A/N- Warning now this chapter has some Mitchie bashing from outside sources and I just wanted to clarify that they are in no way my opinions of Mitchie or Demi, I love them. This is just all leading up into something much bigger later on. So I am sorry if any of you get offended it was hard to right but you need drama in a story! I hope you guys like it for the most part I liked this chapter.

Chapter Ten-

The next couple of concerts were going really well. The media was blown away by the passion in Mitchie's voice and so was the public. Girls and guys were going wild for Mitchie and Connect three but of course there were going to be haters along the way as well. Some people thought it wasn't fair that Mitchie got to go on tour when she didn't win final jam and that it was all through her relationship with Shane that her fame was created.

"UGH!" Mitchie yelled slamming down on the keyboard of her lap top. All three of the boys and Peggy turned their head towards her very confused as to what was making her that frustrated. "What's going on?" Peggy asked walking towards Mitchie and the lap top. When she looked down to see that Mitchie was browsing through message boards and tabloids she closed down the top computer. "Mitchie, you know that the agents asked you not to look at those they are just jealous fans who wish they had the talent you do," Peggy said with a smile.

"You are not reading the message boards again are you?" Shane said frustrated and looking up from his xbobx game. He had been having an ongoing battle with Mitchie trying to get her to stop reading them. Mitchie flipped her lap top back open and turned to Shane, "Mitchie Torres is a sad rock star wanna be, half the time it seems like she isn't even the one singing, and wears clothes way too tight for her body. I don't know what Shane see's in her but three years from now she is going to be a washed up has been," Mitchie read off the message board with pain in her voice as she stuttered through every word.

"Yeah and look at this one," Shane said pointing at the screen, "Mitchie Torres is a fantastic singer with great talent she is so lucky to be dating Shane Gray and I bet those two are really happy," Shane read. "See Mitchie people think you are talented," Nate said reassuring her. "The last thing you need is getting wrapped up in what jealous fans think a lot of teeny boppers would sell their left arm to get a chance to have the life you do and anything they say is just to make themselves feel better because they are so jealous!" Jason said. Everyone looked stunned for a moment at what Jason had said.

"I can't help it though it hurts my feelings still," Mitchie said. "Well why don't we go out tonight?" Shane suggested. Mitchie gave him a look to let him know she was unsure about going out. "Don't you remember what happened the last time we went out?" Mitchie asked bringing up the time she got sick and made a complete ass out of herself. "Yeah but this time I will keep an eye on you, come on Mitchie we haven't gone out at all and we are in California we might as well enjoy ourselves it will get your mind off all this message board crap," Shane pleaded. Mitchie knew he was right and Shane had sat in with her for the last couple of weeks so it was time that she goes out and does something fun with him she would just have to be careful.

"Peggy you have to come though," Mitchie said with pleading eyes she didn't want to have to have run ins with girls like Chelsea without another girl there. Peggy agreed and all five of them started to get ready to go out. Mitchie was a lot more excited then she had anticipated, she spent a good twenty minuets fiddling with outfits she decided on skinny jeans a black tank top and heels. She didn't want to get too dressed up but she still wanted to look hot for Shane.

She went outside to see Shane and Nate sipping on beers which really confused Mitchie. "How did you get those on here?" She asked. "It's pretty easy I went out and bought them and then brought them on the bus," Shane said laughing. "No one ever cards Shane or Jason, they probably wouldn't even ask me," Nate explained. Mitchie should have figured they were huge rock stars. Mitchie stood there waiting for the butterflies to build in her stomach or some sort of anxious feeling being that it was only her second time drinking. Yet when Shane had handed her a beer from the case on the floor she felt a sort of ease as she opened the can and started to sip on it. Although her memory of the last time she drank was severely limited she did somewhat remember the feeling it gave her. She felt numb and free it was like she could do and say whatever she wanted.

Mitchie began to get excited; she finished her first can of beer pretty fast and was quick to jump for a second. She sat down with the can and picked up Shane's lap top, she opened up the message board that she had been watching over carefully for the past couple of weeks and thought she would see if there had been any updates. She scanned over the comments people left nothing she hadn't heard before people saying she lacked talent and other girls commenting back defending her and saying she was a good role model. There was one comment though that caught her eye just as she was about to close the computer.

"Mitchie Torres is quite possibly one of the ugliest girls I have ever met. Shane was so much better off with Chelsea Michaels. Now there is someone who all you girls should be looking up to someone who built their fame on hard work not someone who is tagging along with their boyfriend and attempting to make a career out of it. It pretty pathetic but whatever just like all of you fellow haters are saying, she'll be a washed up has been in about three years anyway."

Mitchie didn't even know what to do with herself all of her haters had said things along the same line but the idea that anyone thought that Shane should be with Chelsea was disgusting. She started drinking her beer a little faster as she put a smile on pretending that she hadn't been on the message boards again. She knew that Shane wouldn't let her on the computer anymore if that was the case.

