The Story of Lily DiNozzo
This chapter takes place before the first season. Tony is working for Gibbs for about half a year at that point.
1. Chapter: A beginning
When it knocked on the door, Gibbs was more than surprised. At 10:30pm it wasn't really a normal time for a visitor. Slowly he put his coffee cup back on the old wood table in the kitchen and walked carefully to the front door. Thinking about getting his gun first, but he dismissed the idea, partly because the weapon was secured in his safe at the back of his closet and partly because the knocking became more insistent and sounded very urgent.
When he finally opened his door, he halted more than surprised of the view in front of him. There on the first step was Anthony DiNozzo, his senior agent, who had a small red bundle in his hand.
"What the hell?" asked the older Marine and watched the squirming man in front of him.
"I'm sorry Boss, but I don't know what to do…I…well…don't…I need help…I just don't know what to do!"
Leroy Jethro Gibbs paid close attention to the dishevelled- looking young man. The small bundle which just started to stir drew his look back at it. He knew what it was. It seems such a long time when he was standing in the same place with a similar package.
"Com'on in."
Just a few minutes later he was sitting on his couch and watched Tony walking back and forth on the other site of the small table and trying to calm down the now very uncomfortable infant and lull it to sleep.
"What happened, DiNozzo?" Gibbs asked as he stood up, stopping the unsuccessful attempts of the brunette and took the small girl himself.
"I was getting home after work and she was standing in front of my apartment. We have had a fling" he was nodding towards the now sleeping children" obviously 10 months ago. She told me that she didn't want children that it was an accident and she tried to handle it, but it didn't work out and this is way I have to take care of Lily. That's her name Lillian Sophie DiNozzo" he took a deep breath and he clasped his hands so firmly that her knuckles became all white.
"She just left. Gave me a bag with some diapers, toys, formula and other important stuff and was gone. I don't know what to do. I never had to do with children. I always thought that I can't handle children and that they don't like me. I…I really like to take care of Lily. I mean she's my daughter right? But what if I bugger it up? What when I hurt her or something goes wrong?"
His nerves were all on edge and Gibbs saw his fear. And suddenly he felt something that he hadn't felt in a long time. Sympathy with this young man who's life had just changed in one blink.
"Don't worry, Tony! I help you. I know what to do. Just calm down!" he looked down into this sweet round face and remembered a time when he was so happy when his life was good and he had a family. It seems to be that he got a new chance and he knew this time he would make it work.