A/N: Hey everybody. Thanks to everyone who left a review for the last chapter, I really do appreciate them. Please review this chapter and let me know what you think.
A/N: A little warning i've decided to put a bit of romance in this chapter that I feel is unsuitable for younger readers so please bear that in mind before reading and review to let me know what you think.
Disclaimer: I do not own power rangers or Harry Potter but if I did some definite changes would be made. However I do own Kimberly's parents and any other OC's that I may put into the story later on.
Angel Grove High:
Hermione walked down the corridor hand in hand with Jason, sighing contentedly as she rested her head against his shoulder. Jason looked down at her and squeezed her hand gently as a soft smiled flitted across his face. "Mia?" he murmured softly into her hair and she pulled back to look at him curiously. Jason was lost in thought as he gazed down at the beauty in front of him and wondered how he could be so lucky. "Your beautiful." he said softly as he broke free from his chain of thoughts.
Hermione felt her cheeks heat up and looked away muttering in a bitter tone "No i'm not." hoping that her boyfriend did not hear her.
However as luck would have it Jason did hear her and frowned as he lifted her chin to look into her eyes. "Why can't you accept a complement for what it is and not look for an insult?" he asked slightly aggravated at how easily she put herself down.
Hermione let out a bitter laugh and pulled away from his hand. "Because i'm not beautiful. I'm just a plain looking bookworm who is used for her brains and pushed aside once people have gotten what they wanted." she snapped harshly swiping away a stray tear and turning to walk away from him.
"That's not true and you know it." Jason protested vehemently as he walked forwards and stepped in front of her forcing her to stop. "This is Angel Grove Mia-not your old school and whatever happened there stays there. I know that you probably won't believe me when I say this but my friends love having you here. I love having you here. And it's not just because of how beautiful you are but it's also because of your personality." he said in an almost pleading tone as he gripped her shoulders lightly and shook her gently trying to make her see the truth.
Hermione's tears were now flowing freely down her face as she looked into his eyes and saw the truth along with some other unknown emotions that made her stomach clench in excitement though she didn't know why. "Okay, okay, I believe you Jason. I believe you." she said as she wiped the tears away and stepped forwards to embrace him in a loving hug.
Jason wrapped his arms around her waist tightly and rested his head on top of hers as he looked around the deserted corridor sighing softly before pulling back and holding her at arms length a small admiring smile crossing his face.
"What?" she asked feeling a little self conscious as his smile turned into a smirk.
"Even when you've been crying you still look amazingly beautiful." he said huskily as leaned he leaned closer to her face and chuckled as he watched her wrinkle her nose and flush in embarrassment. "And when you blush you look adorably cute." he whispered softly before cutting off her response and locking licks with hers. The kiss began as a tender gesture but quickly become more passionate as Hermione wrapped her arms around his waist and Jason backed her against the nearest wall groaning in delight as Hermione pushed her tongue into his mouth and began duelling with his own.
Jason moved one of his hands down towards her arse and hoisted her up in the air before allowing her to wrap her legs around his waist and grinding against her. "Mhm..." Hermione groaned as Jason's lips moved away from hers and began trailing down her neck as he moved against her again. A beeping noise seemed to break through to her clouded mind and she gently pushed Jason away grinning as he tried to protest and move against her again. "Your watch." she said softly and Jason stopped his movements as his gaze switched between her and his watch in frustration.
"I'm really sorry about this Mia but I have to go." he said sadly as he watched a small smile flit across her face trying to hide to disappointment that she was feeling.
Another beeping noise started and Jason looked at Hermione in surprise as she looked between him and her watch guiltily. "Me to. Me, Cassie and Andros decided to do an after school project together and i'm running late." she said hoping that he wouldn't detect the lie. Jason just nodded and smiled. "Great. I'm going to get my stuff from my locker but you can go if you want." she added hoping that she wouldn't sound to eager to get rid of him.
Jason sighed and grinned at her. "That's fine. I call you later." he said before turning away from her and walking down the corridor at a quick pace.
Hermione watched him walk to the end of the corridor and waited until he turned the corner before running down the corridor and speaking into her watch. "What's up you guys?" she asked.
Suddenly a voice easily identified as Cassie broke through. "There's a monster attacking Angel Grove and we need your help." she snapped sounding breathless.
Hermione's eyes widened in alarm as she spoke into the watch once more. "I'm on my way." she said trying not to feel panicked by the fact that her team mates were in trouble. She was now stood outside of the school and ran towards some bushes for cover. "Let's rocket!" she said punching the code into her watch and morphing into the yellow space ranger. "Galaxy glider. Hang 10." she called out. Suddenly a yellow glider appeared in front of her and Hermione jumped on board intent on getting to her friends and team mates before it was to late.
A/N: I am going to leave this chapter here so please leave a review and tell me what you think.
A/N: Next chapter will see both groups of rangers working together to defeat the monster and more.