All five of them got out of the bus and went straight over to some night club that was definitely more rowdy then the first one Mitchie had been to. "OH MY GOD IT'S SHANE GREY!" Yelled a crazy fan from the line waiting to go inside. Shane rolled his eyes at Mitchie and then turned to smile at the fan. Finally a security guard escorted them inside and took them over to the V.I.P. section. Mitchie couldn't believe her eyes there were people she had read about in magazines, singers, heiresses, and actors she had always dreamed of meeting sitting in the section that she was escorted to. A girl looked over at her Mitchie recognized her as model Christina Jacobs who recently began starring in a couple of movies. 

Mitchie couldn't believe how gorgeous she was she was sure that Christina was only looking at her in amazement that Shane would want to be with her.

She stood up and walked over, "Hi you're Mitchie Torres right?" Christina asked with a smile. Mitchie smiled back and nodded, "I just wanted to tell you that I really love your music it's so powerful and real I think you have really great talent," Christina said. Mitchie smiled again she didn't even know how to respond she couldn't believe someone like Christina Jacobs had come over to her in a club and complemented her talent. "Thank you so much that means a lot coming from you," Mitchie finally said.

Christina smiled and said hi to the boys she took an especially long look over at Jason and blushed. "Well you guys are welcome to join my table if you want it's just me and a few friends from home who came out to visit," Christina suggested. Jason was the first one to stand up, Nate whispered something to Shane and even though Mitchie couldn't hear she was sure it had something to do with Jason's obvious crush on this girl. The rest of them got up and followed them over to the table.

The night moved on rather uneventfully, Mitchie was starting to feel that numbness in her face as she moved on to her fourth drink of the night she knew that Shane wasn't going to be feeling it anytime soon and so she tried to conceal that she was already starting to feel pretty loose. Suddenly this song came on and Christina stood up, "OH MY GOD I LOVE THIS SONG!" She screamed she was obviously feeling the same sensation Mitchie was which made Mitchie relax. Christina went over and grabbed Mitchie's hands, "come on let's dance!" She said leading her to the dance floor. The two of them started dancing together attracting a lot of attention from other people on the floor. One guy came over to the two girls and went up behind Mitchie this immediately made Mitchie uncomfortable and her eyes found Shane's in the crowd. She pleaded for help and before she knew what was happening she felt a hand start sliding down her jeans and before she could stop what was happening she felt the guy fall over behind her almost taking her down with him.

Shane was standing there with his arm stretched out and his hand in a fist. The guy immediately stood up and pushed Shane back. Mitchie reacted instinctively and stepped in between the two and all of a sudden her body jolted back right into Shane and her eyes was suddenly throbbing. Nate and Jason came by and started to attack the guy who had just punched Mitchie. Peggy tried to interfere with them begging them all to stop but then the security guards ripped the four of them out of the club. "Oh my God," Shane said holding Mitchie in his arms, "Sweetheart are you okay Mitchie look at me," he said pleading with her to lift her head. She couldn't though the pain was surging through her face she didn't know what to do so she just curled into myself and held back tears. The idea of crying was so painful she didn't want to open her eye and she sure as hell didn't want anything to come out.

Christina knelt down, "Shane is she okay?" Christina asked. "I've got her go out and get Nate and Jason and make sure they aren't off to jail we can't deal with that now." Christina ran out of the club to go find the two boys and Peggy. Shane lifted Mitchie up like a child and began to walk her out of the club as well, the security guards offered an ambulance but there was no way she was going to an hospital she just wanted ice and maybe some morphine.

Shane took her straight onto the bus and laid her down in the back common room. Jason, Nate, Peggy and Christina ran on to the bus straight after. "I swear to God I would have knocked the shit out of that guy if I had the chance," Nate yelled extremely furious. "Where is Mitchie?" Jason said walking back towards Shane. "She is lying down she has yet to say anything so just go get me some ice," Shane said. "Christina went with Jason and Nate climbed into his bed trying to calm down from nice events and mumbled something about just wanting a normal night out.

"'I' m sorry," Mitchie whimpered from the bed she was on, Nate and Shane looked over at the door and walked in. "What could you possibly be sorry about?" Shane asked curling up next to her. "I always ruin your night outs," Mitchie sighed. "You're kidding right you did absolutely nothing you were having a great time it's just assholes that like you have to look out for I am sorry you got hurt," Nate said. Shane gave him a look and Nate backed out of the room saying goodnight.

"Tonight was not your fault, I am sorry I lost control but I couldn't help it I didn't want to see anyone doing something like that to you," Shane said stroking her hair. "It took so much control not to kill that guy when I saw that he hit you," Shane said pressing the ice Jason had left down on her eye. "You are probably going to have a pretty nasty black eye and it is going to hurt but don't worry we will be able to cover it up for shows. " Shan said. "I just want to go to sleep," Mitchie said with an immense amount of pain in her voice. "That's perfectly fine, I am not leaving you tonight I will be right here if you need me," Shane said kissing her cheek. He laid there for a while holding the ice to her face and when Mitchie was asleep he lifted it to see the damage, her eye was puffy red swollen and was starting to bruise. Shane filled with anger and swore to himself that this guy would pay for what he did. The two of them fell asleep that night cuddled up as close as possible Shane never wanted someone to hurt her ever again.

Yeah so I told you there would be Mitchie bashing but again, it is so not reflecting my own opinions it just goes along with the plot line. R&R!!