In case any of you are confused, this is what it's about.

Leader hire a trickster.

This trickster always looks different and has a different name for different jobs.

Her name is not Kenta, her hair is not brown, and her eyes are not brown.

Her name is unknown. Her hair is black with a pixie-cut. Her eyes are a true green (as it says at the end.)

She goes around to different villages being hired to trick people for money.

It's all about the trick. But the money isn't bad either.


Thanks for reading :D


Hidan: Blown up

Itachi: Attacked pride with weasel

Tobi: Told he was a bad boy

Kisame: Attacked with a flame thrower

Deidara: Tricked with genjutsu to think his hair was cut

Zetsu: Parents insulted and almost hit with weed killer

Kakuzu: Money stolen and almost burned

Sasori: Attacked badassness from gift of Pinocchio

Leader/Konan: Had to clean entire base