feet.

"I am also extremely sorry about laughing at your reaction to my driving, and the running. When your senses aren't so attuned, it is indeed scary."

"Well I can tell you three things. One; I smell delicious. Two; Sorry about breaking your car. Three; Mike Newton's thoughts are awful. Oh yes, also I don't envy your talent anymore. Especially not with that going on." I motioned towards upstairs. He chuckled blackly.

"We do have to fix them too. We could always use your methods of persuasion, but I'd rather not have to."

"Just wait till they're finished, or Rose will never forgive you." I said, I then yawned. Edward carried me into the kitchen and I looked at Arden.

"Question; why did you need contact when it was Rosalie and Emmet, but not with Edward and me?"

"Because they are vampires. Had Edward not been so 'open minded' shall we say, it wouldn't have worked with you two either."

Carlisle came over, checking me out.,

"I'm okay Carlisle. Extremely thankful, we cut it quite close."

"To what?" Arden asked. I shook my head and Edward laughed. He then turned to growl at Embry, who, even in his wolf form, was laughing.

"What?" I asked, sleepily.

"He's laughing at your persuasion tactics." Edward grimaced.

"Sorry, but I really don't think anyone else would've done it had I asked." I could barely keep my eyes open. I yawned again and Edward slipped me upstairs, muttering 'Watch him, then persuade him to change Rose and Emmet back, when they're ready of course.' It was just like Edward to leave the job to someone else, while he protected me. He whisked me up to his room and lay me gently on the bed, softly humming my lullaby. When I woke everything was normal and Edward looked more relaxed than he had for all of yesterday. It was safe again, but I had school. Ugh.