Oh my goshes! Don't kill me! It's been FOREVER sice I updated, and i'm so sorry! I hope the people who reviewed this awhile back will still look at it today. Again, I'm so sorry. I got so distracted with school and stuff then I had oppertunities but just didn't feel like it. Well, not the chapter you'd expect after what......7 months? But I just found this left over material in my documents and just decided to finish. I had NO clue what I was thinking of doing with this chapter when I first started it in August, so I kind of thought it up really quickly and it didn't turn out that great. I think it was supposed to be a more romantic chapter when I wrote it, but as you will see it has gone FAR from that. Oh, well, more romance next time! Anyways to the story.....enjoyy!
The campers all woke up slowly, one by one, to the sound of cans being moved. Some mush was being flung around the room, falling like huge raindrops all over. A huge lump landed on Heather's face and all in her hair. She started to sleepily open her eyes when she saw a huge green lump with an eye blinking at her. She sat up and ran around the room, screaming. Everyone laughed as she crashed into the walls. Owen ran after her. She crashed into the fridge and sat down. Owen stuck his finger in the green glob. When he took it out, the glob had bitten him. Everyone gasped.
He lifted the whole thing above his mouth and dropped it. He chewed it for a minute.
"Hmmm…..not bad.." he said. Then he coughed once and grabbed Ezekiel's hat and spit an eyeball into it. He looked in his hat and shrugged as he put it on. Everyone looked disgusted. Heather got up and stomped over to the speaker.
"You are SO paying for my hair!" she said. Leshawna walked up to the speaker and pushed her aside.
"Hey, Chris, mind giving us some REAL food??" she said.
"Sorry, but all we have here are marshmallows and Chef's delightful food." he said.
"Then give us the marshmallows!" Leshawna demanded.
"Uh, sorry, no can do. They were uh…..eaten by a…bear." He said. "And it takes a week for anything ordered to make it to this island." He said. Leshawna knew he was smiling.
Chris smiled as he talked to the tortured campers.
"This is awesome TV" he said, taking his hand off the speaker button. He heard a knock at the door. "What do you want?" he said. The door opened and inside stepped a pizza man. "Finally! I ordered my marshmallow pizza two minutes ago! What took you?" he said, narrowing his eyes.
"Uh, sorry man I had to swim up the ocean because my boat sunk then I was almost eaten by a shark" he replied.
"Well, I hope you're happy, keeping a starving person waiting!" said Chris. "Now, shoo I have a show to run." He said, taking a bite of his pizza. "Guards, please escort him to the boat of losers." All of his guards nodded. "Wait." He said to a particularly big one. "You stay here. I'd watch Izzy." The guard nodded and sat down.
"Sorry, guys it looks like we'll have to eat what's here." sighed Leshawna.
"Don't worry, it's actually pretty good!" Owen said, taking another green lump of mush.
"Um, no offence Owen, but you'd probably eat the wall if you thought it tasted good" Gwen said, slouching against the wall.
"Oh, actually, it is! I thought it was a marshmallow" he said, pointing to a particularly large chunk missing from the wall.
"Really?" said Izzy. She went right next to where Owen was standing and took and even BIGGER bite. "Notup….bahhgggdd" she said, her mouth full.
"You take big bites" blushed Owen.
"Taahhkks" she smiled.
"If you two love…..beasts are done, we NEED to figure out what the heck we're supposed to eat!" Heather screeched.
"You know, my uncle taught me that a little seasoning can change a whole dish. Maybe if we had some we could make this mush……actually something semi-edible" Trent suggested.
"Oh, we'll isn't that great? Oh, just one thing. WE DON'T HAVE ANY SEASONING!!" said Heather.
"I do" said Harold. Everyone turned to look at him.
"Why?" Courtney sighed.
"A good possum scout always has his seasonings!" Harold said heroically.
"I don't even want to know" mumbled Gwen.
"Ok, great! Um, where are they?" asked Trent. Harold pulled them out of his pants.
"Great place to keep important things, I always say!" said Cody. They all stared at him.
"Ok, that's gross, but it's all we have" replied Trent. Everyone said "eww" before grabbing one bottle of seasoning and a handful of green glob and sprinkling it lightly. They all put on a sprinkle of some brown stuff that was in a brown can that had a white sticker covering the title because Harold insisted "he knew it was the best one".
Everyone sat on the floor as they slowly one by one took the tiniest bites. Everyone chewed slowly for a minute. Nothing.
"Wow, I'm actually NOT barfing" Bridgette said. "What was that special seasoning?"
Harold smiled, happy that they found his seasonings useful. He picked up the almost empty bottle.
"Let me check what the title is" he said. He was about to take off the white strip when Courtney jumped up.
"Oh my God, I need to use the restroom! NOW!!" she screeched. She quickly ran over to the freezer, took out the spray, and ran as fast as humanly possible to the bathroom. Soon everyone joined in.
"Man, I really have to use the bathroom!" Trent said. "What was that seasoning??"
Harold panicked as he quickly tore off the label. Gwen grabbed it.
Chris was chewing on his pizza when he noticed all the campers running around like maniacs in the room.
"Whoa, what's going on in there?" Chris said, looking into the window.
"If I could take a guess, Harold had some seasoning that he forgot to mark which he gave to everyone which turned out to be laxatives as a twist. But it's just a guess" said Chef, who had been sleeping until now. The campers then flew themselves at the window as their faces smooshed against the window.
"Whoa……this pizza is awesome!" Chris said, as he went close to the mic. "Alright, let's see what those crazy campers are up to now."
"Chris!!!! Let us out to use the restroom! We ate some laxative seasoning!" they all screamed.
"Huh. Well, isn't that awful. But sorry, the rules say you can't come out for ANYTHING."
"Um, dude, unless you wanna clean brown off this white room forever, I suggest you let us out! Plus, Princess is really stinking up the place" Duncan said, holding his nose.
"Not my 100 percent imported….rug and ceiling stuff! Let me think" Chris said.
"Dude, hurry up!"
Chris thought.
"Ok, ok, sheesh. Guards, escort them to the restrooms" Chris said, motioning them to the door of the room. They opened it, and all the campers tried to escape, but the guards grabbed them and took them to a huge bathroom instead. After some scratching and scraping to get out of the door, they were finally all locked up again. Courtney finally came out of the bathroom.
"What did I miss?"
See? Nothing more romantic than a breakfast of laxitives. Lol I really don't know why I came up with this idea, but as i said before I just wanted to get it done and tyhought too quick. If anything like the longg break i took ever happens again, i will try my best to finish, but sometimes I just lose interest. Even when so many people like it, I can just randomly stop. I'm sorry if this happens again. I know it's been happening with my other 2 TDI stories, but I'm trying to finish them. Thanks for understanding!