I was sitting at a table in the corner of the room closest to the door. Alone. I sighed. This isn't what homecoming is supposed to be like at all.

None of my friends from Camp Rock have even e-mailed me for a week. If they did, it was something along the lines of "I'm busy." Sierra had drifted apart from me. We just didn't have the same friendship after I returned from Camp Rock.

Here at my normal school in a small town, I have no friends. Everyone teases me and calls me names. "Bitchie" is a popular one.

So here I am sitting alone drinking punch and waiting for the surprise music after which there is to be a surprise announcement. Could life get any... No, Mitchie don't think it. It can. Oh, great. Now I'm talking to myself.

"And here is our surprise music!" The principal announced. I just hope no one comes over here and teases me.

I heard some familiar music drift over the speakers. Now where have I heard it. I closed my eyes in hope that it would help me remember.

I heard the words. Uh-uh, it can't be! But, yes it was. I looked up at the stage.

Hasta la vista

I'm gonna say goodbye to you

"So, do you have a date?" I know that voice...

"Shane?" I turned and looked behind me. "What are you doing here?"

He smirked, "Come with me to backstage so you can perform your song and I'll explain."

I grinned as I took his offered hand.

"Okay, a lot of the people that were at Camp Rock are here and are going to go to this school for the rest of the year, because of the idea that it'll be easier to get everyone to camp if most of them are in the same area."

"Okay then... so who's idea was it? Yours?"

Shane laughed, "No, actually it was Nate's. He's going out with Caitlyn now, you know."

My jaw dropped, "And why didn't I find out until now?"

"It happened last week while everyone was trying to get packed and things." He smiled at my expression, "And yes this was planned. You're going to sing after Peggy and this time you know I'm going to start singing along." I laughed.

We arrived backstage where I was bombarded with hugs as everyone asked me how I've been. I shrugged in response. Before long, it was my turn to sing.

I stepped out into the spotlight and waited for the opening bars. I looked out into the crowd.

"Hey Bitchie, get of the stage and let the real singers take over!"

"Yeah, loser, get lost!"

There were many comments about that throughout the crowd. I've had so many people tease me in that fashion that I know how to block it out.

I've always been the kind of girl that hid my face,

so afraid to tell the world

what I've got to say

But I have this dream

Right inside of me

I'm gonna let shine

It's time to let you know, to let you know

This is real

This is me

I stared into the crowd as I got lost in my music. Their faces were that of shock. I grinned hugely as I reached the point where Shane joins in.

You're the voice I hear inside my head

The reason that I'm singing

We joined together for the song. As Shane turned towards the crowd, I heard gasps as people recognized him. Many of them started whispering together. Shane and I finished our song and then performed "We Rock" with the rest of the kids.

Shane went on and performed with Connect 3 as the crowd went wild.

"How come you let your classmates call you that." it was Caitlyn, hands on her hips.

I shrugged, "It's been going on for as long as I can remember, so I've just gotten used to it, I guess."

"No wonder you wanted to fit in," Tess commented.

After Connect 3 announced the news, we joined the dance.

"Bitchie." someone muttered.

Shane turned around and glared. "Who just called my girlfriend that?"

No one moved.

I gave a small smile as everyone started kissing up to me. "Okay, stop trying to get on my good side. My friends are those that like me for me and that's all I need.