Of Monkeys and foxes Chapter:Prolugue
I own neither Naruto or drangonballZ, As much as I wish I did..
Okay folks, greetings and salutations! This is my first fanfic, and I know the opening is not the best, but I promise I will do better! Updates, depending on how many reviews I get (If any) will range from two days to a week. Please read and review! No flames please, but I'll be happy to take constructive criticism.
Duel shouts of the attack were heard across the dessert field as two beams of light were fired between the two combatants. One a teen with only one arm to use, the other an organic being with a cocky attitude that he would win, both knowing one of them would die in this exchange. The beams hit in explosion of power, causing those nearby to fly back away in order to keep their skins. Gritting his teeth, Gohan pushed it all into this final attack, Cell simply laughed and met the power with his own.
"That has to burn boy, all those wounds and yet your still trying? Give it up, this planets mine and your life's over!" Laughing insanely Cell went in for the kill, knowing he had victory in his palm.
In another universe entirely, two combatants faced off on separate sides of a waterfall. One was encased a fiery red aura, shockingly blond hair standing out against a tattered orange jumpsuit, a grim growl set in his mouth as he stared down the teen across from him, the other having a cocky smirk and a touch of madness in his eyes, A dark blue shirt with the Uchiha symbol on the back, rips on either side of the symbol where hand like wings emerged , matching the dark pale skin of the boy. Suddenly the blond yelled out in an emotional growl, "This doesn't have to be this way Sasuke! Just come back with us, come back home and stay away from that snake bastard!"
"You just don't get it you fool! I need this to become stronger! Now enough talking, I shall show you what the power of an Uchiha can really do!" With that as a signal, both pushed off their perches, rushing each other in a stare down and a chorus of yells. The two met in the middle with a battle cry of their attacks.
A purple dome surrounded the combatants, Shrinking and growing with the power, sparks of electricity and blades of wind tearing the canyon to pieces. As suddenly as it was formed, it vanished from sight as a silver haired Shinobi with a head protector covering his eyes landed with a dog next to him. It seemed as if both boys vanished from the area at once.
"Tsunade-sama is not going to be happy to hear this…" The copy-nin said in a deflated voice as he started back towards the tower. Little did he know a seething Sannin was doing the same thing in anger as he headed towards his village before the blasted Konoha Shinobi showed up. Just where did his perfect vessel go?
Back in the DBZ universe
Gohan yelled out in pain as he tried his hardest to push back against the power that was cell, his father mentally shouting encouragement. Suddenly the powers competing against each other fluxed and seemed to take a life of it's own. Gohan's surprise was mirrored by cell's as the dome of white streaked purple and then exploded in a major explosion of energy. Debris rained down as a crater filled out. Due to his father's Shouting, Gohan took advantage of Cell's surprise and another Kamehameha formed in his hands.
Cell growled, wondering what trick this was as his victory was snatched away momentarily. Whoever responsible would pay greatly for the interruption. First this sayain must go down first. As Cell turned to finish what he previously started, Cell was met was a large amount of energy. "What?! Impossible!" Whatever Cell was about to yell next was drowned out with a painful cry as the energy sent him air born and out into space as the energy consumed every inch of his being.
Panting from exhaustion, Gohan fell to his knees, his blond spiky hair transforming back to black as the energy left him. Crawling to the crater with the last of his energy, Gohan peeked over the dome, intent on seeing what helped him win this. Blinking, whatever he was expecting was not this. In the crater was two teens, one with dark black hair and the other with spiky blond hair. What was most surprising though, was the blond had a tail and ears that looked surprising fox like.
Once again, I know its short, but I shall try to make it better. Reviews please! FEED ME!