A Bloodied White Rose

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Naruto! He belongs to Masashi-san and always WILL! Not that I'm complaining he's doing an okay job... I hate how he made Itachi die. I always knew Itachi was good.

Thank you! Now on with the story.

A young girl with golden hair and whisker marks on her cheeks slept peacefully. She lay there in a never ending bliss that was her soft bed. She lay on a twin sized bed with her comfortable pillows thrown askew on the mattress and floor. Her blankets half way on her and halfway on her messy floor were a bright orange with black trim. On her headboard was a holster that fit a 9mm Browning. Inside the gun there were 13 silver bullets.

She lived in a little apartment with only 4 doors. To the left of her bed was a door that led to the bathroom. And a few feet away from the bathroom was the little kitchen. It consisted of a small stove, microwave, refrigerator, sink, and 6 small cabinets surrounding it. They were mostly filled with instant ramen noodles and some pocky.

Then directly in front of her bed were two doors. The one to the very far right was the closet with all of her clothes. They mostly consisted of orange tank tops, black shorts or pants and an orange jacket with blue trim. She always wore black boots or sandals.

Then the last door that was in the middle of the room led out of her little apartment. She was a hard worker and never complained about how small her house was just as long as she had a place to sleep and spend her time.

Suddenly her phone rang startling the poor sleeping girl. Her eyes instantly popped open and she looked over at the bedside table. She groaned when she saw what time it was. It was almost dawn and someone had decided to wake her up this early. It was 5:33A.M. She waited for her answering machine to come on so she could fall back into her peaceful sleep.

It finally picked up on the 5th ring. "Naru. It's Kakashi. I need you to come into work right now. We have a client that needs your specialty."

Naru thought about it before picking up. "What's up Kakashi?" Naru said rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

"Naru, we need you to slay a vampire that's gone rouge."

"What? This early in the morning?" Naru said sitting up in her bed. She could already feel it was going to be a long day.

"Yeah. Our client that came in is paying us a big sum of money for this job to be done…And he wanted you because you were the best."

"Oh yippee…."

"So are you coming?" Kakashi asked sounding hopeful.

"Yeah… Let me take a shower, get dressed, have some ramen and I'll be there soon."

"Alright. See you when you get here. Good bye."

"Good bye." Naru said hanging up the phone. 'A Vampire slaying this early in the morning…But why so early? And a rouge one none the less… Must have just turned a few hours ago and started slaying innocent humans. This is gonna be one hell of a morning.'

Naru thought as she left the warmth of her blanket and bed.

She grabbed her holster with gun in it and went to her closet to get a pair of clean clothes out. She never went anywhere without her gun. Last time she almost paid her life if it hadn't been for the mysterious person who came to her rescue just in time.

She never saw his face but she knew he had long hair and red eyes. He saved her from the rogue vampire that had lost his mind when he smelled her blood. The one who saved her was a vampire too but wasn't affected by the smell of her blood.

He killed the rouge in just one swipe of his hand and the vampires head fell off. 'If not for him…I'd be dead right now…' Naru thought as she grabbed a bright orange tank top, orange jacket, long black pants and her black boots.

She walked to her bathroom and locked the door behind her. She placed her gun and holster down on the sink and stared at her image in the mirror. She looked at her sapphire eyes. They were big and showed how beautiful she really was.

Her eyes complimented her fair skin and the 6 whisker marks on her cheeks. Three on each cheek. She was never ashamed of the whisker marks. They symbolized what she was. One of the few Fox clan members.

She knew she had a father and knew he was the ruler of the Demons. Kyuubi was there to defend his brother. And of course Naru had to know who was the ruler and her Uncle. They were the last of the Fox clan.

When Naru was only 3 she had to undergo some strange experiment. People were trying to extract the power that she possessed and died by the strange light that surrounded Naru. It had protected her.

She had felt the strangest presence of someone she knew but had never met them. She could tell this person had golden hair like her but it was short and spiked. He had the same sapphire eyes as her and the same goofy smile. She knew that he was her father but would never be able to see him because of his roll as King. Of course he sent presents for all her birthdays and always wrote the same thing.

' I am sorry I cannot see my child grow up to be a fine young lady. You should know that I love you with all my being. One day I will be able to see you. Best wishes and Happy Birthday! –The Ruler of the Demons. Your Father.' Naru had kept all of the letters in her bedside table in the little drawer. She was 17 and had just received another gift from her father.

This time it was different from all the others. It was a crystal necklace he had sent her. And the letter she received this time said 'Naru, I have wonderful news! I will finally be able to meet you in person. It has be 14 years since I last saw you. I want to make up for all the time we have missed out on. Soon when you are not expecting it we will meet. Till then. –The Ruler of the Demons. Your Father.'

She was so excited. She received the present and letter 2 days ago. Now all she had to do was wait for the encounter to happen. She shook her head. She didn't have time to think of this now she had a rouge vampire to kill.

She quickly turned the water on in the bathtub and let it run for a few seconds before she got in. The warm water washed over her like a blanket and instantly felt warm. Her mind still couldn't help but wander to the mysterious boy who had saved 2 years ago.

She grabbed some coconut smelling shampoo and quickly scrubbed it into her scalp. Her golden hair was all the way down to her waist and covered in bubbles from the shampoo. She rinsed all the shampoo out and put some coconut conditioner in her hair. Instantly all of the tangles that had been in her hair were gone and it felt silky smooth.

She turned the faucet off and stepped out of the shower. She grabbed the orange towel that was on the rack and put it around her body. She dried her hair as best she could and put in into pig tails. Running her brush through it to make sure it wasn't tangled up.

She got dried off as fast as she could and slipped her clothes on. She grabbed her gun holster and put it on her shoulder. Her jacket went right over it and hid it from view.

She grabbed a tooth brush and some tooth paste and started brushing her teeth furiously.

'I guess there won't be time to get any ramen now… Might as well eat some toast.' Naru thought as she stepped out of her bathroom after she was done brushing her teeth. She stopped dead in her tracks. Listening for whatever had gotten her attention. Out of the corner of her eye she caught the movement of a shadow.

She quickly drew her gun and pointed it at the shadow.

"No, no don't shoot. It's me. Edward."

"Edward? How'd you get in here?" Naru asked dropping her gun down some.

"Broke in."

"So what are you here for?"

"You know the usual. Business."

"What kind of business?" Naru asked holstering her gun. She knew he wouldn't attack her. Not yet.

"I got a client who wants me to take out a rouge vampire like you. Problem is, you have to be the one to show me around this little town for any leads." He said shrugging. His shoulder length hair was in a little pony tail.

"Why do I have to show you around? You should know this town as well as I do. You lived here for 16 years before you decided to leave on your vampire quest." Naru said asking him suspiciously.

"Do you really think people will let Death come anywhere near them? The vampires I mean." Edward asked cold, golden eyes glaring.

"Well no but…"

"It's not like I need you but I need you to follow me so they think it's alright to come out. And besides, they always talk to you." Edward said smirking slightly.

"Fine, whatever. I have to go out and talk to the guy who hired me for my job. I'll see you later, Edward." Naru said gesturing for Edward to step out of her apartment. He got what she was asking and walked out. She grabbed her apartment keys and two sets of extra ammo for the rouge. She stuffed them both into her coat pocket. She followed behind him but when she exited the apartment he was nowhere to be found.

'Damn that little sneak! I should have known he would leave without me on his little search…' Naru thought angrily.

Hey! This took me a while to think up so I hope all of you enjoy the first chapter!! :D Please R & R!!