This one is also Unbeta'd...sorry bout that...But it IS longer! YAY!'s like normal length...I think...well enjoy....see ya at the bottom!

"Edward! Calm down what do you mean the werewolves are here? And how could they, possibly have known what has happened to Bella?" Rosalie was the one who didn't seem to grasp any of what I just said.

"I have already gone through this with you Rose! I don't know how they found us but Jacob said that it was the Quileute elders who did this. I am going back there tonight for further explanation!"

"Why didn't you just find out when you were there before you idiot!"

"Because I didn't want Bella near the damn dogs any longer then she had to be! So get off of my back!" My god she is so annoying! She is driving me nuts! Absolutely insane!

"Edwere? I don't like it when you lell. You look weally scawy" Bella was cowering next to Emmett.

I'm sorry but having Bella tell me, I look scary when she is standing next to Emmett well there's an oxymoron. I couldn't help but smile at how ironic that was, and as soon as I smiled she eased up.

"Belza why don't you go upstairs for a little while and let daddy and everyone else talk for a while?"

"Belza? Daddy I not Bel-za! I Bel-la!" she looked truly hurt like he didn't actually know her name.

"It was a nickname squirt…and apparently you don't like it. Anyway why don't you go upstairs for a little bit okay, kiddo?"

"Daddy I tired. I want to be carried and I need Lucy."

Lucy was Bella's stuffed bear that she made when we took her to the Build-A-Bear Workshop. She was so excited when she got to fill her golden bear up with stuffing and put the little fabric heart inside of it. She chose hundreds of different outfits for the little thing to wear…Alice had lots of fun too.

"All right, well where is Lucy anyway?"

"In your room."

Emmett picks the little girl up and makes his way upstairs to find the bear and put her down for a nap.

"Edward? Emmett, Jasper and I will come with you tonight. The girls can all watch Bella tonight" Carlisle spoke this time.

"Yes. That's probably the best." I agreed.


Finally! We have been waiting here for hours! You never specified a time! Jacob snarled at us as we walked into the clearing.

"Why did they change her? And when will they change her back? That is all we want to know" I said through clenched teeth.

They changed her because of you! They didn't think it was safe for a human to be around leeches as much as she was. The original plan apparently was to change her into a child, using some old Quileute magic or something like that, and then take her from Charlie and have some nice leech-free family looking to adopt, take her. They thought that was best for her…Idiots…They didn't tell us what they were going to do. They didn't even tell us that kind of stuff was possible. We have no legends or stories about reversing age in out tribe…at least none that they have shared with us…I'm sorry…I don't know how to reverse it, and if you brought her back and tried to make them change her, chances are they wouldn't do it, instead they would probably give her to some family or something…I am so sorry.

By the time he was done with his explanation he couldn't even look me in the eye.

"So we have to continue to raise her then? There is nothing that can be done to change this?"

I'm sorry

"Thank you for your explanation. We would appreciate it if you would leave our family in peace now." My tone sharper then I had intended.

The wolves looked at each other then retreated away into the forest.


"So they used magic?" Esme asked astonished


"Japper? I want to play wiff you"

"She always wants to play with the boys. She never wants to play with any of us." Alice pouted.

"I didn't know that they had that kind of power" Esme went on.

"Neither did they…at least the pack wasn't aware of it"

"JAPPER!!! I want to play!" she was getting annoyed that no one was paying attention to her.

"Later Bella, I promise"

"No noooowwww" she dragged out the second word in a moan.

"Well at least now we know what happened to her" Rosalie spoke up

"Jaaaapperrrrr" Bella moaned again.

"Bella I said we would play later"

"But I want to play now!"

"Emmett" Jasper looked to him for help.

"Baby how bout you play with daddy?" Emmett was bending down now to be at eye level with her.

With her bottom lip trembling she looked to Jasper then to Emmett with her big brown eyes filled with tears and said "Daddy I don't think Jasper loves me anymore!" with that her arms flew out and wrapped themselves around Emmett's neck.

Jasper rolled his eyes and walked over to where Bella and Emmett were standing and carefully pried her away from Emmett who was giving him the you-better-play-with-my-daughter-right-now-or-I'll-rip-you-apart-and-burn-the-pieces-myself look. Without another word he scooped her up and took her upstairs to play.

A/N Sorry about the last Chapter….It looked longer on word….turns out not so much…this one is like regular length though!

Review and you'll get an update faster…the only reason I updated so fast was cause I felt bad that this one was so short! LOVE YOU GUYS!