For those of you who waited eternity for me to find my inspiration for this, I dedicate this chapter to you all. Seriously, you have the patience of saints. Much love xoxoxo
Chris didn't know why he suddenly felt so scared, or why it had anything to do with Helen but his gut feeling had not failed him yet so he wasn't going to start ignoring it now, especially with her on the line.
Shadow turned to the distressed cry of his son who even from the distance he was at looked terrified and panicking.
"Its Helen," he said between deep breaths.
The black hedgehog looked at the teen confused "What? I don-"
"EGGMAN HAS HELEN!" Chris interrupted frantically, "I don't know how I know or how he did it but he has her and if we don't do something he's gonna hurt her."
Silence fell between the pair as the information sunk in before the others rushed over when they heard the Chris' shouts.
"What's going on?!" Amy demanded as she got close enough to ask.
"We need to get everyone together immediately. Any friends you have nearby that are strong, send for them we are gonna need all the help we can get," Shadow explained in a angry calmness that demanded no arguing.
Without question everyone realized something serious must have happened and took off to find anyone who was willing to help.
Sonic came up to the two hedgehogs Shadow looked ready to kill and Chris had a look of fear and desperation that he never once saw cross his face before, even as a child. Something else was there in his eyes as well, something dark and terrifying, something that didn't suit the boy's bright eyes which usually held a mischievous twinkle.
"It's gonna take a few hours for us to gather everyone but we should have a good crowd when they get back," he said giving Chris' shoulder a squeeze hoping it was comforting.
"So anybody wanna tell me what's happening?" he asked.
"Eggman has Helen, Richard has something to do with it I know he does. I can try to explain it better when everyone gets here," Chris explained.
"Have they contacted you guys yet?" Sonic asked seriously all the while thinking 'what is that bastard doing here?!'
"No, that's the weird part. I don't know how I know it I just do. One minute I was fine and the next my whole body felt like it went numb and I felt just scared," the teen replied in a shaky voice before looking at the older hedgehogs.
"You think I'm crazy don't you?"
"No way kid, its not crazy its instinct," Sonic explained, "how else do you think I get to Amy so fast when she gets herself elbow deep in trouble…again and again and again." Chris couldn't help but smirk at his friend as he watched him walk off muttering about Amy's damsel in distress hobby.
Shadow knew of this instinct quite well, he to had felt that heart stopping numbness consume him on more then one occasion, but never for a mate.
"Dad, you in there?"
The black hedgehog was disturbed from his thoughts and was quickly filled with another emotion when he realized his son was knocking on his forehead saying 'house keeping!'
"Sometimes I feel you take advantage of the fact that I have no other offspring and deliberately try my patience," Shadow sighed annoyed. Chris just smirked at him before starting to follow after Sonic.
"Chris," the black hedgehog called making the teen turn around.
"We will get her back and we will make them pay for every second they had her," he vowed before walking over, "and I will be there fighting by your side."
"I am not a little kid anymore I-"
"Irrelevant," Shadow interrupted him in a 'don't argue with me tone', "you have your instinct to protect your mate and that's all fine and good, but I also have mine. No matter how old you are or how deep you get, I will protect you."
"Thanks, I know when I go into that fight I will be doing it alone, but its nice to know though you guys are watching my back," Chris smirked and to Shadow's relief he watched as the darkness in the boy's eyes was replaced with confidence.
Draping his arm over Chris' shoulder he led him in the direction of the blue hedgehog mumbling, "and again and again."
"Shut up."
"Guys, we're back!" Tails called out and the three hedgehogs were shocked at everyone who answered their call for help. Chris recognized none of these people as he looked around he saw there was a gold squirrel, an armadillo standing in the corner with Knuckles with his arms crossed, and a bunny with mechanical legs and a mechanical arm.
"Wow, I can't believe you guys all came," Sonic yelled excitedly for him this was a family reunion.
"Guys this is Chris and Shadow, they are friends from Earth. Chris, Shadow meet the guys. The squirrel there is Ray, the armadillo is Mighty and last but not least Bunnie Rabbot," Sonic introduced.
"This is incredible thanks," Chris said a bit overwhelmed.
"Don't forget about me Sugar," a familiar voice came from behind the teen and he looked to see none other then Rouge the bat in all her glory.
"And us," Sonic turned to see none other then his baby brother and sister.
"Oh dear God there's more of you," Chris sighed.
A pretty squirrel leaned on the silver hedgehog and said, "don't worry Manic and Sonia aren't nearly as nuts as that right off."
"Sally that's a lie and you know it I am delightful," Sonic replied in mock offense. This caused the room to suddenly go very quiet followed by a unanimous and very sarcastic
"Alright, alright we're all here what's the emergency?" Knuckles asked getting down to business.
"Rescue mission slash war of all wars to protect life as we know it for both our worlds. There is a possibility some of us may not come back," Shadow explained seriously. Everyone looked around the room at each other but none made a move to leave the fight.
"Must be Tuesday," Bunny mumbled.
That's all folks I'm flattered so many people loved this story thank you for pestering me to continue this lol xoxoxo