Disclaimer: Everything belongs to Professor Tolkien. I'm just borrowng.

Many thanks to WendWriter for helping me get started. :)

Part One: Promises

Already Imladris seemed an empty place. So many of those who had called the valley home for thousands of years were now preparing to leave. Song filled the air, but it was not the joyful tra la la lally that had echoed through the trees since the Second Age; it was a melancholy song of farewell, filled with grief at parting, but hope that loved ones would meet again across the Sea in Elvenhome.

The Last Homely House stood empty; save the Hall of Fire, where Elladan sat on one of the many benches in the room, staring absently at the flames that continued to dance as they always had, even though everything around them was changing.

It was not that Elladan feared change. Indeed, he had helped bring about much of the change taking place in Middle-earth at that moment. He simply had not realized just how lonely Imladris would be once his father left it.

A soft noise, only audible to the keen ears of an Elf, drew Elladan's attention from the fire. Elrohir entered the hall and smiled to see Elladan already there. He swiftly crossed the room to join his twin on the bench. "Where is Ada?" Elladan asked quietly. Even his whisper sounded obtrusively loud in the otherwise quiet room.

"With Master Baggins," Elrohir replied, also in a whisper. The twins shared a grin at the thought of the Hobbit. Then Elrohir grew serious once more, adding, "He will seek us out once Bilbo is ready to depart." Elladan nodded. That was why he had come to the Hall of Fire. All three of them would prefer a private farewell, for there was one matter they had not yet discussed. Elrond knew of the twins' decision to remain behind in Middle-earth, but Elladan was unsure if he knew of their decision regarding their immortality. Every time one of the twins had tried to broach the topic, Elrond had either changed the subject or been called away.

Finally, Elrond appeared in the doorway. Both Elladan and Elrohir stood swiftly to greet their father as he approached. "Ada," they chorused in greeting.

In the brief pause that followed, as Elrond made his way across the hall, Elladan cast a critical eye over his father. To anyone else, the Lord of Imladris would have appeared just as calm and collected as always. Elladan knew better, and could spot the subtle signs that told him his father was not as well as he would have the world believe. To Elladan, it looked as though Elrond carried a heavy weight on his shoulders, and his clear grey eyes spoke of uncounted years of grief.

Finally, Elrond stopped before Elladan and Elrohir. The three of them stood silently for a few more moments. Elladan found that he did not know what to say. Finally, Elrond asked, "You still will not depart with us?" It seemed to Elladan that both hope and fear flashed through his father's eyes, but they were hidden so swiftly that he could not be sure.

Elrohir shook his head. He had always been the more forthright of the twins. "Nay, Ada. We wish to remain here for a time."

Elrond nodded slowly, looking from one twin to the other. "Yes, Ada," Elladan said in response to the unspoken question, "we have made our choice." An unidentifiable emotion once more flickered across Elrond's face. "We have chosen the life of the Eldar, Ada."

Elrond's relief was tangible, and he reached out to embrace both Elladan and Elrohir. Elladan clung to his father like an elfling, suddenly realizing how much he would miss him in the years to come. Almost, Elladan wished to change his mind and depart that day, to sail and seek Elvenhome with his father.

Yet promises had been made, and he and Elrohir could not go back on their word to both Estel and Arwen, to stay until both of them had accepted the Gift of Men and passed beyond the Circles of the World.

Now Elrohir spoke for them both again, "We promise, Ada, we will meet again in Valinor, though it is not yet our time to sail." Pulling away from the embrace, their father nodded his acceptance, though Elladan could see badly disguised doubt lingering in his expression.

Elladan added, "After all, Ada, we did not spend so many years avenging Naneth's torment if we did not plan on seeing her again." Though the words were meant to reassure Elrond, they instead brought back painful memories, making Elladan wince inwardly. He remembered well the guilt his father had felt – perhaps he still felt it – when Celebrían had finally decided to sail. Elladan also remembered the anger and guilt he had felt, and how his rash actions, and those of Elrohir, in the years afterward had taken their toll on their father. Arwen had once told him that their father believed Elladan and Elrohir held him responsible, for they spent so little time at home. The twins had, of course, immediately gone to their father to assure him that was not the case, and it never had been.

Now, Elladan wondered if their father's worry had been fully assuaged. Elrohir saw this as well, and said, "Do not despair, Ada. What is done is done, and Naneth has no doubt found the healing she sought. Now it is your time to find healing. We will follow when our promises to Estel and Arwen have been fulfilled."

Elrond smiled, and Elladan's heart lightened at the sight, for with that smile, a significant weight seemed to have been lifted from Elrond's spirit. "I am proud of you, my sons," he said, voice rough with emotion, "and I will be waiting when you seek the white shores of Valinor."

Perhaps another father would have had more to say, and perhaps other sons would have needed to hear more. But the Lord of Imladris had conveyed everything he needed to in the few words he had chosen, and it was enough for his sons. Once more, they embraced, and Elrond kissed the foreheads of both his sons before the three of them exited the Hall of Fire. Together, they walked through the Last Homely House for the last time, to the main courtyard where the Elves of Imladris, some from Lothlórien, and Gildor Inglorion's folk had gathered. They would ride through the Shire, meeting Frodo Baggins along the way, and on to the Grey Havens, where they would at last set sail to Valinor.

Lord Celeborn and Lady Galadriel stood at the base of the steps. Galadriel stepped forward to embrace Elladan and Elrohir. "Nai Anar caluva tielyanna," she told them.

"Namárië," Elrohir replied, once again speaking for both twins.

Together with his brother and Lord Celeborn, who had also decided to remain in Middle-earth for a time, Elladan watched his father mount his faithful mare. Elrond raised a hand in farewell, a gesture that Elladan and Elrohir returned. Bilbo also waved to them, more alert than he had been in quite a while, with the prospect of one last adventure before him. Then, all who had gathered to depart turned to leave the Valley, never to return. Elladan watched his father's dark hair, a stark contrast to his grandmother's golden tresses, until, just before they disappeared from sight, Elrond looked back one last time.

Then he was gone. Elladan stayed where he was until the last of the departing Elves disappeared, and then, as the remaining Elves turned to go about their business in the Valley, he sighed and looked at Elrohir, who smiled at him, though it was tinged with sadness. "It will not be long, brother," he said, grasping Elladan's shoulder, "until we meet again." Elladan returned his brother's smile, knowing Elrohir was right. In the reckoning of the Elves, it would be but a heartbeat until they were reunited with both Elrond and Celebrían. And yet, Elladan could not help but think that it would be one very long heartbeat.

Nai Anar caluva tielyanna. – May the sun shine on your path. (Quenya)

Namárië – Farwell (Quenya)