Code Geass: A New Beginning, A New Battlefield


Prologue: The end of the 'Path of Carnage'


Finally the war for the liberation of Japan has ended. The Emperor of Britannia was 'Killed in Action' due to Zero's strategy, whose true identities was finally revealed to his 'Order of Black Knights' but still hidden from the rest of the world. The war to liberate Japan was spread throughout Asia first and later to Europe as the whole world were forced into action to fight with Britannia when Emperor of Britannia show up with his hidden weapon, the 'Sword of Akasha'. The history regarding the weapon itself was erased due to the danger of fearing the weapon unleashed once again but 'Zero' was able to disable the weapon from ever functioning again and he sealed what remained of it.

After the war, Zero was finally able to begin an era of peace where each area previously oppressed under Britannia's rule was freed and created a union of nations to prevent themselves from being attacked by other super-powers. He decided to erase his identity as Zero and wanted to finally rest in peace. However, he had lost all his precious people and the only thing that had pushed him so far was iron will and desire to create a world where the weak will never again be oppressed by the strong, a world where peace will reigns for a long time.

He had lost Euphie due to his own stupidity when he had to kill her himself; Shirley, a friend who love him till her death was killed by Rollo, a Geass user who was obsessed to be his brother; Nunnaly when she killed herself to prevent from being used to fight against her brother by the Emperor of Britannia; CC. when she request him to kill her as she was tired of continue living as an immortal; And in the end Kallen, the one who he finally realized that he love was also killed when she took a shot with her body when she protect him from being shot by Suzaku. He killed Suzaku without regret after that in his rage.

Every people who ever loved him in someways was killed either by himself or his enemies. He wondered if that was all because he is the bearer of Geass, the power of Kings who will walk a lonely path. He was tired... he was no longer able to sleep due to all the nightmares haunting him due to all the deeds he did to end his father's empire. When he heard in passing that mentioned things regarding cyrogenic sleep he decided that perhaps it could help him. He could finally rest as the world is at peace and a bearer of the cursed power like him is no longer needed. There's no more promises that he needed to keep and killing himself was a cowards way out. He told the rest of the 'Order' of his decision.

The Cyrogenic technology has advanced much further as it was used to preserve important perishables for a long time and he had heard some nation leader who preserved them-self to show off their body even after death in the museum. Rarely a healthy living person decided to sleep in a cyrogenic capsule for hundreds of years but how could they refuse the request of their leader, the one who had sacrificed everything and continue leading them to end Britannia's rule even after losing who he was fighting for. The project was finished within a month where the best cyrogenic capsule customized further by Professor Rakhshata, the scientist who created Gurren Nishiki, dedicated to create the best one that she could make for her country's savior. The capsule was powered by highly compressed Sakuradite batteries which will held out for hundreds of years. Combined with rechargeable solar power, it will held indefinitely and the capsule was also protected with the best armor and plasma shields ever created to protect itself against anything that could happen in space. Lelouch's final request for the capsule to be launched with him into space was strange but with the technology available to her, it was not a problem for a genius like her.

When he finally slept within the cyrogenic capsule, all of the remaining original member of the 'Order of Black Knights' was there to see him for the last time as the capsule was launched into space. Lelouch was forgotten in time however 'Zero' of the 'Order of Black Knights' was etched in history as a legend who had freed the many nations from a tyrannical Empire. The world was divided into many nations where each countries kept their neighbouring countries in check to prevent one country from gaining too much power, the scenario that Lelouch created to maintain peace and balance of power as long as he could.

Hundreds of years had passed. Cosmic Era 71, Humanity has finally begun to expand to space due to overpopulation to start colonization projects. One day, a human who is believed to be the first one who reached jupiter released a secret that became a catalist which divided the human race into two, Naturals and Coordinators. The Naturals believed that coordinators were 'cheating' as everything they did came easily where they had to work hard to develop their talent while the coordinators believed that they were oppressed by their 'peers' and decided to create a place for their own. Triggered by the tragedy of 'Bloody Valentine' in Cosmic Era 70, the tension between Earth and Plant immediately developed into full military engagements.

However, this story is not about a young man who will become a pilot in his Gundam but of a man long forgotten who was sleeping in his cyrogenic capsule.


End Prologue


Author's Rant: So... What do you guys think? I hope I made it believable. I'll admit that this idea has been floating around in my mind for a while when I was watching Code Geass and when I was re-watching Gundam Seed, I began to think 'Man! if there's Lelouch there taking control of the situation that would probably be so cool'. Anyway, it's kinda sad that Lelouch was left with no one to love but I could imagine that really happened in Code Geass where lots of good characters dies. Please leave a comment to tell me what you guys think. Any constructive criticism is appreciated.
